
  • tmlewis7 started the topic What to do? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 6 years, 10 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    Let me explain what has happened in the last couple of months. I had a roommate for 8 years. Although we never hung out or anything I considered him a friend. Never had any issues over anything. Then one day he decided to physically attack me. I still not sure why. After that he packed everything and moved. That left me with a major financial burden. I was forced to move out but I had no place to go. I ended up at a friend’s friends house. Either that or the streets. Now I am living with some people who are addicts and party every night. Some of the people that show up are to be honest dangerous and scary. I did know that one of the persons there was in jail. I made an agreement with him on rent and to help his girlfriend out. His girlfriend has some health and mental issues so I agreed.
    So with that said I am working if I took on more than I can handle. I was hoping for some insight as to how things are going to work out and what do I need to do. My mind has been in a fog every since this has started. So any insight would be great.


    • Hello
      How are you today?.My name is (precious abba)I hope you are in perfect health and i pray that this message should find you in peace. It will be my pleasure to read from you as always. I am very happy the way God has brought us in contact with each other. But plea
      se i will love to know you more please write me to my email: (