
  • @Kathy N wrote:


    Are you prepared to take the children and go away for awhile? This could present a financial problem for you. He doesn’t seem to be willing to be the one who goes away for awhile?

    If time apart is what he is asking for, then you are trying to give this to him. Somehow I get the sense that he is punishing you for…

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  • @Kathy N wrote:

    Since you have told him about your desire to work things out and you are still living together, it does appear that there is hope for a reconciliation. Has he indicated that he plans to make other living arrangements? You have these two small children who will need both of their parents.

    You have asked for…

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  • @Kathy N wrote:

    Have you been able to talk to him about this? Why does he feel that he was abandoned? It is important that he understand that you had to go on with daily responsibilities while he was hospitalized. You made every attempt to be with him when you could, you just could not be with him all of the time.

    If he is not willing to…

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  • @Kathy N wrote:

    It is good to see you back in the forums! Glad things are going better for you! As for what is in store for you, just go about your life and do things that make you feel confident and happy. If you are happy within yourself, that positive energy will radiate to others. This could bring some very positive results in…

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  • anonymous replied to the topic Life in the forum Free Psychic Questions 14 years, 6 months ago

    @Kathy N wrote:

    If you have been with this amazing guy for awhile, how does he feel about having a child? Would he be willing to marry you and start a family together? Having a child together before marriage doesn’t necessarily mean that the relationship will last indefinitely.

    If you truly love one another, marriage should be the first step.…

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  • Hi Kathy , I really don’t want people to think that I’m single when I go take a walk . I enjoy being out in nature but this reason is holding me back . I don’t know why I think like that ,lol. I should work on myself and be ok to go out during my breaks not caring about what others might think.

    Right now , I am not really open to meeting new…[Read more]

  • @Kathy N wrote:

    Quite possibly the best way for you to get an answer to this question is to try to speak with Corey about it. If you could let him know that you do not want this argument to stand in the way of your friendship. Sometimes people find it hard to let go of anger. He needs to know that your frienship means more to you than to…

    [Read more]

  • @Kathy N wrote:


    Your co-worker obviously admires your taste in clothes and your work ethic. However, I sense a bit of jealousy. She somehow feels that by trying to emulate you she will succeed in the workplace. This constant effort to be in competition with you would certainly make you feel uncomfortable. You are just there doing your…

    [Read more]

  • @Kathy N wrote:

    You knew what you wanted to do, but you were just too shy to do it! You already have an idea of how to practice making eye contact. Please don’t be so hard on yourself! I do sense that because you were not making eye contact with the guy in question, that the gesture of shaking his head might have been in response to…

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  • @Kathy N wrote:

    Just go outside during your lunch break, if that is when you are likely to see these professional guys. Take a walk, enjoy it and also enjoy smiling and saying hello to people that you come to recognize. It may take a little while, but friendships often develop between people who meet this way.

    Please keep us posted as to…

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  • @Kathy N wrote:

    I think you have the right idea–just trust your intuition on these matters– Do you happen to know what type of businesses operate in this neighboring building? Is is all part of one large company or several smaller organizations? I have a feeling that these are professional people. These guys most likely find you…

    [Read more]

  • @Kathy N wrote:

    I sense that this mystery man noticed you last summer. There was something that he liked about you, but he knew nothing about your situation, i.e.; if you are married, in a relationship, etc. Guys can be shy too! If you already know approximately when he will be outside the building each day there is no harm in looking for…

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  • @Kathy N wrote:


    Although the future is not set in stone, I feel that there is better than an 80% chance that you will see this guy again! You already know that he works in a building adjacent to where you work. Although the outcome is not clear, I sense that there was something about you that he liked when your paths first crossed last…

    [Read more]

  • @hope wrote:

    @Kathy N wrote:

    It might not be so much of actually being in a “volunteer” position. I realize that you are busy with work during the week and are also busy on weekends. During the times that you are involved with activities is there a window of time which you can help someone? That means just going out of your way to be kind…

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  • @Kathy N wrote:

    It might not be so much of actually being in a “volunteer” position. I realize that you are busy with work during the week and are also busy on weekends. During the times that you are involved with activities is there a window of time which you can help someone? That means just going out of your way to be kind to someone or…

    [Read more]

  • @Kathy N wrote:


    Finding someone who you are compatible with isn’t something that you can put into a set time frame. It will most likely happen when you least likely expect it. Even if you feel like you have given up it can still happen! I still have a good feeling about what I have already suggested–can you find some time to get involved…

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  • @Kathy N wrote:


    Don’t give up–just give up trying so hard! I am confident that you will meet someone. If you can possibly find the time to squeeze in some volunteer work I have a very good feeling that you will meet someone who shares your interest. In this case I would say to look for volunteer work in an area that you are truly…

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  • Hi Kathy N , thanks so much again for your insight . I’m very anxious about that as I’m not getting any younger . Instead of things becoming easier for me , they are becoming more difficult . I really feel like giving up because of that. I’m feeling more and more like a fool believing I could ever find love . I appreciate your insight and honesty…[Read more]

  • Hi KathyN, I tried everything to meet that someone special someone but nothing happened. My unluckiness doesn’t leave me . I’m tired of hoping . Do you see any changes in the immediate future please ? Thanks .

    @Kathy N wrote:


    There are many possibilities and places where you might meet that special someone. Do you attend a church social…

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  • @Kathy N wrote:

    Hello Hope!
    I am a student of the Life Mastery Program and a bit new at giving advice, but it makes me feel so good that you requested my help!

    I do believe that there is a special someone out there for you. It is important to remember that no one can possibly fulfill all of your needs, and I do sense that you realize this. You…

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