darkshadowreaper22 likes a reply on hi hello can you please please please help me with a life or death question 9 years, 3 months ago
darkshadowreaper22 likes a reply on hi hello can you please please please help me with a life or death question 9 years, 3 months ago
Josh Ewing, I’m heartbroken that the love of your life broke up with you. I’m more than sure she still cares and loves you. Somethings in our life is destined, such as when we are born and who we marry, so maybe in this lifetime he chose you to be single. There was a saying once is that if no girl in this lifetime becomes your lifetime partner is because it’s god’s opinion that there is no girl in this lifetime that will no try to break your heart and he got some greater plan for you. So like my friends say, most people are unhappy 40% of their lives, why not change it to 10% or less, cause we all know we fart at some point, it all depends on how you react to people reaction to you. So go on, let go of that attachment, because those who dare to smile even on the harshest of days are those who make all bad things run away.
Hope you get over with it