
  • Virgo_Guided_By_Light posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago

    I’m a Virgo my Element is Earth. I also live in Florida and am barefoot 87% of the time, beach, park, yard I LOVE to ground! You can often notice someone who enjoys being barefoot on the Earths surface more than usual is more likely to be more Spiritually intuned 😉

    Human beings evolved in connection with the Earth’s energy. We walked barefoot and we slept in contact with the Earth never realizing that its surface contained limitless, natural, healing energy. Walking around barefoot is not our main mode of travel any longer. We live indoors much of the time and when we do walk or run outside we wear rubber soled shoes which prevent our feet from being able to absorb the Earth’s subtle energy. Rubber is not conductive, but our bodies are!

    So here we find ourselves. Civilized in a modern world, but disconnected from a primal, powerful source of energy and healing. See, the Earth is basically a six sextillion (that’s a six followed by twenty-one zeroes) metric ton battery that is continually being replenished by solar radiation, lightning, and heat from its deep-down molten core. The natural rhythmic pulsations of energy flowing through and emanating from the surface of the Earth keep the biological machinery and global life running in rhythm and balance-and that includes you! Unfortunately, we live like cut flowers, detached from the nourishing Earth energy. Earthing, also known as grounding, is simply reconnecting to the Earth’s healing energy.

    How do you ground? It is very simple; you’ve no doubt done it before! Walk barefoot in the grass, sand, dirt or on concrete. Like your body, these are conductive surfaces and the Earth’s energy flows through them and into your body. Wood, asphalt, and vinyl, are not conductive. You can also connect to the Earth’s energy by using simple barefoot substitutes. Barefoot substitutes consist of mats, bands, patches, and sheets, that when connected to the ground port of a grounded home or office outlet with a simple cord, connects you to the Earth’s energy via the ground wire of the outlet.

    Why should you ground? In recent years, inflammation has come to the forefront of medical attention and has been recognized as the leading trigger of chronic pain and most major health disorders, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. “All roads to chronic disease lead through inflammation,” researchers are increasingly saying. Bodies are on fire. Earthing appears to extinguish the flames through the transfer of negatively-charged electrons from the surface of the Earth into the body where they neutralize positively-charged destructive free radicals involved in chronic inflammation. The Earth’s energy makes the ground beneath our feet an extremely effective and abundant antioxidant! And it’s free. No pills, no prescriptions. All you have to do is reconnect.