Virgo_Guided_By_Light posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
In western astrology, it is believed that the universe is formed by the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. These are the outward manifestations of the true Elements. Each of the four elements contains its own unique properties, which work simultaneously to create one united universe. None of the elements are inherently good or bad, however, each has both positive and negative qualities.
Whether you’re loud or quiet, timid or outgoing, impetuous or logical – your personality is filled with both pros and cons. Nobody is perfect and it is difficult to self-evaluate in order to understand our base emotions and desires. That’s why finding your element is so important. As you read over the qualities associated with each of the four elements, you might have your “A-ha!” moment, or you might feel as though you don’t relate to certain aspects. This is because every person is at a different point in his or her path to developing the human spirit. By finding your element, you’ll be able to better appreciate your own strengths and be more self aware of your weaknesses. This understanding will help you to build better, stronger relationships with those around you. Let your element be a guide to a more intuitive self.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20), VIRGO (August 23-September 22), CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
The Earth is stable and reliable, yet constantly working and moving. Those with the Earth element share these traits. You are practical and logical and stand firm in your convictions. You learn through experience, which is never difficult for a curious person like yourself. You aren’t interested in unrealistic dreams, but rather you believe in setting achievable goals that are attained through hard work.
You are an artist and love to create. Your home is welcoming and warm and always open to friends and family, which is fitting considering you’re a bit of a homebody. While you are always friendly, you do not let people into the inner circle easily. However, once you do, you are loyal to a fault. On the opposite side of this, you can sometimes be overprotective. As it is impossible to stop the world from turning, it is also impossible to change your mind once it has been made up. You are stubborn and bull-headed and will often stick to your position for no other reason than it is your position. In relationships, you are empathetic and nurturing and don’t mind waiting out a few rough patches. But be careful, this also makes it easy for others to walk all over you.
Stable and consistent
Overly cautious
Stubborn to the point of impractical
THE AIR ELEMENT: LOGICALGEMINI (May 21-June 21), LIBRA ( September 23-October 22), AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
Air is constantly in motion, even when you can’t see it. This is the same for the mind of a person with the Air element. Of the four elements, Air is the most concentrated on thought. You think through every decision thoroughly and often find clever solutions to difficult problems. You are studious and scholarly and often see “the big picture” when others cannot. However, as changeable as the direction of the wind, Air people can also vary quite drastically. While some are outgoing, rational and clever, others are scattered, eccentric, and cold. You excel at multi-tasking, however, be careful as you are also easily distracted. You have the ability to multi-task but you are strongest when focused on one problem at a time.
Air is also what gives humans the ability for speech. Because of this you are witty and entertaining and are a welcomed guest at any party. Be aware that while you have charm, you sometimes lack social graces. Your focus is placed so often on logic, that you often overlook feelings. Commitment doesn’t come naturally to you. Couple this with your sometimes insensitive nature and it makes relationships very difficult. You are not rooted in tradition. You go with what makes sense and don’t believe in doing something because “it’s how it has always been done.” This propensity for what others see as “radical thinking” and your quick mind makes you a natural born puppet master. While Fire may be the face of the uprising, you are the brains behind it.
Care free
THE FIRE ELEMENT: FORCEFULARIES (March 21-April 19), LEO (July 23-August 22), & SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)
Fire provides heat and light, but it cannot exist on its own. The same is true for people born to the Fire element. You are passionate, warm and light up every room. You are the life of the party and your natural intensity that compels others to take notice makes you a natural born leader. You follow your gut instinct and become fully committed to what you believe. Of the four elements, Fire is by far the most entertaining, drawing, and dynamic. You have the power of transformation and can convert any negative situation into a positive.
However, be wary. You can also easily turn a positive into a negative. Your passion turns to anger quickly and blinds you when hurting those close. When not contained, Fire spreads to anything nearby and so do you. You are often unfaithful and will follow any lead to serve your own self-interest. Fire needs other elements to survive. While Air will make it grow, Earth will keep it burning steadily. The same is true for you. Your loved ones are what motivate you and keep you stable. Without them, your passion turns to obsession and you quickly exhaust yourself.
Weaknesses:Prone to anger and rage
Easily irritated
THE WATER ELEMENT: EMOTIONALCANCER (June 22-July 22), SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23-November 21), PISCES February 19-March 20)
Water is constantly flowing, with much of its activity happening below the surface. For Water people, while your outside may seem calm and collected, inside your emotions are in constant turmoil. You are compassionate and caring and can relate easily to others. You connect with people whole-heartedly, which can sometimes make you overly trusting. When spread too thin you are ineffectual, but when collected and focused you are a force to be reckoned with. You see life as a journey and every movement you make is part of a definite path (though sometimes an unexpected one).
However, your ability to connect so deeply also makes you prone to carrying other people’s burdens. This compassion for others leaves your own needs neglected. Too many built up negative emotions can lead to depression and often addiction. Your emotions ebb and flow, making you sometimes volatile and irrational. You often feel the need to bring up deep topics during lighthearted situations, much to the annoyance of others. You must find balance in learning to help others and learning to help yourself in order to find harmony.
Prone to depression
Lack of self