
  • Patricia7- posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    • My Daughter said she feels like someone may have picked it up. She doesn’t pick up a aura on your cat. for a feeling just a sense of someone picking it up. I advise to check local shelters although I’m sure you already have as well as make a few local posts on face book in your local communities. Because she senses someone picked it up it may be possible its not at a shelter and you would have better chances at posting online via fb local lost, found group pages. Cats are funny in nature as they often go hunting for long periods of time although they remember who feeds them. They also go off when near death as they prefer to die away from their territory. My Daughter wishes you the best of luck at finding your cat and thinks its adorable. She has also told me mischievous which would indicate mischief and your cat has certainty got itself in some mischief. More than likely this was a chance at hunting or chasing a small prey and it lead further to be lost and picked up.