Active 4 years, 2 months agoName: Ms.Cosmo
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July 1, 2020 at 8:43 am in reply to: Im not fully sure of my potential and would love some input! #19977
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Hello.It’s great that you’ve found this Wonderful Community!
I believe you found this particular community@the time when you were supposed to.There are Several beneficial articles,excercises,feedback,forums,information,videos,etc.,to help you discover&learn techniques from other members,their skills&what works for them.
You can choose from&apply the most useful techniques to hone in,sharpen your own abilities.
Always Be accepting&keep an open mind,during this time.
The only limits are the ones you decide on! ?
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Good morning @MelindaR
I’m still trying to figure out who the uncle would be, but haven’t yet,however I had an aunt who helped raise me&was my”other mother”growing up,that passed away unexpectedly in a car accident when I was a senior in high school. She was very small in stature(just over4’tall),gentle face&spirit&loved very fiercely!
Her energy could have come through as more masculine energy, when she traveled it was by airplane. Maybe her energy is coming through as a taller presence, as she had Such a Large Presence, regardless of her very small stature.?
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Good morning!
Thank you So Much!I am very optimistic that I will be able to be with him sooner as well! ??
I’m continuously having to remind myself that things happened in the past can’t be changed, not to dwell on them,they were lessons for the Best,Happiest Future that I’m deserving of&to be Accepting&Open to the Positivity in my future&life!
I am a very compassionate person&do Love boundlessly!?
I agree, his energy is not as light,but he’s Extremely Gentle,Kind&Loving!
He does have things that need to be completed as soon as he’s able to do so.
I believe our connection is very Strong!It’s been the healthiest&strongest emotional connection I’ve ever had with a partner.We’ve taken things very slowly&really gotten to know each other much better over the past 19 months.
I’m uncertain as to who the uncle giving his approval of this relationship would be? I will have to think awhile to try to figure out who this is.Thank you so very much for your Graciousness!
I Really Appreciate you taking your time&energy in All that You do!
Sending Blessings&Love Your Way Today&Always!?Have a Wonderful Day!
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Good evening Melinda,
I’m contacting you to request a reading, mainly I’m wondering about my boyfriend and with the current health circumstances,it’s a possibility, so I’m wondering if we’ll be able to be together sooner than previously expected.
If you have any other information, I’d be happy to hear it as well.
Thank you so very much in advance for your Gracious offer & guidance.
Have a Wonderful day!? ??
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Thank you both for your insight on my inquiry. They are both beneficial.
Jillyce17-I am definitely a bright & free spirited person. I have changed significantly over the past few years especially&am working constantly to remain positive moving forward,for my family&I. It takes time,to reprogram&remain positive with my thoughts@times,but I’m able to succsussfully do so.
MelindaR.-Your vision is correct,he has fallen&I attempt to be optimistic&helpful to him,he is currently limited on what he’s able to do,but I agree,I feel like I’m putting in more effort than he is@times.
I too believe he’s interested in a long term relationship&family with me&he’s reluctant, due to his personal past experiences,which I understand,but isn’t an excuse that I’m willing to continue putting100%into,indefinitely,if he’s not willing to put100%into our relationship,as well.
I’m staying Optimistic in regards to the time,in hopes that we will finally have the ability&opportunity to be together in around5months@the most.Thank you very much for your time&insight! I Really Do Appreciate it Greatly!
Sending Blessings&Love!
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Good morning!
I’m wondering what the future of my current relationship may hold. Does anyone see marriage or children?
Also,an approximate length of time until he’s able to come home to stay. For us to have the opportunity to work on strengthening our communication skills,daily relationship together,commitment to each other&our family. ♡
Thanks in advance for your time and assistance! I Greatly appreciate your insight! ♡
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Good afternoon,
I hope you received an answer in your court case & received the outcome that you deserved.
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Good evening,
I am contacting you to request your Gracious assistance with remote physical healing.
I’ve suffered years w/intense,debilitating headaches,as well as a couple of other chronic physical disorders.I have&will continue to fight,until I’m healthy.I’ve attempted to get to the source,causing the issues,but haven’t had success in doing so.I receive occassional,temporary relief.I’m working with more natural remedies to treat&heal the cause.
When I’m struggling physically,it affects Every Aspect of my life daily,including emotionally&mentally,impacting every activity&Every relationship.My family understands somewhat@times.I want to be healthy for myself,family, friends&loved1’s,especially my boyfriend,to be everything he needs,for us to proceed with our relationship.I’m concerned about my health issues impacting our relationship,because I really want us to have a future together. I hope to marry&possibly have children with him.
Please feel free to contact me with any insight on,recommendations,etc.,you may have,regarding my remote healing request,relationship,future,etc.
Thank you so much in advance for your Gracious Assistance! I GREATLY Appreciate It! ?
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Good evening,
I am contacting you to request your Gracious offer to assist in remote physical healing.
I’ve suffered for years w/intense,debilitating headaches,as well as a couple of other chronic physical disorders.I have&will continue to fight,until I’m healthy.I’ve attempted to get to the source,causing the issues,but haven’t had success in doing so.I receive occassional,temporary relief.
I’m working in various aspects of my life to heal the issues. When I’m struggling physically,it negatively affects All Aspect of my Life!
I want to get this Healed, to proceed for an Overall Happy,Healthy Life. I believe this will help my future physically,emotionally&mentally.I need this for the happiness&success moving forward,especially in my relationship.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, information or recommendations in regards to my health,relationship or anything else&I’ll be happy to answer.I’ve had a remote healing completed by another member, @MelindaR in regards to my relationship who Thankfully,completed it. I’m in no way Undermining the Amazing, Gracious Completion of the request she did&wanted to request healing in a different area of my life without overwhelming any one in the community.
I Greatly Appreciate Your Offer & Assistance!
Thank you very much in advance!
Have a great evening!
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Take this time of your separation to focus on what you’ve experienced in the past in your relationship with each other.
Does he provide you with what you want&need in your relationship together? If not, what needs to change to have a successful, fulfilled relationship together? Are you both willing to do that to proceed? If only one of you are working towards the success of the relationship, then is it ever going to be the happy,successful relationship that you desire?
After you focus&decide exactly what you want,if he isn’t willing to do the work towards it,then it’s probably not going to be a happy,satisfying,successful relationship.
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99The standard definition of Numerology is:
Numerology is any belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number&one or more coinciding events. It’s also the study of the numerical value of the letters in words, names&ideas. It is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology&similar divinatory arts.1form of Personal Numerology is the use of your name, birthday,birth time & location, which gives you a very unique&in my experience,Accurate descriptive reading.
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99I’ve noticed the same issue. I’ve attempted to edit, after a post, with the edit option, but it’s not working properly.
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99After submitting a new topic, there is an “EDIT”button,which I’ve attempted to utilize, but I’m not having any success at completing an edit.
I edit & submit,but it remains the same.
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99What is making you question your relationship? Have you seen something”not right”?
There’s Something giving you doubts about your relationship, do you want to continue investing in a relationship with someone that you’re always2nd guessing the sincerity&trust of?
Ms_Cosmo Basic Member
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Credits: 60.99Also,an approximate length of time until he’s able to come home to stay. For us to have the opportunity to work on strengthening our communication skills,daily relationship together,commitment to each other&our family. ♡