
  • There is a common metaphysical concept: Everything that has every been imagined is real.

    So, if this is true, gargoyles and entities exists. Being someone who has taken the time and done the work to open psychic awareness, I’d say from my experiences many of these things do exist. In fact, I’d say reality is highly populated with these types of…[Read more]

  • Great to see both of you exploring your psychic gifts. Like Einstein said “Intuition is the most important thing.”

    I truly believe anyone can develop these abilities, it’s just a matter of proper training and experience.

    A word of caution though: many commercial psychics will tell you “you are gifted” just to play to your ego. It’s a common…[Read more]

  • I’d say that many repetitive actions “can be” used to shift your awareness into deeper levels, where abilities such as astral projection become more possible. You see this in multiple cultures, Tibetan monks drum a lot, the Catholics have their rosary beads, the list goes on.

    When you do the same thing, over and over, to an obsessed degree,…[Read more]