Active 7 years, 3 months agoName: Gypsy_POP
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Hello love! I don’t feel like this is the end of your relationship, but I do feel as if you will both have to make a mutual decision on whether this is a relationship worth staying together in. I want to say that you are both growing , perhaps in different directions and its not like your struggles are major fights but more like “its not the same”…just a nagging feeling like things are just not the same. and the more each of you realizes that insecurity bubbles up and so you might have tried harder to put your finger on what is wrong or maybe even to get him to say what he thinks is wrong, but its frustrating for him, because even he does not quite know. And this might even make you feel more distant as well. just a feeling of being stagnant I would say. So while I don’t think you will break up I think a change of pace is order as well as a dose of space. I feel like he needs space to figure things out and by that I mean don’t try to make something out of nothing. Love him as best you can but at the same time do not be naïve. if you feel something so strongly do not discount it, your gut feeling is your internal guidance system…but also be gentle with yourself. don’t blame yourself if it isn’t going in the direction as you planned. I feel like you know you are both growing apart almost like it is ok if this doesn’t work out but it makes you feel better to have someone else tell you that too. Spend time with yourself and your thoughts and be honest about how you are feeling and what is happening then act from your internal guidance. XO
Hello love,
Are you by chance on some disability or have you recently experienced discomfort in your left wrist or anything related to that? I am feeling like it has been some time since you were last employed?(sorry I know that sounds weird but that is something physical I received upon asking your question)…I want to say that you will find employment but it won’t be what you are looking for in the beginning. I feel as if you are wanting it to happen but that you are hesitant in putting in the work to make it happen and that maybe you are holding out for a windfall where everything just falls into place. And you know that the chances are unlikely but you hold on to this belief because it is a little of all you know so to speak. (I don’t mean that in a bad way). I feel like you feel a heavy burden on your shoulders , that you feel as if there is so much in your past and present that is keeping you from everything you feel you deserve. But I want to remind you that everyday is a NEW DAY and that a thought is just a belief that you keep telling yourself…Do you find yourself engaging in negative self talk about yourself or others? Do you place a lot of blame or criticism on things? I feel like energetically you don’t know where to start but my advice to you would be to be gentle with yourself and your life. There is ultimately two sides to everything; what is wanted and what is not wanted…your ego self and your higher self and it is all just a matter about what you choose. But the amazing thing about that is that you don’t have to worry about finding employment or hitting the lottery or breaking through some big struggle…Please don’t be offended but I truly believe that our thoughts create our reality. If you continue to worry and turn from love then I feel like your situation wont change and the universe wil bring you more of the same to match what you are putting out. But if you disengage, let go of any attachments of outcomes and work on the relationship you have with yourself that you will see improvements on all levels and you will see things falling into place. This is obviously something that doesn’t happen overnight but it is a continual thing. People are so caught up in expectation that they forget that what matters is the relationship you have inside of you. Engage in things that make you feel like the person you want to become and overtime you will be that person. And it wont feel like a struggle itll be enjoyable to you. And that is what life is really about. Its not about money or what you have or can get, its about manifesting the things into your life and living the experiences that are delicious to you. Hope this helps! XOHi Jor! I feel as if you might be trying a little too hard to make something happen versus letting things fall into place naturally. Are you a shy person? I want to say there is a part of you that fantasizes a lot about being with this person and it makes you happy but at the same time it also makes you a little bit sad because it feels so real, and yet its not tangible yet. Sometimes we are our own worst road blocks…we learn to take score and to notice everything and a by product of that is over thinking. I want to say you have a lot of over thinking going on and it is acting as a road block to the relationship you are hoping to have. I would try releasing any attachment to any outcome and love yourself to the point where it is ok if it happens , but also ok if it doesn’t. There is a saying that I love that says ” the better person you become, the better person you attract,” and while I think this relationship is definitely possible I encourage you to sit with how you feel about yourself and ask yourself…am I trying too hard to make things happen? try to feel if you are over thinking and if you are, that is ok…were all human and I am definitely guilty of that also. Just release it and treat yourself to the love that you are wanting to experience with this person. And by that I mean “date yourself”…treat yourself with love and kindess, respect…make yourself laugh often …and be ok with just being with you…you will be surprised to find that the right person will show up when you least expect it and they will be a perfect match to the person you have are or have become! the universe never gets it wrong my dear…and you will know…because you will just feel it. sometimes we are so stuck on this person being who we want, when there are those who are more a match to what your inner being knows will make you happy. I hope this helps or resonates you in any way. And because I know the old me would not have been satisfied with such an answer I want to share with you a gem of resource that has completely changed my life. If you are open to it , I think Abraham Hicks can help bring your heart at peace. you can look them up on you tube and type in virtually any topic…in your case I would type Abraham hicks how to attract love :)..Please let me know if any of this helps! wishing you all the best and the merriest of holidays!
XO, Jessie
I don’t feel I could get that across as clear as I would have like to but please, if you are open to it , may I suggest looking up Abraham Hicks on you tube and search for keywords like soul mate? It might be weird at first but if you give it a chance it is my belief you will find exactly what will resonate with you. Please let me know if this helps… you can type Abraham hicks on any subject in youtube and I am almost 99% sure you will find some truth of value for you. Wishing all the best hun. XO, Jessie
Hello Love,
I feel as if you are trying too hard to find the answer to what you already know to be true; which is that you love this man and would do anything to help him, and what more could you offer than that…You love him so much that you went through so much to be by his side when others might not have done the same under your circumstances. So I want to shed a little clarity on that and let you know that like attracts like. Think about what you were going through when you met this man and mirror it to what he was going through at the time as well and I want you to ask yourself how you two might be a match to eachother, even if you describe your meeting by chance. How were you feeling?…next I would advise you to be a bright example of love for him…release anything negative in your life that no longer positively serves you and make a statement to not let drama or other peoples negativity and your own in your experiences. You will find that the more you love yourself and the more you stop believing their is something wrong with either of you , that the solution will find you. Look to better and better feeling thoughts and only acknowledge those that perpetuate what you what. A thought is just a belief we keep thinking and it is no wonder your mate thinks he has defects, he has probably been told this and he probably reminds himself of this every day of his life! While there is nothing you can do to change his beliefs overnight, you can start by being a pure example for love for yourself and when you do the universe will match you up with someone who is a match to who you are and you will love every minute of it.
Hi Erin, would I be correct in saying that you have a lot of anger regarding your husband? I feel as if you two argue and fight a lot? I want to almost say he sees you as controlling but it’s not that you are…its that for whatever reasons you don’t see eye to eye on what is important and there is that miscommunication of energy btwn you two that is repelling (which is where the anger/distance comes in). I feel like maybe this has been an on going thing… and while the issues at hand are still very important to you, that your husband is feeling distant…I feel like he doesn’t think he knows he is doing anything wrong and the more you “poke” at the problem the more it is likely to implode. I feel very much like he is distant and that is why you are thinking that he is cheating. I don’t feel like he is yet or but if he is it is by chance and not intentional, more so that he is fantasizing about the idea…I want to say he is a simply man and wants to do what he wants and anything that deviates from what he thinks is peace, is his ok to nip at you or avoid any conflict. I am not sure if he is stealing from you, I want to say that he isn’t and that perhaps you are so angry in your pursuit of “catching” him that you might be “reaching” for more evidence to be upset about but I would say to sit with you how feel…we are all innately intuitive whether we believe it or not. I would suggest releasing and surrendering this situation to the universe before bed and setting an intention to clearly hear see feel and know the guidance to your answer…and then feel whatever feelings you get instinctually. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if this is worth your peace of mind. I think you will be surprised at what insights you receive when you are open to receiving. I hope this helps love…
XO, Jessie
Hi Osmosio36! I meditated on your question and I feel as if you already know the answer to your inquiry in your heart. I feel as if you might have been hesitant to seek intuitive advice on such a meaningful topic for you, but that perhaps hearing it from a third party perspective helps ease this knowing. I feel like maybe this is young love at play, your crush connected with you on a budding coworker level that felt like love beyond that but for him it was just feel-good in the moment. I want to say that if he is thinking about you it isn’t genuine and that there were subtle indications or red flags that you noticed but it was blocked by your strong feelings for him. I want to also say that reaching out to him would lead to love that would not last if at best it went anywhere, but that you are hopeful regardless. And that is ok too…
Your question reminds me a lot of how I began my intuitive journey…I could give you so many details about that but in all honesty it grew from my insecurities of love. Love was always my biggest block and like you, I searched for validation even tho I had a nagging sense of truth in my heart. When I didn’t get the answer I wanted i’d try a difference psychic. Back then I was really young…A gifted psychic I once visited for similar reasons to yours once asked me if I knew the reason why our rearview mirror was smaller than our windshield. And not knowing how to answer she answered for me…it’s because the stuff in our rearview is behind us (the past)…our windshields are like our lives and we have so much road ahead of us if we are open to looking. And that’s the msg I am getting from spirit that I want to share with you…
I feel as if you might be so entangled in your feelings for him that you are forgetting to love yourself and to remind you that the most important relationship IS with yourself. Let go of any outcomes and find peace in where you are and what is…I think you will be surprised that when you surrender your feelings to the universe that what is meant for you will come your way. And I promise you this Federico won’t even matter. Trial and error girl. I hope this doesn’t make you sad or upset…you know what you want when you know what you don’t want. And the more you love yourself the more aligned you will become with what will be best for you (even if you aren’t quite sure of what that is for you yet). And you’ll feel it so strongly you’ll recognize it as truth. Sit with your feelings love, and then be truthful with yourself…I think you will feel better about your next step…
Hope this helps!
XO, Jessie