
  • Cheshire and Profile picture of LisaKellyLisaKelly are now friends 6 years, 6 months ago

    • Hi. Interesting question. It sure seems like you and your friend have a truly strong connection. The first impression that crossed my mind was the possibility he could be your “Twin Flame” Twin flames are different than soul mates. We each only have one twin flame for they are a mirror, the other half of our soul. It takes many lifetimes, usually, of living apart from our twin flame so each twin may move through many many experiences in multiple lifetimes to grow spiritually, as individuals, and this raises their vibration because meeting of the twin flames is the most powerful connection between two beings. The meeting of the twin flames is so powerful, together they could move mountains. It is so they can bring loving energy to this world and the benevolent pair uses their powerful connection to spread good Into others lives vibrating on high. Research Twin Flames and see how you feel about it. Good luck.

    • Thank you I will definitely look into twin flames