Secret Of Attraction - Romantically, Financially & Spiritually
Whether you wish to improve a relationship, developing your psychic abilities, or create more wealth, there is one critical step you must take every day. There is the real secret to attraction.
This step is often overlooked by most people, regardless of how much personal growth or spiritual training has been acquired. Regardless of how much you visualize, repeat affirmations, write down your goals, etc, if you don't take this step, you are cutting yourself short.
The best way for me to explain this secret method to you, is to give you an example. Let's say hypothetically, you are interested in creating a new romantic relationship.
Following the advice of personal growth gurus, you make a detailed list of the person you want to attract into your life. You start visualizing yourself being with this person. You come up with some positive affirmations which you repeat to yourself throughout the day. Maybe you start frequenting the types of places this "ideal person" would be.
A couple weeks pass, maybe even several months, and no measurable results. If you are like most people, once you get in this situation, this is where the real problem starts. Every time you try to visualize, positively affirm, or visit the places where the type of person you are looking for would be - every time you take the steps, this deep feeling starts to build up inside.
Maybe the feeling is doubt, maybe its frustration, maybe its loneliness, or maybe it's the expectation that nothing will really ever change.
Ironically, You Reach A Point Where Personal Growth Methods Become Self-Destructive
When you get to this place, when you start to feel this way inside, visualizing, positive affirmations, and going out to the right places all become more damaging than helpful. Each time you take a step, that feeling deep inside builds even more.
When you reach this point, it's actually healthier to stop using the self help guru techniques.
Otherwise, you are digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole.
Most people encounter this frustrating block or "wall" when trying to make significant positive changes in their lives. How ironic. How discouraging. Makes you feel like you should go back to what you were doing before and forget all this self help garbage and stop getting your hopes up. It's simply not working
But wait!
Before you go back to your "old" ways, here's WHY this isn't working. Here is what most self help resources fail to include in their methods or instructions.
It all boils down to one main issue - lack of emotional state control. If you are serious about achieving anything new in your life, getting control over your emotional states is the secret ingredient to getting the results you want.
Secret Of Attraction - How To Get Control Over Emotional States
I bought my first personal growth book 29 years ago. Since then, I've gone though many different systems of training including the Tony Robbins approach, NLP, IAP, and dozens of other approaches. In several of the better approaches, I've seen one method for controlling emotional states that seems to work for just about anyone. It's a technique that I learned and have been teaching through my Metaphysics Training Course, the LifeLeap Academy. Consider this my gift to you.
You start by finding a quiet place that has little distractions (your bedroom, or maybe the attic if you have kids). Pick the emotional state you want to work on mastering (success, satisfaction, romantic fulfillment, confidence, etc). Close your eyes and go back to a time in your life when you felt that emotion. Put yourself back at that moment as if it's happening right now. Try to remember and focus on as many details as you can - your location, the colors, the textures, the temperature, who else was there, the sounds, where any objects were in relation to where you were, etc.
As you focus on these details, it helps you to trigger that emotional state.
Get good at turning on this emotional state and soak in it. Pay attention to where you feel it in your body. Work on being able to turn it on and off at will. Work on being able to turn the volume of the state up and down. Once you get good at this, you can practice more throughout the day - do this while waiting on hold, sitting a stoplight, in the restroom when on your break (basically, every chance you get).
Does This Seem Hard To Do?
Whether you realize it or not, most people do this every day, quite unconsciously. If you pay attention, you will realize at least 3 to 4 times a week, or maybe as often as once a day, you "re-live" a moment in your past not just by thought, but other sensations are triggered, like smell or "butterflies" in your stomach, for example.
Think about how you feel inside your body when you hear an old song that was popular when you were young and having a significant emotional experience (like the blissful beginning of or the sad end of a relationship) or how you feel a tightening in your chest at the mention of someone's name that you knew well long ago and lost contact with.
Secret Of Attraction - How To Apply The Secret Ingredient Of Emotional State Control
Once you get a little practice under your belt, jump in and apply this method to real-world situations. How you apply this technique all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. For example, if you are working to create a new romantic relationship, when you are visualizing, practicing affirmations, or visiting places where you will likely meet a potential mate, you need to get in the habit of triggering the emotions that will benefit you in these situations - accepted, attractive, fulfilled, loved, excitement, etc.
If you desire to create more financial wealth, visualize yourself having the amount you want (in a week, month, year, etc) and turn on the emotional states of success, relief, deserving, satisfaction, confidence, etc. If you have a job interview, turn on the emotional states of success, already got it; I'm the one, confidence, etc. Do this during the interview. This simple technique can be more powerful in helping you to get the position than anything you could say, your body language, or your resume.
While this type of method is related to personal growth, there is a strong spiritual/psychic factor occurring here.
More than anything else, your emotions tell the universe what you really want to spiritually manifest in your life. That you expect it! When you combine the right emotional states with visualization, goal setting, and affirmations, the universe will acknowledge your request and start organizing the resources to bring your desires in to fruition.
Other people and even physical objects will respond to your emotional states. When you look at a wall across the room, according to quantum physics, just by looking at the wall you are influencing the atomic structure of the atoms in that wall (without physically touching it, etc).
Whether you admit it or not, there is a connection between you and the wall - this is science. In some manner, you are connected with other people and situations.
And you guessed it right - your emotional states are one of the most important factors in what you communicate to other people and situations (regardless of what you say, do, etc). So the whole point it to use this to your advantage. Pay attention to what you are emotionally communicating to others and the universe through your emotional states, and if it's not productive, fix it.
Emotional states are also the key force behind spiritual healing and psychic ability. So there are more advanced methods for emotional state control, which I will be covering in time (including how they can be applied to achieve certain results.). Good luck!
PS: If you are dealing with a tough situation in your life, and you need direction before you can focus your emotional states in any direction, see the details of my Psychic Counseling Service