Psychics And Astrology – How They Are Related, How They Are Different, And How They Can Fit Into Your Life

Over the years, I've encountered many people that have questions about how astrology relates to psychic ability. As a psychic, many of my clients have even come prepared, ready to give me their birth date at the beginning of a session.
If you have an interest in psychics, psychic ability or astrology, it's good to understand how these two areas of metaphysics relate and what their key differences are.
Let's start off with psychic ability. Most of the time, this has to do with gaining access to information using only spiritual-based methods. For example, when I see a client in-person or conduct a psychic reading on the phone for a client a thousand miles away, my training and experience enables me to focus in on and sense details about the life of this client. This all occurs without me knowing anything about the client.
It's a spiritual experience. The information I psychically attain has nothing to do with anyone's body language, tone of voice, or any previous knowledge. Initially, I know absolutely nothing about most of the clients I work with. The information a good psychic gathers can help you make decisions in your life, see the probable future outcome of a situation, and help you to understand what steps to take when dealing with a challenging situation.
Astrology on the other hand is a complex analytical system that has to do with dates, times, and alignment of the planets within our solar system. Even with a background in metaphysics and spiritual growth, the whole concept of astrology seems a little puzzling to me sometimes. But I don't doubt its power - It's the oldest science known to mankind and 75% of the Fortune 500 companies use astrology when making major business decisions. If there wasn't something to astrology, neither of these facts would be true.
Let's clear one thing up. When speaking of astrology, I'm not referring to the standard "sun sign" horoscope that you find in the daily newspaper or the automated computer reports that are available all over the internet. These types of things give astrology a bad name. They are too general and can actually be harmful. For example, if you read a daily horoscope and expect your day to go occur as the horoscope reports, this could set you up for some unnecessary and limiting spiritual manifestations in your life if you aren't careful.
Should You Consult With An Astrologer Or A Psychic?
This all depends on what your goals are. An astrological reading is good for getting the big picture of what your life can be about, patterns that may be forming in different areas of your life, and the best times to take major steps (open a business, get married, etc). An astrological reading can sometimes give you a projected outcome of where the future is headed, but just as with psychic based services, nothing is cut into stone.
What you want to avoid is using watered-down astrology to make snap decisions and judgments. Many people will disagree with me, but it's ridiculous to limit yourself such as "I can't date this person because I'm a Taurus and they're a Leo." People do this every day. If you talk to several professional astrologers, as I have over the years, these types of general assumptions have little to do with true astrology.
If you decide to work with an astrologer, make sure to locate a professional that has the training, experience, and references to make it worth your while.
For a legitimate astrology reading, you can expect to pay between $250 - $2000 for a good consultation (with charting services provided). Like a good doctor or attorney, a decent astrologer will be in demand and you can expect to wait for an appointment. Trust me - you want the one that's in demand. We are talking about information that may have a major influence on your life, so again, stay away from generic horoscope readings. Hire a professional or don't do it at all.
A session with a professional psychic is good if you are stuck or facing a major challenge in your life (relationship, finances, career, health, etc). A good psychic can help you to see the motivations of other people in your life, what will likely happen in the future, and what steps you can take to get things going in a better direction. If you are in a fork in the road, a good psychic can help you fill in the blacks so you can make more informed decisions. A true psychic based session is good for getting solutions for any immediate crisis or challenge you may be facing.
Just as with an astrologer, when choosing a psychic, make sure to look for signs of a true professional – a good background of psychic development training, credible endorsements, and maybe a money-back guarantee. Again, you could be making major life decisions based on what a psychic says, so make sure to not pick the first one that comes along, or just the psychic that has the best prices.
Some Psychics Use Astrology And Some Astrologers Use Psychic Ability, But Astrology And Psychic Ability Are Not The Same Thing
If you get on the phone with a so-called professional psychic, and they ask for your birth date, this could be a sign of caution. What is it that you are paying for – is it a psychic based service or an astrological reading? If astrological-based information is being used in the reading, this isn't a true psychic-based consultation.
Again, true psychic information has nothing to do with acquiring any previous knowledge – birthdates, astrological signs, etc. It's an ability to spiritually focus on a situation and get impressions about what did occur, what is occurring, and what will occur. Psychic information usually comes to a psychic in the form of mental imagery, emotional sensations, and sometimes sounds (names, locations, etc).
Just the same, if you book a session with a professional astrologer, you should get an astrological reading. If the astrologer just focuses on you and starts giving you psychic based insights (without getting your astrological background), this isn't astrology. Although it may still be helpful, it's good to get the result you originally signed up for.
One last pointer - Whether you decide an astrological reading or a psychic-based service is appropriate for you, work with a professional that specializes in either one or the other. These are both highly skilled professions and if you have someone who is the "jack of all trades," you will likely pay the price in the end. I'm not sure about you, but if I want sushi for dinner, I'm not going to go to an Italian restaurant that offers sushi on the side (YIKES!). If I want sushi, I'm going to a "sushi only" restaurant and the best one available.