Psychic Groups - Take Advantage Of The Mastermind Principle And In Weeks, Accomplish What Normally Takes Years To Achieve Alone

If psychic development, spiritual awareness, and personal growth are important to you, don't miss out on the power of the Master Mind Principle!
Why does psychic development interest you? Do you want to develop this awareness so decisions in your relationships, your career, or life path become easier? Do you want to enhance your ability to spiritually manifest what you want in your life?
Are you interested in the greater spiritual awareness that goes along with psychic development? Do you want to help others with this type of awareness? Maybe you are just curious about psychic abilities and feel drawn to learn more.
Whatever your reason, by understanding and acting on the power of group interaction, you can literally skip years ahead on the path to self awareness and psychic ability. In fact, working with others in a group environment could be the most important step you can take towards achieving your goals with psychic development.
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill is one of the great bestseller classics. If you have ever read a copy, you will agree that the book isn't just about money - it's about achievement, however you personally define 'achievement.'
One of the points Mr. Hill makes is how he refers to the 'Master Mind.' He defines the Master Mind as "coordination of knowledge and effort, in spirit with harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose." He then goes on to make an extremely bold statement:
"No individual may have great power without availing himself of the Master Mind."
Princeton University went as far as to scientifically prove this power of groups. Using sophisticated testing equipment, they discovered that groups have an undeniably forceful ability of telekinetic influence - more so than an isolated individual.
In other words, groups have the powerful ability to spiritually influence physical events, even from thousands of miles away. Yes, we are talking about the ability to move physical objects without any physical contact! In the following video, see some of the findings from Princeton's Global Consciousness Project.
You can see how the power of groups are able not only sense major events before they occur, but to influence physical machinery with the power of the group mind:
Through their research, Princeton interestingly found that intimate groups sharing a common cause had the strongest force of intention (the ability to influence telekinetically). On the other hand, groups in which the individuals seemed to have their own agendas, such as corporate business meetings, had the least force of intention.
Psychic Groups - How Does This Concept Apply To Psychic Development And Personal Growth?
Well, maybe you are studying psychic development and you are trying to decide between working alone or working in a group environment. Maybe you see yourself as an 'introverted person' and you are thinking of not building a support group of conscious-minded people in your life. Well, before you are quick to act, you might want to consider at least stepping back and evaluating your choices more closely.
When several individuals combine their intentions for a collective cause, they create what can be referred to as synergy. This is when the combined effect of the elements of a group exceeds the sum of the individual effects. Another way to put it: One finger times 5 doesn't equal five fingers. One finger times 5 equals a hand. And as you are well aware, a hand can accomplish much more than five fingers!
"When your personal goals coincide with those of another, not only does the power of your combined labors benefit you, but such cooperation also creates a synergistic effect that allows you to achieve far more than the simple sum of your individual efforts."
Napoleon Hill
Author of Bestseller
'Think and Grow Rich'
For years, the whole 'group concept' was a personal struggle for me. I had a habit of stubbornly thinking I'd be better off just to do it all by myself rather than take a risk trusting and relying on anyone else. I would also get tired of the responsibility that goes into maintaining harmony in group environments in which I participate.
Fortunately I had a trusted mentor that drilled the higher truth into my head over the years by saying "You know, you can do a lot more in a group than you can do by yourself." Through a 'little' trial and error, I finally decided that if I was really committed to my goals, I would take his advice. This is the point at which my psychic abilities and awareness really took off.
Group Mind - Tapping Into The Power
For many years, I have taught psychic development, personal growth, and spiritual healing methods. Without a doubt, I can say the students that reach out to others throughout their training are the ones that excel. Although the 'individual types' do grow, it tends to be slower and with more struggle.
The accelerated growth of people in these types of group environments has more to do with the the fact there is just more talking and questions to be answered. There is an 'exchange' which occurs anytime you have two people focused together on the same intention. This is true especially when one of those people has 'walked further ahead on the spiritual path' than the others. This can be applied to many situations.
For example, as I was receiving my own training, I've had the privilege of working with a few extremely skilled and experienced psychics/healers. When I would walk into a room where one of these individuals was or even get on the phone with one of these people, I would immediately become overwhelmed with a very noticeable presence. I could feel the power, even sometimes as a rush throughout my physical body. This may seem a little whacky, but just stick with me here.
When these types of things happen, there is a deeper metaphysical transference that occurs. I guess you could say that information is passed from one person to another on a deep spiritual level, on a level that is far beyond words or thoughts. And especially when there is advanced psychic/healing work being done, there is a deeper level of learning that occurs. The learning occurs on an experiential level. You simply cannot get this type of experience by reading a book or watching a video.
Especially when you have several people working together on a goal (such as a specific psychic development exercise), there is an energy field which is created. You can feel it by paying a little attention. This is very helpful if you are having difficulty with a task that you have tried to do alone. In a group environment, you can actually 'ride the power' of the group to accomplish your desired task much easier. Again, this is how you accomplish in weeks that which would normally take years to accomplish on your own.
Take A Step Today To Get The Benefit Of The Master Mind Principle
Now I'm not suggesting you go out and join a cult just so you can be in a learning group environment. Just because a group exists, does not mean it's a healthy group. But I do suggest you strongly explore how you can apply the Master Mind Principle into your path of psychic development, personal growth, and spiritual growth.
You could check out some local classes in your area to see if you can find a good fit. Just make sure that your goals and values are the same as the others in the group environment. If our Psychic Development Course feels like a good fit to you, this could be a good option for taking advantage of a group learning environment. In this system of training, we provide all of the resources for you to work one-on-one (including with me personally) and in small group arrangements to get the most out of the training.
And it doesn't matter if you are in the Outback of Australia or the North Pole - we have found that group interaction is as effective over the phone as in-person arrangements. As long as the personal interaction is there, the benefits are there.
If you are hesitant to get involved in this type of group environment, think about what it is that you actually want to accomplish as far as psychic development, spiritual growth, and personal development. Do you want to just 'get by,' or do you want to fly as high as you can? Do you want low voltage results or do you want high voltage results? Do you want the intelligence of one or the intelligence of many? These are good questions to ask yourself.