Psychic Games You Can Play - Practice These Tested And Proven Exercises To Take Your Psychic Ability To The Next Level
So here are some more games to play to help you develop your psychic perception. The best way to start playing these fun games is to take small risks beginning today.
It is like a new hobby that you have a desire to learn. You have to get out there and start practicing. The more persistent that you are, the better results you will attain.
Go ahead and accept that when you play these psychic ability games, you will be inaccurate at times, maybe a whole lot at first.
At the same time, the process is like tennis or any other sport. If you get out there every day and play with it, you will get better and better.
Here are some more fun games you can play:
When the phone rings, before you pick it up, see if you can guess who is calling. If no one comes to mind, just make something up. What you imagine will often be what/who is actually there - you might be surprised at the results.
When you are about to meet a friend somewhere, focus your attention on that friend before you see them and make an attempt to 'pick up' how they feel or what they are thinking about. When you finally see them, check your clarity by asking them how they are doing.
When you experience a strong emotion or pain, step back and pay attention to it as mentioned before. Then psychically ask yourself what insightful message this emotion or pain might be telling you? What is the possible lesson this event is trying to teach you?
When you meet someone for the first time, see if you can 'pick up' any psychic information about that person. While focusing on them, ask yourself what this person does professionally, are they married, where they live, etc. Check your results by having a casual conversation.
If you are going somewhere that you've never been before (new city, park, etc), try to 'focus in' and see what is there before you go. Don't just think about it, imagine being there and take in what you experience. Just make something up if nothing comes to at first. What do you see? What emotional tone do you feel about the place? What is something unique that stands out about the location?
Spend a few minutes on this and then bring your attention back behind your eyes. It may help to drink a glass of water to get yourself grounded. Then when you go to the new location, compare what you psychically saw with the actual location.
If you haven't done so yet, check out out the Psychic Project. This is a free online tool that we created for helping you to develop and test your psychic abilities. Thousands of people visit this project regularly to hone their psychic perception. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Psychic information may come to you in pictures, sounds, or you may just get a feeling about the person. Pay attention to these details and check them for clarity when you can.
As you begin to operate more consciously with psychic ability, you might not get many accurate insights at first. As you play with this new awareness though, expect to start relating to situations in your life with a different perspective - one that probably will be much more fulfilling, exciting, and beneficial.