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I've worked for 30 years as a healer, psychic, and teacher, with endorsements from police, CEOs, and Celebrities - I have so much to offer you from my years of training and experience!

Learn powerful exercises and participate in discussions covering psychic development, law of attraction, releasing trauma & stress, mediumship, psychic and spiritual protection, and more
Learn to develop various psychic-based abilities: sharp intuition, remote viewing, clairvoyance, energy healing, communication with the dead, lucid dreams, astral projection, and more.
Or, just learn how to better spiritually attract the things that you want in your life - the ideal relationships, the best carer path, your dream home, etc. You are already metaphysically attracting people and events into your life, so why not get better at WHAT you attract!
By living with greater spiritual/psychic awareness and abilities, you create more excitement, happiness, and increase your ability to connect better with others. Life becomes easier and more enjoyable!
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"Dale hit the nail on the head. He is precise and accurate. I had an unsolved case in a sealed envelope. Dale was able to pinpoint the crime and the suspects name. He has been correct with my personal readings."

"Dale, again and again, not only is a dynamic speaker, but an amazingly accurate psychic. He is talented and compassionate. It is evident through his demonstrations, both private and public, that his source of perception is the higher power."

"I've known Dale for over 22 years and have done a great deal of personal work with him. I've used this training to spiritually manifest impossible feats in my life, even when my family and friends had no faith in my ability. It gives me the capacity to deal with life head on."
"I've made my dreams come true career wise and I'm looking forward to what the future has in store. I've acquired the ability to follow my psychic gut, which has saved me a lot of trial and error, misfortune, and has allowed me to achieve what I want. I really can't complain anymore about my life."
"My friends and family noticed the changes in me right away. Especially if you don't have what you want in life, if you aren't happy, I encourage you to take advantage of this powerful resource."