As you know, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) now exist in most countries throughout the world. Some countries are getting hit harder than others. This is an incredible moment in global history.
Is this a real threat?
How do I face this challenge?
How long will this last?
How will this effect my life?
Will things only get worse?
Will I be OK? What about my loved ones?
These are all questions going through the minds of many of us right now. And the hard reality – This could be a tough situation and it could last for some time. It could get much worse before it gets better.
Things could start improving pretty soon, or this could drag out and be one of those events that changes your life forever. No one really knows at this point.
If you are already being hit by this virus in some way or another, my heart goes out to you.
But wherever you are on the planet, I suggest you follow the advice of medical professionals for prevention and treatment.
This is one of the most important times in your life when you must take care of yourself and loved ones. Your life could literally depend on it. Just as you’ve seen on the news, physical exercise and eating healthy will keep your immune system strong. Vitamin C and other preventive measures can really help. Spending time outside in the Sun (vitamin D) and fresh air are also important.
Take this seriously! All of these steps can help to prevent infection. And if you get sick, these steps can help you recover more easily and quickly.
And try not to make excuses for not doing what’s important. For example, if you haven’t exercised in a while (or ever) or you don’t have any equipment at home, there are ways to get around these things.
YouTube is a good place to get started. You can find all types of ideas from people who know more than I do about these things (exercise, diet, etc).
What About Mental And Emotional Suffering?
You are seeing more experts talking about how to keep yourself physically healthy, but we aren’t hearing enough about mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Yes, there is concern for mass suicides from multiple health experts across the world, but I’ve seen very few solutions presented.
Sure, prayer, positive thinking, and affirmations may help. But for many people, this just isn’t enough.
With everything happening now, it’s REALLY EASY to go into a downward spiral of total FEAR, DEPRESSION, and CONFUSION.
Many of us feel this constant pit in our stomach or sinking feeling in our chest. Or maybe it’s a deep down feeling of gloom and doom. You can actually feel the emotions building up in your body like a ticking time bomb.
If you are having a tough time, maybe you feel justified in your reaction, in your suffering.
I get it! Your life has been turned upside down and the future is so freaking uncertain. It’s natural to react with panic and anxiety.
At the same time, negative emotions like fear, stress, fixation, anger, and depression are destructive. Credible research has existed for years proving that negative emotions will literally DESTROY YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.
If you allow these emotions to exist, toxic chemicals like Cortisol get released into you body. This leads to a spiraling situation which only gets worse.
Of course, a fragile immune system increases your chances of catching viruses. And if you get sick, the strength of your immune system will often decide how long and “if” you recover.
I really can’t stress this enough so I hope you consider what I’m saying here. If you’d like to educate yourself more about these facts, here’s some helpful resources from credible institutions:
So, not only do bad emotions make and keep us sick, being miserable all day is no fun. What does it really accomplish?
Sure, it’s natural to feel pain when bad things happen. Or, when our lives are threatened in some way or another. Emotionally healthy people still feel pain sometimes.
But lingering negative emotions that hang around like a parasite are not helpful or justifiable.
OK, so negative emotions are destructive and only make matters worse. But how do you control them? Is it even possible to not suffer inside when things seem so bad?
I know it’s a BOLD claim, but I’m here to tell you that no matter how bad things are on the outside, you can control your internal reactions – your thoughts, your emotions, what’s in your mind.
You can reach a state of peace, satisfaction, acceptance, joy, and fulfillment – no matter how terrible things are for you.
It may take a little effort on your part, but I have complete confidence you can do it. I’ve seen people accomplish this throughout my life, even when the odds were stacked against them. It can be done!
Positive Steps You Can Take Immediately
1. Physical Exercise
Not only is exercise good for keeping your body helpful, it will help you emotionally. Exercise, especially high-intensity exercise, will help burn through heavier built-up emotions. Exercise can help “release the valve” so you don’t explode.
Is exercise always easy? Not always. I did a bunch of push-ups earlier today. I was huffing and puffing. Push-ups hurt. My mind can always seem to find something else better to do. But the benefits are great – that’s why I keep doing them.
But you don’t always have to punish yourself. Exercise could be as simple as turning on some loud music and dancing for 20 minutes. Maybe you have a pool and can swim some laps? You can even run in place. What about gardening?
In a moment, I’m going to show you some powerful emotional and mental control techniques. You can use these techniques to get past any fear, anxiety or hopelessness.
But if you have a lot built up energy and you feel like you’re about to explode, you may need to first do some physical exercise.
Physical exercise can help to get some of the intensity out, so you can "sit still" and benefit from the following exercises. It things are really bad, it may be the only thing that works.
The point is that physical exercise is critical, even if you are working on your emotions and thinking. Don’t deny the connections that exist.
As I mentioned before, don’t make excuses. Every bit helps. Just push yourself a little and get into a routine (if you aren’t already). It will make a difference.
2. Control Your Focus
If you sit on your couch and go through the worse case scenarios of how the world’s going to end, in your mind, over and over – how do you think this will make you feel? I’ll tell you – Like a train wreck.
Yes, you need to be aware of the reality around you. But dwelling on the bad stuff constantly won’t help anything. Keep yourself busy. Tickle your kids. Play with your pets. Find something productive to do.
If you feel like the walls are caving in, get up and walk around. Even these simple steps can help snap you out of a funky mindset.
And remember – most news networks exist to grab your attention, whatever it takes. It easy to see. So many headlines reek of fear, panic, and doom. Of course you need to keep yourself informed, but watch out about getting hooked in.
I’ve made a habit of checking online news sites occasionally, just scanning through the headlines. This allows me to see what I need to know, without getting pulled as much into the drama.
Here’s an important principle: The mind can only focus on one thing at a time. So fill your mind throughout the day with things that nourish you and empower you. Do whatever it takes to get yourself laughing and enjoying life in the moment.
If you become ill, if you constantly focus on how bad you feel, how awful this sickness is, how much of a victim you are – guess what will happen? This mindset will tend to keep you sicker longer. It can make your symptoms worse.
Instead, if you switch you focus to the important things you need to do (not sickness related), the goals you need to accomplish, the life that is waiting for you enjoy – this mindset will strengthen your immune system and speed up healing.
There is a great deal of scientific research backing up this fact – from major universities and medical centers across the world.
No one is telling you that it’s your fought it if you get sick, or if your sickness gets worse. I’m simply stating that your mindset is a factor in these things. So use this proven principle to your advantage.
3. Control Your Emotions
You have a choice. You don’t have to suffer through this crisis. You can control how you react to it. You don’t have to suffer through the day in a state of panic, fear, or depression.
Many years ago, I got tired of not being able to feel what I wanted to feel. I wanted more happiness instead of anger, fear, and depression. I decided I didn’t want to suffer through life like some many people do.
But, I had little control over myself. I just wasn’t able to think and feel the way I wanted. I didn’t know how and no one around me (friends, family, etc) had a clue either.
After a few years of searching and spending some serious cash, I was finally able to find some methods which worked. This is what inspired me to create LifeLeap Institute.
In a moment, I’m going to show you one of the main methods I regularly use to keep control over myself on the inside – my emotions, my thoughts, what I visualize. I’ve found this technique works better than positive thinking or affirmations.
This is a variation of an exercise which was taught to me by one of my late teachers. He ran a program on 5 different United States Air Force Bases teaching this exercise to over 2,000 soldiers.
This training program was partly designed to help soldiers coming right out of combat. So a soldier sees his buddies gets killed or maybe he spends some time as a prisoner of war. Imagine that trauma!
This exercise has been rigorously tested and proven to help people through that level of suffering – the worst of what a soldier experiences.
So guess what? It can surely help you deal with the challenges you are facing now.
The concept of this exercise is simple, yet powerful. By creating images which represent the issues in your life, and altering and controlling these images in different ways, you are telling your subconscious that you are now in control.
Even if you’ve suffering about something for years, this method can help you feel better in as little as 10 minutes. But just don’t take my word for it. Do the exercise. Practice it yourself a few times and see what results you get. Even if you’re skeptical, you just might be surprised.
It’s nice to react sometimes in life – beautiful sunsets, the joy of children playing, etc. But walking around with a pit in your stomach all day or slowly letting depression eat you alive from the inside out is not necessary and serves no purpose.
Don’t you agree? It’s nice to have control over yourself when you want it. The following exercise will allow you to achieve this.
Let’s get started. The first step is to watch the following video. It may not seem like it relates to what we are discussing, but it does. I will explain everything in just a moment. But first, you need to watch this video:

The above video exercise uses a “person” as an example. But, the exercise can be used in other ways. For example, if you have a pit in your stomach about all that’s happening, you can use this exercise to remove that feeling (or at least lessen it to some degree).
The best way I can explain how to accomplish this is by first asking you some questions. Just stick with me here.
For example sake, let’s say you have a pit in your stomach – an accumulation of all the panic, stress, loneliness, and fear that’s been building up for days:
If you had to make something up, what color would that pit be? Would it be green, red, blue, or some other color? If you had to say it is a color (if you were forced), what color would it be?
What shape would it be? Maybe a circle, oval, or a square? Again, just make something up.
Now, what temperature would it be? Would it be hot, cold, or lukewarm?
Would its edges be sharp, fuzzy, or somewhere between?
Would the shape be dense like steel or nebulous like foam? Remember, just make something up as you hold this image in your mind.
Now that you have this shape which represents a feeling, apply the methods in the video to this shape:
Put the shape on the wall in front of you (see it in your mind’s eye).
Slowly move it around to the different walls.
Make it bigger, smaller, and bring it back to normal size.
Break it apart and put it back together.
Keep altering the shape in different ways for a 2-3 minutes and then get rid of it (using some creative method in your mind’s eye).
Then, create the shape again and continue with the exercise.
Keep altering the shape, destroying it every few minutes, creating a fresh new shape and altering it, etc.
I suggest spending 10-15 at a time on this exercise. But, you can do it several times a day. Use it for different lingering negative emotions you are experiencing, wherever you feel them within your body.
I used this same exact exercise earlier today and it worked for me. With a little bit of practice, you can make it work for you.
This is one of the exercises in our Life Mastery Program which I’ve taught for over 25 years. I have students all over the world who have used this technique with great results: doctors, police officers, victims of sexual abuse, scientists, college students – you name it.
I’m giving this exercise to you for free because I’d like you to have something you can do, instead of suffering through the crisis we are facing as a planet.
Is this a miracle pill with will make everything perfect in life? No. Will it make challenges like the Coronavirus easier to face and deal with? Yes.
As you get the emotional intensity out of the way, you have more energy and attention to put into what’s important – planning the rest of your life, accomplishing tasks which need to happen, getting a good nights sleep, etc.
Even if this exercise helps a little, it’s still better than not helping at all. So don’t settle for negativity. Use this exercises to help keep your emotions under control.
4. Rise Above Pesky Negative Thinking
For some of us, this Coronavirus Crisis is a true test of how much control we have over ourselves, including our thoughts.
Maybe you’ve lost your job. Maybe you or someone you love is sick. Maybe you are in lock-down and feeling like your candle is burning on both ends.
It’s easy to think positively when everything is going smooth in our lives. But when a serious crisis shows up, this is when many of us start to slip.
Do any of these thoughts sound familiar:
This sucks!
This isn’t fair!
I can’t handle too much more of this!
My life is screwed!
I’m not cut out for this!
I can’t be happy until I get my life back!
For many of us, these kinds of thoughts are circulating through our minds as we are facing the Coronavirus. And when they start, they seem to attract more of the same kinds of thoughts. It becomes a snowball effect.
You can try to replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. This works for some people. For example, when you have the thought…
“My life is screwed!”
replace this with…
“I’m OK no matter what and things will get better!”
If this works for you, great. Unfortunately, for most people, this just doesn’t cut it. When we replace negative thoughts, it feels fake. We don’t really believe ourselves deep down inside.
I wrote a detailed guide about this issue a while back. Take a look:
Positive Thinking Doesn’t Works Unless…
You’ll find some powerful audio exercises you can start using today, so make sure to see the guide.
When it comes to painful thoughts, one thing that does seem to help most people is disassociation or “witnessing.” This is an exercise found in standard psychology, but you will also see it in many personal and spiritual growth systems.
The exercise goes something like this:
Close your eyes, and in your mind’s eye, imagine your thoughts as text going by on a computer screen.
You can also see your thoughts as bubbles floating by you.
You don’t try to stop or change the thoughts.
You simply step back and see the thoughts, as if you are viewing them from a distance.
This exercise helps to get yourself “out of thought” to where you are observing your thoughts, instead of being immersed in them. Instead of being under the spell of the thoughts, you are watching them from a distance. You are rising above thoughts altogether.
This experience helps us to realize that thoughts are things. They aren’t us. The don’t have to define us. And, they are often irrational and not based in reality.
Thoughts can be very limiting and can cause great suffering – but only if you let them.
You can try the “witnessing” exercise for 10-15 minutes at a time. Just keep watching the thoughts from a distance.
Most people who do this exercise eventually feel a shift inside.
All of a sudden, the thoughts don’t have as much power. They even fizzle out because you aren’t feeding the thoughts any longer. THEN, it becomes easier to put some new, more positive thoughts in place (if you want to).
I’ve used this method for years to calm my mind. And I’ve successfully taught a whole bunch of students how to do the same thing.
It takes a little practice, but once again, investing a little effort is better than suffering through the effects of negative thoughts.
This exercise might seem weird or too simple, but if your thoughts are out of control – give it a try! What do you have to lose?
Don’t Block Your Spiritual Self

“Our emotions and thoughts strongly influence what’s below the surface – our deeper spiritual self”
Whether you realize it or not, the Law Of Attraction is already an important part of your life. To a large degree, what you are experiencing in your life is a result of what you are telling the universe you want.
You are "making requests to the universe" consciously and unconsciously with your emotions, your thoughts, your beliefs, and your mental imagery. This is what great teachers, achievers and leaders have stated for thousands of years.
You have the power to spiritually attract what you want in life, and repel the things that you don’t want.
But For Spiritual Attraction To Work, You Have To Follow The Rules.
Letting the Coronavirus Crisis send you into a whirlwind of fear, depression, and loneliness is not the formula for spiritual attraction. Neither is letting your mind being overwhelmed with negative thoughts.
This is not following the rules. Ask anyone who has experience or training with the Law Of Attraction. This goes the same with intuition and spiritual healing techniques.
In the middle of a crisis, you need to use these spiritual skills the most. But negative emotions and thinking will slam the door shut on these abilities. This is why it’s important RIGHT NOW to sharpen your skills of emotional and mental control.
I know this from my own experience of being stubborn about these things. This is why I take daily steps now to maintain my internal awareness and control. It’s about paying attention to yourself, being honest with yourself, and taking steps when you need to.
Use the exercises I have shared. Reach out to me about more detailed training. Do whatever it takes to get back on track.
Use This Stuff!
It may take some practice, but the above exercises will help you. These are easier techniques and the results can be achieved quickly. Share it with your friends and family. Allow them to get the benefits.
Will these exercises solve all of your problems? Is this a guaranteed cure for all the ailments of the Coronavirus. Absolutely not! But they are well worth your time.
Once you start feeling better and clearer inside, you’ll have the right mindset to enjoy life a little more and put your energy where it needs to go – taking care of yourself and your family, planning out the rest of your life, making decisions that could affect the rest of your life, and whatever else it is that you NEED to do.
Now Is The Time To Sharpen Your Skills
Hopefully it won’t happen, but things could get worse for you. You make be stuck under a quarantine for a long time. You or someone you love could get sick. I’m not making this stuff up or trying to scare you – this is reality.
Starting NOW, use the exercises detailed in this guide to develop the skills you need. Developing these skills takes some time and practice. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take action now so you won’t be empty-handed later. These new skills will help you face any major issues that come rushing at you.
And while you are here, look at the details of our Life Mastery Program. If you find the above exercises helpful, you will probably enjoy the more extensive training provided in our course.
Also, please check back to this guide soon. THIS CORONAVIRUS GUIDE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. I will be updating it with new methods and approaches you can use. I’ll do this all for free. I’m here to help!