Active 7 years agoName: svrangerchrista
unsubscribed- Topics: 3
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Dale replied to the topic Need help with personal situation in the forum Personal Growth Help 5 years ago
What is your specific question? That might help if you want to get help here.
Dale replied to the topic Communication…. in the forum Personal Growth Help 5 years ago
I agree. Sometimes, implying that you understand can be disastrous. For example, if you say that to someone who is suicidal, things could go really bad.
For tough situations, you can try saying “I can only imagine what it must be like” and even tell them you can’t understand. But you are still being supportive, you are still establishing…[Read more]
Dale replied to the topic Can you feel this? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years ago
Please see this guide. It should help you:
FionaM replied to the topic Telepathic connections with my crush and I need help with it in the forum Psychic Development Forums 5 years ago
There’s nothing wrong with what you are experiencing and I’d be happy to help, but first, how old are you?
FionaM replied to the topic Borderline personality disorder in the forum Personal Growth Help 5 years ago
You did nothing wrong here, so no need to apologize. OK to share here. Just wanted to make sure you knew the nature of this community. I personally have a bitter/sweet relationship with western medical science. In some ways it’s great and can save your life. But some of the psychiatric stuff is over the top. Medicating 5 year old kids because…[Read more]
FionaM replied to the topic Ich kann projizieren! in the forum Psychic Development Forums 5 years ago
think it’s only English speaking here. Please use a online translater before you post.
FionaM replied to the topic Family Moving On in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years ago
I’m getting early spring, but that could change. Feels like there is a willingness there, but he may need a little encouragement, or especially some troubleshooting assistance. Feels like this is about money, not about health issues or some other reason. Try to make sure this is a good plan, otherwise you could get a repeat. Although, feels like…[Read more]
FionaM replied to the topic Why me? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years ago
what is your question?
FionaM replied to the topic Borderline personality disorder in the forum Personal Growth Help 5 years ago
Sorry to hear of your struggles, although I don’t think this is support community for psychiatric type issues. Do you have a specific question?
FionaM replied to the topic Forever in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years ago
I sense the connection is real, but I’m getting big questionmarks about his long term goals. Feels like he really doesn’t know what to do yet. Is he in the military or some type of official like work? I keep seeing that around him. Maybe you could give it a little more time, and if he doesn’t bite then walk away?
FionaM replied to the topic Psychic Sensitivity in the forum Psychic Development Forums 6 years ago
I think sometimes if someone else is in your personal space, like at work, this can result in you picking up something. Otherwise, there is usually something tying you and the other person together. It could be curiosity or it could be some type of identification.
FionaM replied to the topic Husband passed on 6.1.19 in the forum Free Psychic Questions 6 years ago
I get a sense he can hear you some, but he is also still coming to grips with what has happened. Not that he’s suffering, just still try to understand where he is and how everything works. It might take a while to get solid messages from him. But, I do get stubborn sense that he wants you to start focusing more on the rest of your life and the…[Read more]
FionaM replied to the topic How to determine imagination vs. precognition- Unnatural Signs – Energy in the forum Free Psychic Questions 6 years ago
Welcome to the community and thanks for sharing. Do you have a question?
FionaM replied to the topic Is he the one? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 6 years ago
I don’t buy into the who soulmate or twin flames things. Limited way to look at relationships. There are many people on the planet you could be happy with. When I focus on him, I do get a sense of there being a spark towards you. On a lighter level, he’s great with friendships/romance. I also get a hesitation though. He’s concerned about having to…[Read more]
FionaM replied to the topic My ex and I in the forum Free Psychic Questions 6 years ago
I don’t get a sense of finality yet, either way. I do get a sense she cares, but she is indecisive at this point. I get a sense she’s really focused on new beginnings right now, maybe more schooling or a new job. If you are serious about getting her back, see Dale’s article:
Dale replied to the topic Hi everybody, so happy I found this site! in the forum Get To Know Everyone 6 years ago
Welcome to the community!
FionaM replied to the topic Will it get better? in the forum Psychic Development Forums 6 years ago
Sorry to hear things are rough for you. Life can be challenging sometimes, no matter who you are. People get sick, job markets change, people die. With spiritual perception, you gain the ability to see things in a clear way, which is beneficial. So, a good option is to develop a deeper sense of spiritual awareness. Working with the chakras is a…[Read more]
Dale likes a reply on manifest job 6 years ago
FionaM replied to the topic Guidance reading in the forum Free Psychic Questions 6 years ago
I get a psychic sense this other person doesn’t respect your relationship with your partner, and there may be selfish intentions. Feels like there is a hidden romance brewing. If your romantic relationship is your top priority, may be better to break it off with “friend.” I think your partner is sensing this too, understandably.
FionaM replied to the topic My relationship with my ex in the forum Free Psychic Questions 6 years ago
Feels like you still have chance, but it will be a while. There are concerns in her mind about money, and how much stability you can provide. Consider steps to resolve this issue Also, back of the communication. This will make you needy in her eyes. Get yourself where you aren’t wounded and needy, and then in a few weeks, reach out to her.
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