Active 7 years agoName: svrangerchrista
unsubscribed- Topics: 3
- Replies: 21
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tmlewis7 replied to the topic I'm a newbie! in the forum Get To Know Everyone 7 years ago
I couldn’t have said it better. I can’t count how many sites I have visited. Each site has taught me one thing or another. When it comes to learning I just can’t get enough.
My friends have started asking me what I am doing because they are noticing a change in me. I am only too happy to tell them. I think just searching for help and answers…[Read more]
tmlewis7 replied to the topic I'm a newbie! in the forum Get To Know Everyone 7 years ago
Welcome svrangerchrista, It’s amazing how we get drawn to this site. I have only been here a couple days and can see that there is a ton of help here. I started a couple features that is available and the information and tools are great.
I am a good listener and can feel thoughts, emotions , and other stuff. Not sure what your strength is but…[Read more]
tmlewis7 replied to the topic Psychic Warning in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years ago
Thanks Fiona that helps. I had the feeling that it was and it is nice to have you validate that. I was able to act on my intuition and save some cash. I gained a little more trust in my ability now. Thank you again so very much.
I do however have to ask what could be the cause of all the strife and trouble that occurs within my family. I ask…[Read more]
tmlewis7 replied to the topic Happiness-is it real or a myth? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years ago
Hello fellow newbie 🙂 I understand what you are going through. When I was in my early 40s I went through almost exactly the same thing. You’re feeling lost and lonely is a normal reaction to your situation. Talk to your friends for support if you are able to or go see a therapist. Being able to voice your emotions to someone releases a lot of…[Read more]
tmlewis7 changed their profile picture 7 years ago
FionaM replied to the topic Blockage in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years ago
This is something that could take some time and effort on your part. I would suggest getting some training which gives the tools to accomplish this, rather than trying to do it all on your own. You can seen the Life Mastery Program on this site or you might be able to find something elsewhere. Books are a good introduction, but often don’t go deep…[Read more]
FionaM replied to the topic MY DAUGHTERS BABY WAS STILLBORN TODAY in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years ago
Truly sorry to hear of your loss. I do get a psychic sense another is coming, not too far down the road. It feels healthy too.
FionaM replied to the topic Psychic Warning in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years ago
Not true. Classic scam.
FionaM replied to the topic Managing Your Friends – Tutorial in the forum Tutorials & Guidelines 7 years ago
svrangerchrista wrote:Anyone can add me as a friend!
No, they can only make requests. But you have to accept it.
FionaM replied to the topic Could I be Cursed? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years ago
No, I’m not getting a psychic sense your are cursed. Now if you keep expecting bad things to happen, you will keep spiritually attracting junk into your life. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy at it’s finest. I suggest working on getting control over you thinking and those deep down feelings. This is what controls what you attract. If you…[Read more]
tmlewis7 replied to the topic how to make a ex what you back in the forum Personal Growth Help 7 years ago
Hey Cool1, by now you may have already resolved your situation but in case you haven’t I can only say that no one should ever try to force another to be with them. Any kind of magic used in such a situation can and most likely will come back to haunt you. Karma can be a b***h you know.
With that said you have kids involved. I have found when I…[Read more]
tmlewis7 started the topic Psychic Warning in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years ago
In my search for which path to take I received a psychic reading and was told that in one of my past lifes I had someone or something latch on to my karma and is stealing it still today. I was told that is the reason for a lot of things that has happened in this life. I cut the psychic off when a demand for more money was put out there. I know I…[Read more]
tmlewis7 started the topic Hola in the forum Get To Know Everyone 7 years ago
Hi all, yep you guessed it another newbie here!!! Anyways it seems that my spiritual journey begins here. Will be fun times.
tmlewis7 started the topic Financial Concerns in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years ago
Hello everyone. I know this is a question that is often asked but it has come up in my life this year. I am disabled and really can’t work. Being in an older age group I am concerned that I may lose my disability. I was sent a letter stating that I am under review. With all the hoopla going on with our government officials I have concerns. I was…[Read more]
tmlewis7 replied to the topic Main Activity Area – tutorial in the forum Tutorials & Guidelines 7 years ago
I came searching for a spiritual path but have found so far that there way too many facets to such a journey. So I was guided here and I expect that my time here will be very enjoyable.
tmlewis7 and
LisaKelly are now friends 7 years ago
tmlewis7 and
Dale are now friends 7 years ago
Dale replied to the topic Told I can sense things.. in the forum Psychic Development Forums 7 years, 1 month ago
Great to see both of you exploring your psychic gifts. Like Einstein said “Intuition is the most important thing.”
I truly believe anyone can develop these abilities, it’s just a matter of proper training and experience.
A word of caution though: many commercial psychics will tell you “you are gifted” just to play to your ego. It’s a common…[Read more]
FionaM replied to the topic Getting pregnant in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years, 1 month ago
I’m getting emotional stress, not physical issues. Lot’s a nervousness and anxiety in the air. Not good for fertility. What about meditation?
FionaM replied to the topic What to expect in the forum Free Psychic Questions 7 years, 1 month ago
I get a yes soon, but that could change. Good luck. Also, start making a plan for what’s going to be different this time around, so you don’t end up in the same situation. New friends, new habits. I’m still seeing a lot needs to happen.
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