Active 9 years, 6 months agoName: poopypoop2007
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Telepathy or magick would be nice. Let me know a reputable person cheap too? Idk how to use this website or id pm you. Im really heartbroken. Thanks
I’d say there is a side to him you may not like. He’s not a player but I really don’t see you two seeing eye to eye on certain things. Go very very slowly and let him make all the moves.
Also be aware that even professional psychics can also be wrong sometimes so the name might not begin with “m” but I am pretty darned shucks good. I have done readings where it seems I was wrong but I wasn’t in the end. I have also done readings where it may not have been the truth but it was what they needed to hear for the best situation to evolve. Watch out for when you are 20. I wouldn’t touch alcohol until you are 21. I am feeling something very tragic around you and drinking in your 20th year.
I see that a phone call would be better. After 7 days of the blue knob candle. Picture you apologizing her accepting you two hugging etc. For 7 days. One knob a day. That should soften her heart. Also you can start a honey jar if you want. It sweetens people to you that may be mad at you. Take your names and put them in a jar with honey. Burn the blue candle on top of it for 7 days. It will help trust me. After 7 days then call her.
I see that a phone call would be better. After 7 days of the blue knob candle. Picture you apologizing her accepting you two hugging etc. For 7 days. One knob a day. That should soften her heart.
Sure. I’m seeing a very tanned slender guy next to you. He would like to be your bf. He’s a very nice guy and will be wealthy later inife and will treat you very well. If you smile and try to be interested in his life it will be the best thing that has ever happened to both of you. I’m getting the letter “m”. I also see that 20 year old you will have an important decision to make. One way will be a happy life and the other not so good. The clue is alcohol. Avoid it. I see a pet that loves you very much. Its a white dog. I am not sure if its crossed over but it is always by your side. Always give it a goodnight. I feel that you have a true gift for healing that should be practiced every day with a white candle (ooh do me!) By lighting the candle and focusing the light in a stream to the person being healed. You may also heal relationships using a blue candle. (Lol ooh do me) you have quite a gift. Healing is difficult for me. I see a red ribbon on the doggie? Also using a red ribbon for your prayers will help you to manifest them quicker. Tie a knot in a really long ribbon every time you say a prayer. Write them down in a diary as you go. When they happen, untie the knot with a thank you to god and your abilities will start to amaze you. You are good around flowers they grow beautifully around your energy. Please say a prayer for me to have my ex “b” back you have true spiritual strength naturally. A semi vegetarian diet will help you feel better. Meat is very “heavy” for you. Just doing your reading has uplifted me! You have a very happy vibe to your aura! May I suggest reading up on fairies? I feel they (if you want to call them fairies I call them little angels) are surrounding you (the flower thing). Keep grounded though and make sure you send your energies back to earth. Hatha yoga is coming through especially the toe touch. Blessings on you lil one you are on the right path!
I see money flowing to you as a river of coins if that makes sense to you? I feel march will be a big month for you. A “jackpot”
Look at her picture and send her I love you both with your mind and as a banner from your third eye to hers. Follow with please forgive me. Do this whenever you think about her. Lighting a blue candle for communication while you do this will help also. Perhaps a knob candle and do this 7 days meditating until the knob is gone every day. It usually works to open communication.
I don’t see any past life connection and I don’t feel a strong bond in this life either. I do feel a very strong bond with a “v”. If you don’t know her you will in a week. She likes the color red. Marah is very angry and will not forgive you.did you say sorry? There is a possibility if you send out I’m sorry please forgive me and forgive yourself but I do see this other person entering quickly with a much stronger bond.
He suffers from depression I feel. The next time and I do see the next time you get back together take yoga classes with him and meditate together. Also a fountain in the house will clear bad vibes. For sweet I suggest lol enchanting your sugar bowl. Put your hands around it and think of sweet things to hear and say.
I see a 60% probability. I don’t think its over.
What I see are like plates of armour around your heart. Someone put them there.you must work on your heart chakra. There are many you tube channels with free heart chakra meditations but your basic om while meditating green light on your heart will suffice.I am getting an imbalance with salt. I won’t give medical advice but your heart chakra needs to strengthen hint. Also idk I never took his formal classes but I am getting a salt ritual? Draw a heart write your name inside it with the word hurt under your name. Green ink. Light a green candle then soak that paper in salt water while you meditate on cleansing your heart chakra. If you can color the salt water green. After you feel “better” let the paper dry after 7 days Relight the green candle and burn the paper seeing all your hurts and pain disappear. Usually when I see a ritual it is for an individual it will help. This is the source of your blockages. Aside from that I also see a connection to someone who has passed on. It is not a good connection. They do not want you to be happy with another. I am going to go all out and feel an involvement in voodou. This entity does not want to be attached to you. You must set it free for you to be happy also. Get a black cord. A white candle. Light candle. Knot the black cord 3x and say we are bound by spirit karma and fate. I forgive and set you free. Cut the cord through the knot as you say this. Then say you are free and so am I. Blessed may we be. Burn the cord then light some incense to clear the vibes. I do not venture to say who this is but I know that you know.
Also I’m getting another love interest for you. Thin ,freckles, greenish eyes, short light brown hair, wears plaid shirts and perhaps Jewish? I see him in love with you. A lot more stronger than your “friend” I don’t feel any depth of emotion in the guy you are “friends” with now. I do however feel it with the guy I just described. This guy truly loves you. I’m getting the name Scott? I don’t usually get names. Try going out for lunch with “Scott” and give him a chance. He would be a better choice if you can do it.
What I get is that he’s making plans for the future and he doesn’t want to be held back by having a gf. He has other things on his mind. Perhaps if you ask him about his future goals and plans he could include you in them. Otherwise I see this situation continuing for years until you finally get frustrated and leave. I would suggest meditating with a white candle for clarity. If you want more from this guy I’d also suggest no intercourse. I’m getting the feeling he’d commit to you if you did. Try that for one month and see.
That’s tempting to chide you. Perhaps I can tell you instead that you will give birth to a beautiful boy I’m getting, with no complications full term. The date isn’t coming through but I am getting the planet Jupiter so I’m thinking Sagittarius.