
  • MelindaR replied to the topic Numerolgy in the forum Personal Growth Help 5 years, 3 months ago

    I am a certified numerologist through SriandKira.com. Ascended Numerology is an ancient Essene science whose information was burned in the burning of the library of Alexandria.
    It differs from other types of numerology. It works with both the principles of nature in combination with Sacred Geometry and an ancient form of Arithmancy.
    I find it is…[Read more]

  • Thank you for the honor of doing this reading. Aho! As I enter the temple in the quantum field, and connect with my spirit guide, Master Lanto. He says: Greetings my child. We have heard your prayer. We mourn with you at the loss of your mother. Dreams are another way to connect with those that are in spirit. Oh, child, do believe in miracles.…[Read more]

  • MelindaR replied to the topic Answers in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years, 3 months ago

    Thank you for the honor of this query. We see your broken heart and wish we could mend it.
    When I connect with your loved one’s soul, I felt a closure in my throat. Then my chest area felt pressure. I heard there was something wrong with a line. I see an operating room. Was there an operation? I see the doctors and staff looking at the m…[Read more]

  • MelindaR replied to the topic S in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years, 3 months ago

    Hello, Kmorris, Thank you for your question. I have training as a medium. I also believe I was a medium in a past life.
    Archangel Duma steps forward to assist in connecting through the rainbow bridge. As I connect with your energy, I feel your sweet spirit, and I feel your loss for Gramps. The connection between grandparent and grandchild is a…[Read more]

  • Thank you for the honor of this reading. As I connect with the Quantum Field, and my spirit guide, Master Lanto, Archangel Sandolphon steps in to answer your query.
    Long has been your struggle to find true love and to keep it. Malik is fickle and he desires spontaneous diversions. He easily gets bored. You are in love, and he loves you too.…[Read more]

  • I heard you are not his type. However, many relationships start without an initial physical attraction. Sometimes one’s personality can win another.

  • Dearest llovepetals, Thank you for the honor of assisting in finding out more about your beloved. Does he love me? Is he truthful?
    As I connect with your energy, I see you at the computer. You wonder if he really loves you. Is he faithful to me? I want him and only him, but does he love me. I feel your confusion and my head slightly hurts as your…[Read more]

  • Dearest Mark, thank you for the honor of connecting with your beautiful energy again. Your question is basically: Is Phil a good match for me?
    You have such a beautiful energy that attracts. You are open and ready for adventure. Not everyone is ready for this. Is Phil ready for an adventure with you? I am told he is not ready for that right now.…[Read more]

  • Hi, Mark, please submit the question in a new thread. Thank you. Will connect with your energy later.

  • Hello, Mark, thank you very much for your response. I appreciate your gratitude. Thank you for your assistance in my growth and confidence. You are so kind.
    I send you love and many hugs, xoxoxo, Namaste….Melinda

  • Client intention/questions for the sessions: Kytera87
    I met “the one” 3 years ago, but he wasnt able to be that. He left me twice due to mixed emotions for his ex wife who is a narcissist and uses his kids against him. I loved him so much it physically caused me pain just being near him, my chest would ache. I made poor choices after we split up…[Read more]

  • Client intention/questions for the sessions: Soonersfan 18
    2019 has been a rough year. First my mom has stage 4 melanoma and is going through treatments, she also has congestive heart failure, I feel like she might be getting worst but not sure. Second my mother in law passed away in July, we miss her very much, I still can’t believe she is g…[Read more]

  • Client intention/questions for the sessions: MarkK: I arranged to meet my friend Richard in his hometown of Kingston over the Labor Day weekend but he stood me up. When I tried to call him to pick me up at the bus station he blocked my number. This took me by surprise as I knew him well, we spoke often over phone and over videochat, and he seemed…[Read more]

  • Client intention/questions for the session: Hello I know what I think on this but wanted to get another perspective. My ex and I have been talking again. We have known each other 20 years. As well as share 2 children together. Recently we have been talking almost flirty I was wondering does this mean we could be reuniting?

    Initial unfiltered…[Read more]

  • MelindaR replied to the topic Lee in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years, 3 months ago

    It was truly my honor to seek answers for you. The answers are always within us. I pray the best for you. Melinda

  • 1. You seek to be financially fulfilled so that your cup fills over with plenty. You wish to be deep in wealth and full of things about you. Success comes to those who seek the wisdom of the ages and the understanding of the mysteries of the Universe. Harness your own intuition and you will find the answers says, Mother of Water.
    2. Your energy…[Read more]

  • MelindaR replied to the topic Lee in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years, 3 months ago

    Dearest 1888: It is my honor to submit this reading to you. As I connect with your energy, dear 1888, I feel anxiety, apprehension…wanting to know that which your heart already knows. Seek first the love within your heart for self. Expand your consciousness through working through your life’s struggles fully knowing the Universe is with you and…[Read more]

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