Thanks Fiona,
This may not be the best place, but some of my struggles come from dreams and visions about me and my twin flame that are misinterpreted. While no one will show me what has been told to them, I am sensitive so I know. Please ask your subject for clarification psychics please. I know my personal adversary gives hints and suggestions too much to ruin my reputation.
So just to give you more facts, I have had a mistaken identity since 1997. My cousins across the US look similar to me so moving never resolves the problem. But I was never a gangbanger, criminal, drug addict, drug user, dancer in a go-go bar, daughter of a drug dealer, drug dealer, I didn’t go to high school where I lived besides MD and NJ, I have a college education, I didn’t get pregnant in high school, I didn’t get pregnant to get public benefits, I’m not violent, I don’t teleport like the man claims, I’m not retarded or “special needs” like my ex-husband says. I was a responsible parent and got my tubes tied when husband number 2 and I had money issues and unemployment. I am responsible person cheated out of a lot and I wanted to spend my life, money and time helping others. Husband 1 prevented some good in the world by stopping my success. There are so many people that hate me based on the lies and the lies don’t stop. He most likely created several organizations determined to hurt me within the lightworkers community after convincing them I am evil. Please ask God for discernment and understanding. My ex has learned mind control and some of his followers are so damaged that they repeat the same thing over and over and never accept the truth.
So for anyone on this forum, if you see a Facebook profile, SnapChat, InstaGram or any social media with my photos or negative activities with my name, please report it! There’s only a few people with my name alone nationwide. I’ve checked. I get blocked from looking if I have real profiles, and don’t use social media much. I need help to protect myself and my 3 adult children. I have had to protect us alone since 2005, and it’s been too long.
Thanks for your help, ladies and gentlemen. May 2019 bring good things to every lightworker everywhere!
With love and peace,
Rev. Joy