
  • MelindaR posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you for the honor of your friendship.

  • MelindaR replied to the topic Johnny in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years, 6 months ago

    Johnny: With deepest love. It is my greatest honor to connect with you, your father, and your spirit guides today.
    Johnny, I know you are very confused and lonely about what happened to your father. I will connect with his energy for any insights and/or messages he and spirit/s have for you.

    As I connect with his energy I hear:

    At first it…[Read more]

  • MelindaR posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago

    Hello, Johnny, thank you for the friend request. I appreciate and honor our friendship.

  • From my studies and courses, I’ve learned that gambling with lucky numbers is not something that Spirit generally supplies.
    I can give you a list of numbers that comprise your Master Soul Code which is a sum based on your birth name as it is on your birth certificate, your birth location, and finally your birth date. This is then the formula for…[Read more]

  • My husband’s ancestors are Perry from the Choctaw band. Our world is so small!

  • Greetings Cljones37:
    The energy of a pregnancy feels distant.
    The energy of this reading is 9-Transcendent Transformation
    In this reading, what this means is that you are being asked to relax and allow yourself to enter into a peaceful state so that you can co-create this child. Discover that you are a creator and that we partner with the…[Read more]

  • Greetings Dear Djf:
    Thank you for the honor of giving you this reading.
    The energy of this reading is 7-Claiming your mastery, not only at work, but in your love life.
    That which we seek is usually already at our doorstep. Have mercy on yourself. You are good enough. You are surrounded with abundant wisdom. All the answers you seek are within…[Read more]

  • Dearest Dswan47:

    Thank you for the honor of this reading. I send you love and hugs.
    I hear yes when I ask the question to the Universe. Yes, you will win the lawsuit. I hear it will be in 3-7 months. The probability that the lawsuit will conclude by the end of 2019 is 75%.

    The energy of the reading is 7-Claiming your power! Only you can…[Read more]

  • MelindaR replied to the topic Johnny in the forum Free Psychic Questions 5 years, 7 months ago

    Johnny2019 -Message from a loved one who has very recently passed..

    Nothing ever dies. It transmutes to a different form and dimension. All who were with us in physical form continue to be with us in spirit.
    I see the vision of a man walking with a small boy. I sense a masculine energy. Perhaps a father that has passed. His hands are large. He…[Read more]

  • Dearest jwalk415:
    As I connect with the neighbor’s energy, I sense shame, anger, resentment. Her wings were clipped, and th wind in her sails were taken away. Her hopes and dreams with the relationship was deflated. She thought the relationship was headed in a different direction. She was deeply hurt by the comment (text).
    The lapse in the r…[Read more]

  • People come in and out of lives all the time. Who do you want to come into your life? Have you called forth a lover? Then a lover will come forth. Our powers of manifestation are strong. Focus and you will build your reality. Who is he that you have called forward? Is he the man of your dreams. What have you wished for? Is he tall? Is he short?…[Read more]

  • Dearest Compass37:
    Rather than one, you have two very general questions. It is always best to ask specific questions with more detail. What is it about your job that wish to know…is a promotion in the future, will there be a lay off…etc.
    What is it about your girlfriend you wish to know…is she the right partner for me, will our relat…[Read more]

  • Dearest cillarivera:
    All relationships are fluid. They change with time. I see him turning away, then looking back. He’s drawn to his daughter. A child’s smile and touch are sweet and draws the heart of a father back. There seems to be a lot of focus with the seasons and timing. Timing is everything. The time of rejoicing is not near. How…[Read more]

  • It was my greatest honor to give you this reading. With Love, Melinda

  • Dearest LaDawn:

    Right away I heard…”This is not a sinking ship!” There is hope in your relationship. A remodel definitely adds a strain in any relationship. Chill and all should resolve as the remodel comes to completion.
    Take time for date nights and romantic weekends as the stress of the remodel continues. We are in Mercury retrograde and w…[Read more]

  • I called Scott forward and heard this message:
    There was a blessed union between us, and it continues to be. You were the love of my life. It seems so funny that from where we started, we grew to be so close. The silly jokes we told still make me laugh.
    We were like one soul. As one we were. Deeply in love and understanding each other beyond…[Read more]

  • Question: Can you ask if he has any message for me and the kids? I just want to know he is fine.
    First, I sense your deep sorrow and loss. I send you my love and comfort of the Universe to assist in your healing.
    Your beloved is free of all worldly restrictions. He is loving energy that surrounds and assists you in your daily living. Watch and…[Read more]

  • The relationship: The energy of May 20th is chaotic and strong. I see two people arguing. Much drama, tears, and some shouting. There is an energy of finality that I sense.
    The energy of his return is not strong. The guidance that you seek is here. Step into this new energy of you without attachment to old energy, and trust that all is happening…[Read more]

  • As I connect with your energy it feels that you are pregnant. You are being asked to trust that all is coming in perfect order and time. I see a toddler playing around your feet. Open your heart to accept this child. Love this child unconditionally and your heart will expand even more. Accept that there is more to life and that love is the first…[Read more]

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