
  • Christopher,
    I found the studying of dreams to be one of the most fascinating areas of the Life Mastery Program. There are different types of dreams. Some can represent something that is unfinished in our lives. Other dreams can be symbolic. If you feel that a dream is sending you a message, you might want to start a journal. Just a few words…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    It is important to remember that the future is not set in stone. You have choices and a lot depends on which path you choose to take. As for your love life, it seems you will have several different interests and it may be some time before you settle down with someone permanently. You are young and you are still discovering what you want…[Read more]

  • Freelancing might be an excellent way to pursue your goal of writing. Especially if you are willing to start with the small tasks. Proofreading also offers opportunities to work from home. You have the talent for bigger and better things, but it might take awhile to break into the business. Also if you are willing to work as a script writer…[Read more]

  • Hope,
    Just go outside during your lunch break, if that is when you are likely to see these professional guys. Take a walk, enjoy it and also enjoy smiling and saying hello to people that you come to recognize. It may take a little while, but friendships often develop between people who meet this way.

    Please keep us posted as to how all of this…[Read more]

  • Hope,
    I think you have the right idea–just trust your intuition on these matters– Do you happen to know what type of businesses operate in this neighboring building? Is is all part of one large company or several smaller organizations? I have a feeling that these are professional people. These guys most likely find you attractive and that is…[Read more]

  • Hope,
    I sense that this mystery man noticed you last summer. There was something that he liked about you, but he knew nothing about your situation, i.e.; if you are married, in a relationship, etc. Guys can be shy too! If you already know approximately when he will be outside the building each day there is no harm in looking for him again. If…[Read more]

  • Hope,

    Although the future is not set in stone, I feel that there is better than an 80% chance that you will see this guy again! You already know that he works in a building adjacent to where you work. Although the outcome is not clear, I sense that there was something about you that he liked when your paths first crossed last summer. There is…[Read more]

  • Christopher,

    Because the future is not set in stone, it really isn’t possible to know what might happen during this calendar year. In your future I do see you graduating, although I am not certain when this is supposed to take place. I also see you working, perhaps as early as this coming summer.

    For this semester you would do well to focus on…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    I am truly sorry that things did not work out with La’Ryn. From what you described, she really enjoyed your company. I sense that she may developed a case of cold feet when you asked her for a real date. She had been the one initiating the get togethers that you shared. I think you can still be friends. You will see her at school…[Read more]

  • Laura,
    I sense that you might already be feeling that this relationship might not be worth the effort for the long term. You have a lot going on right now. If he isn’t being supportive in certain matters and you don’t want to make an issue of it, then you might be harboring some resentment.

    Only you can decide if you want to continue seeing…[Read more]

  • During the holidays people are very busy. It could be possible that he has not yet read your message or had the time to respond. You could try again and tell him essentially the same thing that you wondered about your message. You could say that you didn’t mean to come on strong or too elaborately, but that you did admire his ideals and would…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    It seems like this opportunity is right under your nose. She obviously likes you and enjoys spending time with you. Some girls are old fashioned enough to believe that the guy should be the one who makes the first move. I have a feeling that she would be very pleased if you would invite her to have dinner with you at a nice…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    I am really excited for you! I have a very good feeling about this! I know you had an interest in La’Ryn in the past, but perhaps the timing wasn’t just right then. I sense that it is now. When a lady cooks dinner for a man this is her way of asking him for a date. Perhaps when she mentioned that someone is interested in her and…[Read more]

  • When trying to focus on the situation I really can’t get a physical description, other the image of someone with dark hair. It is important to remember that there is no one person who can fulfill all of your needs. When you meet someone who shares your ideals and meets the majority of your requirements, you will have a good match. Even if you…[Read more]

  • Merry Christmas to you too!
    I am also a student of the Lifeleap Institute. I have completed my lessons and am now awaiting my special session and final exam. As soon as I started with my lessons I could feel the “blinders” coming off and I could better focus on people and situations and more clearly see what they represent. I sense this is also…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    Unless you know someone who you might be able to send Shannon a card in care of (like are her parents still in the area?), you most likely will need to wait for her to make the first move. It would not be a good idea to ask anyone for her address or phone number. You would just need to send the card and hope that it would be…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    A strange thing happened–I read your last post yesterday evening and I needed a little time to focus on it, so I waited to answer today. When I went back to the post I found it replaced with a different message. As I focused on your original question I sensed both possibility and opportunity with the lady that you previously…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    Now is the time to just relax with your family and friends. I think you already know that you have done well with your finals. You are already thinking and planning for next semester. Even though money has been tight this year, you will enjoy spending the holidays with your mother and sister. Sometimes the most inexpensive gift…[Read more]

  • Hope,
    That was a very nice thing that you did to offer your bus seat to the handicapped man. I know you feel good within yourself that you were able to help the man. It might take several acts of kindness and going out of your way to help others before you meet someone special. Your efforts will not go unnoticed–just continue to look for these…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    If you have not already located your keys, you might want to check with the campus “lost and found”. The thing about keys, unless someone knows what they are for they most likely are not stolen. They are likely to surface.

    I do believe that Kristen will be fine when you return from winter break. This is a stressful time with…[Read more]

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