
  • A good friend is someone who you enjoy being with. It is about sharing the good times and the bad, and truly enjoying one another’s company. There are some friends who often take advantage and consider their own needs before those of others. If these are the types of friends that you are encountering, you might want to put some distance between…[Read more]

  • Hey Brian,
    I really think that Aimee would like to talk to you. Even though you have confirmed that she hadn’t been on her site recently, it just seems that there is something that she might want to share with you. As for Mike, he seems to have the need to follow Aimee around and monitor her conversations with her friends, but he has no interest…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    Perhaps when you and Aimee caught a glimpse of one another, it may have reminded Aimee that she wants to tell you something. I have a feeling that she might have listened to your music. Can you check her “site” to see if she has logged on recently? Also for Mike, is there enough information available to determine if this is the right…[Read more]

  • You have been thinking about this for some time now. You have a strong desire to go into the medical profession. The very best of luck to you with the exam.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing!

  • You should do well– you know that you need to earn your certification on the first attempt, so you are giving it your full attention. You made the decision to go into the medical field and it is a wonderful decision. You obviously care about people and enjoy helping them.

    Best of luck to you,

  • Brian,
    It is so good to know that you are receiving favorable reviews for your music. You have put a lot into it. When Aimee logs back onto her site and catches up with her messages, she most likely will listen to it. When someone sends a message we usually read it– that is human nature! She most likely has a lot going on right now– she will…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    If Mike was going to drop the class would this be the logical time? The beginning of the last quarter? It seems as if he isn’t around Aimee as much at school. If having a class together was one tie that was binding, then it is just one less thing that they have in common. Is there any way that you can find out? As you said you really…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    I have a feeling that perhaps Mike wasn’t in class or maybe not at school on the day you saw Aimee without him. From your observations it seems that she feels a sense of freedom when he is not hovering nearby. She may begin to realize this. At this point it does seem that they are still together tho–

    I also sense that perhaps Aimee was…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    The main problem with posts on a social networking site is that people’s comments are often misinterpreted. There is not a margin for privacy. It has become a hobby for many people. You have done everything that you can by sending Allie a private e-mail to let her know that you were being supportive of her.

    She obviously enjoys…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Guidance in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    If you would like to give us a bit more information about your situation and how you are feeling about it, we would be better able to help you.

    Best wishes to you,

  • Helen,
    Corey would most likely listen to what you have to say about mending the friendship. If you aren’t comfortable calling him or trying to talk to him, perhaps you could take this initiative through a note or an e-mail message.

    You need to do this to help yourself to know that you have done everything possible to repair the friendship.…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Colleges/Education in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    Since you are so focused on transferring to another university, and you are giving youself a wide range of options, it is likely that you will be accepted at one or more of these locations. You might find youself needing to make a choice.

    As for the subject that you are struggling with, you already know that you must make this a priority with…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    It sounds as if Mike is a bit controlling– it seems that he has to oversee the majority of Aimee’s interactions with friends and classmates. If he is isolating her from friends and family this is not a good sign. In order to maintain a healthy relationship, couples need to have some time apart, and to have respect for one another’s…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    Do you happen to know what Aimee and Mike might have in common other than school? If they don’t have many of the same interests to share, that could place a burden on the relationship. How does he react when she hangs out with her girl friends? Do they interact with a group of friends? If he keeps her isolated from her friends and…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    I would say both to the reasons that the bond is not as strong–school and they might be drifting apart. Good luck with the exam tomorrow–you should do well– just don’t let your expectations for seeing Aimee tomorrow affect your focus on the exam.

    You may observe something tomorrow pertaining to the two of them, but it might not be…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic i feel so lost in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    There is often such a magic in a long distance relationship, that someone isn’t given an opportunity to know the other person in ordinary, everyday circumstances. This is what I sense is happening. I am truly sorry that you are hurting. How much did you really actually know about him? How much time were you able to spend together?

    It…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    It is really good that there are several interests that you share with Aimee. When you send her the link to your music, just make sure that you include a few other friends as well. For right now, if you send her messages about other common interests it might be a good idea to include others also.

    Her boyfriend by himself!—hmmm! When I…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic stuck in a rut…. in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    It is really more important for you to decide what you want to want to do in regard to your career. It is such a shame that others sometimes think they know what is best for someone, not considering the individual’s goals, skills, or preferences. Once you have an idea of what type of job you would like to have, then you could modify your…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    Is there any other common interest between you and Aimee other than music? I hope you will send her the link to your music before the end of the school year. I was wondering if you might have another reason to e-mail her? Do you think she would tell you if she and her boyfriend are no longer together? If she should, or if you should hear…[Read more]

  • Laura,
    I sense that the attaction you are feeling is for what has not yet been explored. If you should get together with him the aforementioned problems could still begin to surface. People don’t seem to change all that much.

    It might be important to ask youself that if the potential relationship did not work out, would you be comfortable still…[Read more]

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