
  • Since the relationship ended 3 yrs. ago and you have had no contact with him, you can’t expect too much. The only way you will know for sure is if you contact him. If you are shy about talking to him, then perhaps a note would work better. You could let him know that you have moved to the area. If he responds and would like to see you, then…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    As I am focusing on time-frames and situations, I was seeing trouble brewing for Aimee and Mike during a 3-day weekend. Now I must ask, did you have an extra day off from school during Easter weekend? I don’t think Aimee is happy with the current situation. She most likely doesn’t want to end the relationship right now, with the school…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    You might want to take this slow and first find out if Kristen is involved with someone right now. If she isn’t, then you might want to ask her out. In the beginning as you are just getting to know her, you might want to be a bit careful about telling her how much she means to you. This might make her uncomfortable until she has…[Read more]

  • Hey Brian,
    Each time you and Aimee see each other and make eye contact, this is another positive step. There is something that she wants to ask you or say to you, and this is on her mind. I have a feeling that Mike will make an effort to be nicer during the weeks as finals are approaching. He will need Aimee’s help– Although most of the time…[Read more]

  • Laura,
    It could possibly have a better than 30% chance of succeeding in a couple of years, but in all honesty do you think it would be worth the wait?

    I sense that there is someone who you know only casually now that is interested in you. You may begin dating in about 2 to 3 months. I have a feeling that you will be happy. It is important to…[Read more]

  • Hey Brian,
    There is something kind of magical about making eye contact with someone who you can’t have a conversation with at the time. Aimee sees you and acknowledges you, but she knows she should not do anything to distract you while you are in class. I sense that she was touched when you mentioned the tulips. You remembered something that…[Read more]

  • Laura,
    I think you already sense that this guy has too much going on with him right now. Being a recent college graduate and finding his way in the business world, he is not in a stable position right now. It also seems that he is fearful of a commitment. It is good that you both want to remain friends, but it is wise that you have decided not…[Read more]

  • Hello,
    Welcome to the forums! We want to make sure that we see your posts, so if you have a question that pertains to psychic based advice please post it in the “Free Psychic Questions” forum. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The “Life Enrichment Guide” forum pertains to information in the free e-mail guide provided by the LifeLeap Institute.

    “1111” has been thought to be a…[Read more]

  • Hope,
    If you just want to sit quietly somewhere and enjoy being outdoors, one good way to keep people from striking up a conversation is to be reading something. People are less likely to interrupt someone who is reading. So you might want to take along a book or magazine.

    Hope you are feeling much better very soon!

    Take care,

  • Hope,
    I am so glad that you are feeling that you can go out for your walks. Just continue doing what you enjoy and remember that others will not know your status. If you are relaxed and not expecting anything more than just to enjoy the day, you will reflect this. There is a chance that you could encounter someone who might want to strike up a…[Read more]

  • Hope,
    Because you don’t feel open to meeting new people right now and you aren’t getting out, most likely you won’t meet anyone for awhile. If you are comfortable with your routine and prefer time to yourself, perhaps that is what you need at this time.

    Still, there are many people who are not single who do things on their own. If you are out…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    I have a feeling that Aimee wants to ask about your sister’s baby. Women are always interested in hearing about new babies. Although you don’t have any of the same type of classes, it seems like there were many things that you used to talk about. You obviously have many common interests. Is there anything coming up that could make a…[Read more]

  • Hey Brian,
    It is wonderful that you are feeling all of this positive energy! I definitely do think that you will have the opportunity to talk to Aimee, but again you might be caught off guard, so you need to be prepared. It seems that during the last couple of weeks of school that due to finals and other events, class schedules might be modified…[Read more]

  • Hope,
    Many people take walks during their break at work. The majority of people who you might encounter will not know if you are single, just as you do not know the status of others. Don’t let that hold you back– If you enjoy getting out and walking, then you should go ahead with it.

    Regardless, if you can just get out and do something…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic path in the forum Free Psychic Questions 14 years, 11 months ago

    Have you considered looking for a local community theatre where perhaps you could audition for a role in a play? If you find that you do enjoy acting, studying would be an important factor. At least something like this could give you an idea if you would want to pursue it further.

    I sense that you have a creative nature. What are some of the…[Read more]

  • Hey Brian,
    It is wonderful that you are feeling so much positive energy! A major cause of this is that the ice has been broken. ๐Ÿ™‚ Aimee took the initiative to be the first to smile and wave to you. This is very important! She is becoming more brave– not being bothered that Mike is following her like a guard dog–

    By exerting positive…[Read more]

  • Hey Brian,
    I think Aimee would like to talk to you and congratulate you on becoming an uncle! She most likely wants to ask about your sister’s new baby. I think she wants to listen to your music but just might not have had the time yet. When she catches a glimpse of you she is thinking that she needs to respond to your message.

    She might not…[Read more]

  • Hey Brian,
    I really do feel that you will have more chances to talk to Aimee. If you are only able to smile and say “hi” that would be a step toward breaking the ice. If she is talking to someone or you are with a friend, you wouldn’t want to interrupt her conversation or ignore your friend. If you can just make eye contact and smile, wave or…[Read more]

  • Hey Christopher,
    It is good to hear from you! You already know what you need to do to succeed and finish school and graduate on schedule. I have every confidence that you can make this happen. Just don’t allow yourself to become distracted.

    As for your career, what do you really want to do? You are obviously majoring in music. It would help…[Read more]

  • Please feel free to ask about whatever is on your mind– the forum is for helping one another– It would be safe to say that most all of us have had the kind of friends that you are referring to. I used to attract some “friends” that who I would soon learn didn’t have many other friends. Through my training I have learned to protect myself from…[Read more]

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