Active 7 years, 9 months agoName: augustalsina
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KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
Hey Brian,
I know you are glad that your finals are over with– I am sure that you did just fine. It also goes to show that when you are ready to start in the business world that you will do a great job! Your employer will value your dedication. You will do well in your chosen field because it will be a challenge. You won’t give up until you…[Read more] -
KathyN replied to the topic Relationship question in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
It is good to hear from you! Things seem to be going well for you at school. You have been working hard and you are getting ready for your last year before graduation. You have known all along what you needed to do to make it happen– and you are making it happen!Tara obviously enjoys being with you. She invited you to attend…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
Hey Brian,
Just 2 more days of finals? School is really winding down! As I focus on your situation, do you know for certain that Mike is indeed graduating? I know this is his fourth year in college and it is time. Do you know when his graduation will be? As for his site, are there any clues as to if this is him? I am thinking of a…[Read more] -
KathyN replied to the topic A general question in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
I sense there is something out there for you, though it might not be in your chosen field. There is a possiblity that you could find something to hold you over until you finish with your studying. Perhaps a local drugstore with a pharmacy? Since you have an interest in the medical field this would be a good fit.
You have a personality which…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
Hey Brian,
I am so glad that you are happy! I have a very strong feeling that you will get one of the internships. I am just not sure which one. That is why I said a few weeks ago to try to have an alternate plan. This is your alternate plan to apply with both companies. It shows that you are sincere and that you really do want this work…[Read more] -
KathyN replied to the topic very lost,depressed and confused in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
It is important right now not to confuse the two issues. You are not happy in your marriage, but you should not expect fulfillment from someone that you hardly know. It is important that you and your husband communicate and decide if you both want to save your marriage. If you both feel that it is not working, then you should work out a…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic very lost,depressed and confused in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
I sense that you already know that you should put the needs of your children first in any decision that you will make. Have you talked to your husband about the possiblity of couples counseling? It seems that he is just not an openly affectionate person, but he loves you and your children.What do you really know about this person who…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic Hi Everyone! in the forum Get To Know Everyone 15 years ago
Welcome to the forums! Actually everyone does possess some psychic ability, it just gets buried away at a subconscious level. As you read through the forum information you will learn about methods available to unleash this ability.Hope to hear from you frequently!
KathyN replied to the topic When will I live freely? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
There are steps that you can take if someone threatens you– you might want to talk to your attorney and/or the police about this. If you are threatened you can have a restraining order against the people drawn up. They might be fearful of violating the restraining order.
You should not have to live in fear of retaliation for what you have to…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic reading request on my love life in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
I am so glad that you are feeling better and getting out to do things with friends. When people from work get together, they normally are not focusing on one another’s status. It is just a time to get together and share the interests that you have in common.When you are relaxed and happy, this attitude will shine through. You will…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
Hey Brian,
I am so glad that you are feeling happy and confident. The school year is coming to an end and you need that break. You are planning a new set of activities for the summer. Do you expect to hear soon about the internship?That picture situation with Mike is bizarre. It seems as if he initially wanted the picture for his own…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic When will I live freely? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
You need to do what is best for yourself and your children. Do you have family who could help you? There are also community support groups that are equipped to help women deal with these types of situations.
Once you are able to develop a plan for yourself and your children, it would be in your best interest to seek legal advice. In order to…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
Hey Brian,
So glad you had a very special 21st birthday! You are creating this positive energy and you are feeling so much better because of it! School is almost out and you are getting ready to transition to a new phase in your life. It seems as if you are planning around that summer internship, so hopefully you will have some good news very…[Read more] -
KathyN replied to the topic help please! in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
With an employer who can also provide you with legal service, you stand a good chance of getting the new work permit!
As for the guy, if he really didn’t want to remain friends it seems that he wouldn’t be in contact at all. It might work better for you if you didn’t pursue seeing him right now. I sense that you will meet someone new in the not…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic Future Life in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
As you focus on what is troubling you right now, can you try to envision what would be the best outcome for a situation? If you can try to project positive energy into your actions, you will start to feel better. Things will turn around for you! If you know what you desire and have a positive attitude while you are working for it, this will…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
Hey Brian,
Wow–just 2 more weeks of school! It will be a busy couple of weeks, but you are ready for some new summer adventures! I have a really good feeling about the internship. You are sincere and really want this work experience. It will also be nice that you can focus on your music as well.With Mike usually walking behind Aimee,…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic help please! in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
If you know that you are doing all that you can and you have an attorney working on this, just try to focus on a positive outcome. The laws concerning imigration are complicated. It is possible that you could receive an extension, but do you really want to have to face this worry again at a later time? You most likely have been…[Read more] -
KathyN replied to the topic My New Attorney in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
When you focus on the attorney, do you feel that this person is being sincere? Do you feel that your needs are being met? If the attorney seems to be more focused on the outcome (they want to win their cases) than financial gain, this is a strong point.Your attorney should be willing to explain strategy. You deserve the best possible…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
Hey Brian,
I would say that it is a definite intriguement for both you and Aimee when you see each other but can’t have that conversation. Most likely last Wednesday she had something on her mind when she stormed out of the classroom with Mike behind her. Interesting, it seems that he is usually behind her and not walking beside her?When…[Read more]
KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago
Hey Brian,
When Aimee sees you and makes eye contact, this means that there is something on her mind concerning you. It is unfortunate that you see her and can’t talk to her, but it seems like this is making the situation more intriguing right now. Unless your school has a policy prohibiting any public displays of affection, it seems like Mike…[Read more] - Load More