
  • It does not necessarily mean that your children would be deformed, but there is a possibility of inheriting certain genetic weaknesses. If you should decide to marry and have children, you might want to consult a pediatrician for advice.

    Best wishes to you,

  • You would not have to marry him, but you might just want to be aware of how things might be if you should ever consider this–

    Best wishes,

  • It is possible to have more than one soulmate in your lifetime. If you feel that you and your cousin are meant to be together, this would not be out of the question. The laws regarding marriage of first cousins vary from state to state, as well as in different countries.

    You might want to consider all aspects of this marriage, especially if you…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic help with an Ex ? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 14 years ago


    It is good to know that you are feeling better about things. However, your ex shouldn’t get off free without having to provide some financial support for the kids. This is something that you will need to pursue at some point.

    As you work to rebuild your life you will realize that you might be better off if he doesn’t come back– You…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic help with an Ex ? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 14 years ago

    He might be thinking that he can pursue a relationship with someone who he is interested in. However, I strongly sense that his plans for a new relationship might not work out. It may take some time for him to realize how much he misses what he had with you and the children.

    Right now he doesn’t really know what he wants. In the meantime, you…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic help with an Ex ? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 14 years ago

    Sadly, it seems that there is someone else who he is interested in. Right now he has no desire to try to work things out. Things might not work out with this person who he is interested in though. In the meantime, don’t feel that you have to go away and take your children if you don’t have someplace to go. If he isn’t discussing financial…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic help with an Ex ? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 14 years ago


    Are you prepared to take the children and go away for awhile? This could present a financial problem for you. He doesn’t seem to be willing to be the one who goes away for awhile?

    If time apart is what he is asking for, then you are trying to give this to him. Somehow I get the sense that he is punishing you for something which is…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic help with an Ex ? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 14 years ago

    Since you have told him about your desire to work things out and you are still living together, it does appear that there is hope for a reconciliation. Has he indicated that he plans to make other living arrangements? You have these two small children who will need both of their parents.

    You have asked for forgiveness and you are…[Read more]

  • Please contact the university to find out!

    Best wishes!

  • This is something that you really need to find out for yourself. If you have questions regarding policy/assistance then you could contact the university to obtain the necessary information.

    By finding out what the necessary qualifications would be, this will help with you long-range planning.

    The best of luck to you!

  • If you know what you must do to make this possible, then you have a very good chance. You need to get yourself ready for this! Only you can make this happen!

    Best wishes for a Happy New Year!

  • This can happen in many different ways. There is really nothing set in stone that would indicate that a deceased loved one is sending you a message. If something out of the ordinary happens, and you think of someone who has passed, it could be a message from that person’s spirit.

    These spirits tend to want to guide you and to help give you…[Read more]

  • If the company needs the service that you are providing, most likely your job is secure. In situations where positions are eliminated due to budget cuts or outsourcing, the signs are usually there in advance of this happening.

    So just continue to do your best and not worry, unless you are given any concrete reason to be worried.

    Take care,

  • Just hang in there! Unfortunately, there are many others out there who are enduring similar situations. It is just that the job market is very tight and these people are just glad to have jobs.

    Just continue to do the best that you can– and remember that nothing stays the same forever!

    Best wishes,

  • Often when someone in a position of authority tries to make a subordinate appear to be stupid it is because that person is seen as someone who could rapidly succeed. This person could not force you out without reason, and also could not make false accusations that would harm you for future employment elsewhere.

    If from day one this person has…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    Since you texted her last and he has not responded, it might be best to wait until you hear from her. It is a common courtesy to respond to someone’s message, but perhaps she prefers to not have the texting be a continual occurrence. Texting can be expensive under some cell phone plans. Do you know for sure that she even uses her…[Read more]

  • Don’t attempt to contact him again. His behavior is irrational. He is putting the blame on you for his behavior. It is difficult right now, but in time the pain will lessen. Just go on about your life and try to put this behind you.

    In time you will meet someone new who will appreciate you and all of your fine qualities. You will be glad…[Read more]

  • Because you are professional and have a strong work ethic, it is possible that one of these individuals sees you as a threat. You are intelligent and learn quickly. As soon as this individual realizes that you are not trying to take anyone else’s job, then the situation should improve.

    You just want to do your job, to help others and enjoy the…[Read more]

  • The longer you work there, the more familiar you will become with company policy and procedures. This will cause you to have less contact with these individuals in time. It is unfortunate that they feel the need to behave in this manner. You are doing the best that you can in these circumstances.

    If you can manage to continue to look elsewhere…[Read more]

  • Just hang in there! I know things are not as they should be, but remember how many months you waited to find this job. The job market is still very tight and it often takes people months to find another job.

    As long as you are doing your job and doing it well, just focus on that aspect. Think about how much you have learned in a short amount…[Read more]

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