Active 7 years, 9 months agoName: WeeKezza
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May 16, 2017 at 9:28 am in reply to: Father of my16 year old back in life and has never met his son #13002
Absolutely not. Sorry for interfering but if the man was really interested in establishing a relationship with his son and making up for not being there, you would not be a factor. I don’t mean that in a negative way, but you would come after any chance with his son. Also has he even thought whether his son wants to know or not? In addition to this if you are happy and in love this shouldn’t even be a choice for you, this is not best for son. The man has failed to be there for him his entire life, then shows back up and tries to use him as a prop in emotionally blackmailing you. He sounds like a selfish man, who has realised he has nothing and is now trying to force a family scenario from you to give himself a purpose. And what if you did take him back and he left again, what damage would that do to your boy. he is best left alone. You have done well on your own, giving your son a stable upbringing and have found yourself happiness, let him rot in his own misery. Tell him either he focuses just on his son, and makes a good job of it or he just stays gone for good. neither of you need him. You will soon see if and how much he felt for his boy and whether he fully intended to be a dad.
Im not psychic or anything but I think if you have been spending time thinking about it, you should just reach out and see what happens. You have nothing to lose if they aren’t actively involved in your life right now anyway, and you don’t want to spend forever thinking what if? Also you don’t want the choice to be taken away from you, we never know what is around the corner or how long we have left, what is something (God forbid) happened to either of you. This happened very recently with my mother and her dad, they managed to speak to each other just before he passed but had in fact spent 30 years apart. At least if you get in touch, let them you know you care, you can always say you tried, and who knows?? Could be the best thing you ever did. If you do go ahead, good luck x
Are you still in love with your current partner? It is normal after a period of time to feel fed up or bored, it is also perfectly normal to start wondering what and who else is still out there. Are u fed up with other areas of your life too? I think perhaps you need to have a chat with yourself about how you really feel, within yourself and towards your partner and if you could imagine a happier life without them. I don’t think the person you have been thinking about is the answer, I think it’s maybe they are being used as like the cause (so to speak) for the feelings and confusion your feeling now and probably subconsciously already did before. The time thing (always 11:11) might also be a way of you looking for signs which aren’t really there esp if this time, or date even is significant to you in someway. I could be wrong but I think now is more about you, than who you want to be with.
I think perhaps you should focus on yourself more, if you were married and then went into this, you haven’t really given yourself time for you, and the rediscovery that brings. If this relationship was meant to be or is somehow unfinished, then it will find a way of letting you know, love is a very powerful thing but only if you truly love yourself too. Just my opinion though, whatever you do but, don’t come across desperate for his attention that will drive him further away.