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October 4, 2018 at 5:11 am in reply to: Clearing a blockage to get the life that's rightfully mines #18055
Tamison graduate
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Credits: 42.00Beauty impaled , basically what I’m saying , if your having physical heath problems start with researching your diet and what your putting in your body. Even mental and emotional problems seem to miraculous disappear with diet changes. Perhaps even read up on some of the research and effects of television watching, video games, music and even the type books you read. One thing is for sure, if there’s a cause there’s a cure…just good luck finding it if you know what I mean. Another recommendation, think about becoming a student of LMP. Dale has a good program . He teaches you how to access your own innate abilities instead of you having to rely on others …..I’ve been through the program and just now getting to the point of making progress with the 1st few lessons, but people learn at different rates so maybe you’d pick it up rather quickly.
October 4, 2018 at 4:42 am in reply to: Clearing a blockage to get the life that's rightfully mines #18054
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Credits: 42.00No i wasn’t told the same . I only went 1 time to a psychic, basically just to see what it was. Still to this day don’t know if they were legit. And wish I was wise. I prefer to learn about things that doesn’t seem to be limited to just a few . If some one tells me they have a special ability It puts me into research mode to find out how well known and how many others exhibit this same talent. I’ll give it a try to see if its actual , hogwash or old wives tale sort of deal. If science can’t explain or find an answer then I’d rather steer clear. Humanity has been around a long time and if something is amiss I’m pretty sure the unexplainable is either some sort of mental manipulation or brain washing, in which case I don’t care to participate. Hope things get better for you soon.
October 4, 2018 at 1:18 am in reply to: Clearing a blockage to get the life that's rightfully mines #18050
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Credits: 42.00Beautyimpaled, take it from someone whom has been where you are. I spent 10 years involved with the psychic, spiritual, holistic health arena. Thinking it was real and could help or work, I tried LOA,( law of attraction) , reiki, energy healing, psychic reading, spiritual and religion training. Yoga, chakra, meditation, self-help books galore. Well all the money I was suppose to be able to attract never reached me. Guess it got lost in the mail or still unfound floating around out there in the universe . All the better health must have found someone else it liked better. All of it is basically just for entertainment purposes.
But , and I say but, there is one thing I did find to be true among all this…..Unless you were born one of the lucky people, There is one, and only one person whom can make a positive difference in your life. That being your own self. No amount of money, training, classes, others no matter good their intentions is going to be able to make a positive difference in your life. If you want money, you’ve got to get a job and work like the rest of us. If you want better health you’ll have study bio, health and nutrition .
These so called blockages you think you have was intentionally taught to you. Its an advertising gimmick. If someone wants to sell you something then they have to come up with a manipulation tactic to make you think they have something you don’t.
There is 2 kinds of people in the world, the lucky ones whom was born into intellect, wealth, health that never had to sustain any true real problems.The rest of us , well I guess you already know the answer to that…..
Tamison graduate
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Credits: 42.00Calvin, for starters. Instead of stating what you can’t do, don’t have or don’t like, switch to what you do like and can do, or naturally have and focus on these. Obviously your smart enough to have survived and made it to teenage years. So your doing something right. And perhaps athletics just isn’t your game, but as with all things it takes practice with anything most of us want or try to do, unless you was born as a child prodigy, which I wasn’t . Maybe instead of looking at it as your a failure, change your thoughts to , this is something I’m going to have to practice to get better or good at. Isn’t that what test were designed for, to let you know where your strengths and weakness are ? Hope this helps and that your situation gets better soon.
Tamison graduate
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Credits: 42.00Hi JaneM001. Have you ever heard the expression, your not what you think you are, but you are what you think ? My own personal thoughts on this subject: we are not just born from the 2 parents that are our biological parents. We inherit many generations from all our blood line that came before them as well. Which as you know some of our cells have molecular memory and you could very well indeed be sensitive to some effects of your grand or great grands issues . A genetics test should confirm or put your doubts to rest from a bio perspective. Perhaps your just different with your own personal interest that doesn’t match that of your family. Or perhaps your doing something that isn’t in harmony with your true self or image and throwing you out of balance. Either or I can relate to how you feel, I went through the same thing. You didn’t post your age, which could also be factor in the equation.
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Credits: 42.00I’m not understanding the question, Whom are you asking about in specifics ? Are you talking about you and a partner Or humanity in general ?
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Credits: 42.00🙂 Retweet : (I decided years ago if I am already “doing it,” I might as well get good at it. And, it’s worked out well for me.As far as dangers, I think you have more of a chance of getting hurt on the freeway going 75 mph, than anything you can do with metaphysics (but most people oddly don’t look at it this way). Just something to contemplate!.)
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Credits: 42.00Hi Sadbetty, hope you feel better soon. I’m not sure what a hex removal is, but If your like me, a change in my diet and the foods I was eating was the 1st step in my recovery and helped to lift some depression as well as helped remove some of my weight problems as well. There is free nutritional advice all over the web, perhaps start a search there. Physical Exercise is also considered a medicine and works wonders on these black clouds you mention if your able and I’d recommend checking with your Dr or primary care physician before starting. But long walks at a local park, or even making a personalized trail near your home is ” free”. Having money problems is a bummer for sure, have you considered going back to school or taking some new skills classes at a local community college ?
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Credits: 42.00Hi Mckalibre9,
From my own understanding and what I’ve read about dreams, it is our bodies/mind trying to integrate and/or bring our attention to some issues we may be having. Deciphering the symbols and meaning is another whole different story. Some people have learned to attune themselves to their mental senses so well that they can make sense of them. I’m not that advanced as of yet.
Spirits in your house ? I’m not sure I follow what you mean by that. I’ve never encountered a spirit except for the living people kind. I have heard that drinking alcohol in the form of beer/liquors is considered consuming spirits. But I don’t think they are bad, to me drinking to much does lead to hangovers, however. So I’d limit my consumption if that was happening.
If I have any trouble sleeping I just incorporate more physical fitness exercises such as yoga or weight lifting into my day and limit my caffeine/sugary/carbohydrate intake. That usually works within a day or so. Or perhaps if yours is long standing or a great concern to you, you should check with your Dr. or medical professional provider.March 24, 2018 at 9:10 pm in reply to: Does he like me?Will he start a relationship with me soon? #16777
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Credits: 42.00I would have to agree with Mellow, if you really want to know…ask him. Why spend your time pondering what could or couldn’t be. If you ask up close and in person, then that would eliminate the guess work, right ? If he’s in to you then he’ll let you know, if not, then that at least lets you know not to spend any more time in limbo.
Tamison graduate
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Credits: 42.00I’m not a psychic reader but in my own opinion I’d say this is one of his groupies. Even more so I get the feel its actually a female. What better way to screen fans ? Ask some questions that pertain to a male and female response. Such as gage how a male or a female would respond to the same question.
Tamison graduate
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Credits: 42.00Ok, you have some back and forth swapping of messages. What does it mean ? Let actions speak louder than words. If he’s legit then you’ll get your tickets via email, right ? I looked up the name, its associated a with stage name vin diesel, yes ? So I’d call into question, why would some one with his reputation and access to basically unlimited numbers of people be searching on the net in chat rooms for someone to hook up with ?
I’m in hopes you don’t get your hopes or expectations up to high. Just saying , yes it could go against all the odds and be a possibility, but keep logic and rationale within the scope of your thinking as well.
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Credits: 42.00The name wouldnt or doesn’t help me figure out who he is. But just be on the side of caution and careful and I’d do some back ground and research is all I’m saying. Better to be safe than sorry, know what I mean ? Hope things turn out for your good .
Tamison graduate
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Credits: 42.00Me personally , would be wanting to meet this person, but if you are happy with the way your situation is . Yet Id say if your questioning if your being scammed…then perhaps maybe you should do some research. People don’t usually hide behind fake screen names and only interact or socialize on the net in chat rooms for no reason. Could be that he is married or just don’t want to be known or perhaps isn’t whom he claims to be. Either way if you feel strongly enough that you are asking advice and insight from others….I’d say you already have your answer
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Credits: 42.00Hi Joyce,
It sounds like you answered your own question, you quoted: ” I decided to stop sending money but he still chats with me and our relationship continues…do you think I’m getting scammed or is he really who he says he is” ? You’d be amazed at how some of these soft ware developers have trained AI computers to interact with us real people on sites like these.I agree with tmlewis7 on this, Perhaps your intuitively/psychically picking up on that he’s confused as to who he actually is as well. Have you got to meet this person live and in person or has all of your correspondence been via internet and chat blogs ?