Active 8 years, 5 months agoName: Muptonaz
Basic Member- Topics: 26
- Replies: 20
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Muptonaz started the topic Since im working on me now…. in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 9 months ago
I have decided to foxus some attention on myself. Are there any specific areas that need my attention? What direction should I be going with my career? Should I be worried about just having a job or should I be looking at career choices that may require education? Or is my creative talents what need my focus? Is there any financiak freedom in near…[Read more]
Muptonaz replied to the topic Defeated ready to walk. in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 9 months ago
I totally get that and am completely aware of this… He and I have a 23 yr history and the last 6 months I have had more trust and patients than i have ever had between us. I know My actions are in question, When you have been on an emotional rollercoaster ride and the emotional ride is not always my ride and its 6 months of it perspective begins…[Read more]
Muptonaz started the topic Defeated ready to walk. in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 9 months ago
Im defeated. I have not heard from Mark and dont know what is going on with him…. No explination…. No denial, no admittance
I am ready to walk out. What else can I do? I wish I knew if he is ok. What now? -
Muptonaz started the topic How can I grow when my pain took over my life in the forum Personal Growth Help 8 years, 9 months ago
I want a better life, I was in the middle of moving into and getting settled into a new place for me and my bf of 23 yrs. We are in seperate states but he was moving back that was alwsys the plan anyways. Someone tells me hes with someine else and maybe on drugs. I have always had depression and now after feeling so good I feel like everything is…[Read more]
Muptonaz started the topic I cant move on without in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 9 months ago
My significant other Mark of 23 years and i have been living in seperate states. We have a strong relationship that has survived many things. Im sure hes my soulmate. Just recently I was told he was with a woman named Tasha. I have also been told he is doing drugs. We have been working towards his move back home and thats what I have been planning…[Read more]
Muptonaz replied to the topic Need Help Using the Lifeleap Community Area? in the forum Tutorials & Guidelines 8 years, 9 months ago
I dont see anything about giving author a credit. Could you please explain this I just saw the box and feel awful if I havent been showing my appreciation for their insight etc.
Muptonaz replied to the topic Struggling with direction in my life in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 9 months ago
In addition to everything we have discussed some concern was voiced to me that Mark might possibly be doing heroin…. He is supposed to call me today and I wanted to know if I should mention the woman or the heroin….truth is Something IS off with him that I will say I have noticed….but I dont want to accuse him of anything. I want to keep…[Read more]
Muptonaz started the topic The power of suggestion and telepathy in the forum Psychic Development Forums 8 years, 9 months ago
Can telepathy be used to plant harmless msgs that influence another to do something? Im talking harmless things like call home…. Is this process different? Is it harder to send words than emotions?
Muptonaz started the topic What can i do to help him in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 9 months ago
Mi significant other and i have been in seperate states. I got a msg that he is living with another woman an is doing heroin. Im not so much worried about the other woman except that I know her and she is Exactly the kind of woman he does not like. But I am worried about the heroin. What can I do in all of this? Is this a cry for help? Is he ready…[Read more]
Muptonaz started the topic Now what? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 9 months ago
Im sorry if you are sick of seeing my face or reading my post but this is such an important issue to me. Im intelligent I know all the you have to love yourself, if he loved you he would not cheat, you deserve better….I am NOT ignorant I am aware of this and work on them. My insistence comes from my own intuiton that gut feeling that cannot be…[Read more]
Muptonaz started the topic IMPORTANT is he doing heroin in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 9 months ago
My sig other and i have been living in different states. Yesterday i received news he is living with another woman and using heroin. I want to know if this is true and what I need to do to help him if its true or what i should do to help my relationship….. What would he respond to if I wanted to get his attention to help him decide to quit
Muptonaz replied to the topic Telepathy in the forum Psychic Development Forums 8 years, 10 months ago
Yes it does and makes lots of sense. Especially based upon new events from yesterday it makes a lot of sense. I need to work on the wreckage that surrounds my relationship first.
Muptonaz replied to the topic Struggling with direction in my life in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 10 months ago
Thank you so much…. Of course its nice to hear you dont feel another womans presence,my heart told me there wasnt one but the past has had some so my head takes over lol (still learning to trust my first impression of things) The most valuable info here however is what I need to work on…. We ARE a little over 1000 miles apart and that does…[Read more]
Muptonaz started the topic Im starting to learn i need work in the forum Personal Growth Help 8 years, 10 months ago
Ive been so excited to be here and am learning so much but I am finding out through all i am posting and reading in the lessons etc… That i need to learn to find room in my life for me. I have spent 23 yrs making my sig other happy that I have ignored what my needs are. I have kept my feelings at bay to avoid conflict. I worry so much about how…[Read more]
Muptonaz started the topic Learning more in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 10 months ago
I just read the article on getting the most out of psychic reading and I now know that my questions can guide the discussion so I feel a need to redefine my thoughts. In my earlier session I learned Mark my sig other in another state loves me and wants to come home, but hes procrastinating, also learned that how I am is affecting the situation. So…[Read more]
Muptonaz started the topic Telepathy in the forum Psychic Development Forums 8 years, 10 months ago
I have had some success in the past reaching my significant other who is in another state but recently have not been able to connect any tips ideas etc….
Muptonaz replied to the topic Another psychic said in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 10 months ago
Sorry i should clarify I got a similar answer from a psychic recently but she didnt say we had a guarantee but there was an open opportunity is how she put it.
Muptonaz replied to the topic Another psychic said in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 10 months ago
She didnt guarantee our relationship she said we have an opportunity she was careful to say it isnt a guarantee but an opportunity. I was hoping maybe you would pick up on something of your own concerning this. Is there a woman near him? Do you pick up anything about what i can do to strengthen our relationship?
Muptonaz replied to the topic Struggling with direction in my life in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 10 months ago
Ok I have read the article and I see where I need to change some things but You used the term “being” in a way that makes me think its important and I cannot grasp who I am being. I can see ways that I act and react but not clear. You have done so much already i hate to ask any more of you…. Its too important…. Do i need to back off and let…[Read more]
Muptonaz started the topic Ghost? Demon? ???? in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years, 10 months ago
My husband and I are in seperate states right now and he is has been trying to move home but keeps running into obsticals. Several months ago my husband called and said there was something living in the trailer… Short hairless thing that would appear in the mirror and was doing things like throwing things from cupboards, stacking objects…[Read more]
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