
  • @MelindaR Melinda , I need guidance from you , sorry to bother you but today I feel really low. Today it’s my birthday but day passed with alot of confusion IT didn’t go as I planed. I feel my own expectations puts me down. Hope that you can remember that you sent me healing energy in year 2020 due to a relationship issue.I had feelings towards a…[Read more]

  • Ms_Cosmo posted an update 4 years, 8 months ago

    Hello @MelindaR
    I hope you are doing well!
    I sent you a private message a little while ago,but were currently experiencing storms in our area,so I’m unsure if it went through successfully or not,but wanted to touch base with you to let you know.
    Have a great afternoon! 😊

  • Good morning @MelindaR
    I’m still trying to figure out who the uncle would be, but haven’t yet,however I had an aunt who helped raise me&was my”other mother”growing up,that passed away unexpectedly in a car accident when I was a senior in high school. She was very small in stature(just over4’tall),gentle face&spirit&loved very fiercely!
    Her…[Read more]

  • Ms_Cosmo replied to the topic Remote Healing in the forum Metaphysical Healing 5 years ago

    Good evening,
    I am contacting you to request your Gracious offer to assist in remote physical healing.
    I’ve suffered for years w/intense,debilitating headaches,as well as a couple of other chronic physical disorders.I have&will continue to fight,until I’m healthy.I’ve attempted to get to the source,causing the issues,but haven’t had success in…[Read more]