
  • MelindaR posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago

    I do not walk around hearing voices, seeing ghosts, or having visions. They come when I give them permission, or when I ask questions on behalf of a client. I hear the voices as thoughts. I have not had audible voices. Sometimes I get high pitch sounds in my ears. Other times I hear a buzz, like that of bees. As ‘weird’ (or awesome!!) as being psychic is, it has been quite gentle and controlled. I believe this is due to the training I completed through the Lifeleap Mastery Program. Without the training, I probably would be completely crazy! Ha! The course starts gently and works up to high levels of psychic abilities. You are taught how to clean your personal container (your self). I highly recommend taking the program. It will be the best investment you ever make.