Active 4 years, 1 month agoName: LoganBlood
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LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00Well first off I’m so sorry, I understand what your going through. Well just from talking to you I can tell that you aren’t happy, I would sit down & talk with him. Just be honest with exactly how you feel because if yall dont work on it now it will only get worse and that’s not fair to either of you. Think about it for a while, get some paper & a pencil. Draw a line down the middle of the paper, on one side write pros & one side cons. Then sit somewhere quiet and complete the list honestly the best you can and then compare them. That tends to work very well for me.
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00I can’t say yes or no, but I can tell you that my husband and I have beings that watch over us. Most people I have met do. So most likely yes.
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00If you’re doubting him enough to seek out advice from a stranger then I would have to say that you already know that he doesn’t have the right intentions and that your not suppose to be with him. If a person is “The One”, there will be no mistaking it you will know when you find that person. I wish you all the best.
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00Well I have to say, if you have been having any gut feelings or reoccurring thoughts about him cheating then something is definitely not right. With that being said though it could be you just thinking he is. The best thing to do is ask him.
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00Yea you should I feel like you would be happier
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00I agree
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00I mean everybody can read people to an extent. How well you can read them depends on how much practice you’ve put into it.
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00What makes you freeze, have you ever had any kind of relations with a girl before?
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00I feel a change coming in the form of a move.
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00The only way to be sure is to make sure yourself. Right any wrongs, and tell the truth about the lies and yes I believe they will have a bond
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00You should make you a pros and cons list for both and once you have really put the energy into your list, you should be able to decide
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00What tracks were you guided to created and why. I have an entity that’s with me always I can feel his presence all the time. But he’s more like a guardian angel and I’ve never had thoughts about being delusional or anything from him he’s here to help me. I’ve sensed and felt other beings before but they never have really bothered me. When did you start sensing their presence, have they done anything to make you feel uneasy or scared?
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00I dont know, but you know you could always ask him.
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00I would message her but like you said dont overwhelm her.
LoganMassey87Basic MemberParticipant
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Credits: 33.00I’m sending positive vibes towards you all.