
  • Christopher,
    I know you have been friends with Shannon for a long time now. She seems to fade in and out, and it seems to have much to do with what is going on in her life at the time. While it is important to sustain longtime friendships, it is also important to get to know other people. Keep up the friendship with Shannon, but don’t be…[Read more]

  • Hey Christopher,

    So glad to hear that the school year has started out well for you. As I focus on Sami, I sense that she has another interest right now. However, that interest might not last for too very long.

    It is important to remember that our future is not etched in stone. There are various different paths that we can choose to venture…[Read more]

  • Hey Christopher,
    I sense that Sami and Hannah have both been very busy this summer, perhaps travelling. This is the time when friends can’t check their e-mail on a daily basis. Often times we plan more than our schedules will permit and we just can’t get everyone and everything in. Please stop thinking that this has anything to do with what you…[Read more]

  • What do you want to bet that when he asks to move back in with his parents that he won’t tell them the whole story? They are eventually going to find out and he is going to have to listen to their opinions on all of this.

    He is going to have to see for himself that the girl is not right for him, or to be around your son. That is why it is…[Read more]

  • Hey Christopher,

    Your attitude is awesome! You seem to be happy! When I focus in on you I sense that you recognize your goals and know what you need to do to achive these goals.

    I feel that this will be a good year for you with school, and that you will be doing everything that you can to make it that way!

    Please keep us posted–

  • Sadly, it seems that she was never emotionally available during the time that you have known her. Life experiences and responsibilities if negative or emotionally draining can cause people to become angry and bitter. This had nothing to do with you. You tried to be her friend. I sense that a relationship could not develop beyond friendship due…[Read more]

  • I am truly sorry that you are having to experience the heartbreak of this separation. Actually, the future is not etched in stone. I am still feeling that there is a 60% chance that he will want to return to his family, although it may take some months. By that time you may have realized that you have some other options and you might not want…[Read more]

  • I am a student of the Life Mastery Program and fairly new at giving advice, but what I sense is happening is that you are feeling the loss of what might have been. You have just learned that she moved out of state and is involved with someone. You have been attracted to her for a long time, yet you did not follow through with asking her for a…[Read more]

  • You are definitely right about not being the one who should move out of your home. I don’t think this young girl has thought about the “big picture”, meaning that if your husband should choose to be with her that he is still going to have a responsibility for you and your son. Has your husband considered consulting an attorney? Hopefully he…[Read more]

  • I am a student of the Life Mastery Program and am fairly new at giving advice, but this is what I am sensing–
    Your husband says “he thinks” he might have feelings for this woman. This could possibly be a game with him. He knows what he should do. He is not about to give up his family for something that is not a sure thing. I sense that she is…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    Since she has been a long time friend, you might just want to ask her to have dinner with you before she leaves for the east. You would have a better sense at that time as to how you should approach this. I see her as being excited about going away to school, a bit anxious and apprehensive all at the same time. If she knows that…[Read more]

  • Ruben,
    First of all –I want to say that I am so sorry that you were hurt this way. When you mention “long distance” relationship, I get the sense that geographicaly you were not that far apart, however circumstances kept you from being together on a regular or consistent basis.

    I am sorry to say that I sense she had another involvement during…[Read more]

  • Chris,
    There is always a chance to get back in touch with someone, but please don’t be disappointed if the bond is not as strong as it was in the past. I sense that Shannon might have another interest right now. However, it would not hurt to get in touch just to ask her how she is, how things are going for her, etc. The easiest way might be…[Read more]

  • Lindsey,
    There are some excellent guidelines as to how to select a reputable psychic right here at the LifeLeap Institute site. From the Home page, just click on the “psychic counseling” tab, then click on the “free psychic facts guide” tab.

    I would have a very hard time trusting someone who would continue to take my money, and as you said–this…[Read more]

  • Chris,

    I sense that you are enrolled in the type of classes that will support your career goals. This matters very much to you. Since you have the interest you should naturally do well. There are opportunities to work at jobs while you are continuing your school work. It might not be something that you would continue with for a long period of…[Read more]

  • Chris,
    I am a student of the Life Mastery Program and I am still new with giving advice. We must remember that the future is not set in stone. There are various opportunities in life and the outcome depends a lot on which avenues we choose to explore.

    With Hannah the two of you obviously have something in common with your interest in music.…[Read more]

  • Lisa,

    I am so glad that you are feeling better about the situation. You are so right, in these forums people really do care about one another and want to help. I am nearly halfway thru the Life Mastery Program. I have been reading these posts and if there is something that I think I can do to help, I have been jumping in. This site is viewed…[Read more]

  • Lisa,
    I have a feeling that you are not alone with the e-mails that you have been receiving from the particular website that you mentioned. Possibly everyone who obtains a reading thru that website receives the same follow-up communication. There are some excellent guidelines as to how to select a reputable psychic right here at the Lifeleap…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    I am sorry that your feelings were hurt. You obviously are a very sensitive person. I am a student of the Life Mastery Program and am sort of new at giving advice, but I would say to give this lady a bit of space. She could possibly have another interest right now. If you have had no further communication since the time she…[Read more]

  • rgreen –

    Congratulations on your success with the psychic project. Everyone is physic, so it doesn’t surprise me you did so well Keep up the good work. Remember, psychic ability is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.

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