
  • KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    It might be a good idea to smile and say hello to Aimee even if she is with her boyfriend. Actually say hello to the both of them. If you start to see her without him more often than not, it will be time to really focus in on the situation and see what is happening there!

    At this point he might be busy with other classes, activities,…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic love and music in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years ago

    Since Aimee was walking upstairs most likely she didn’t see you on your way downstairs. You have sensed that she hasn’t been happy for quite some time. It seems that she was deep in thought when you last saw her. We don’t know what happened on Valentine’s day– Does her boyfriend normally walk her to all of her classes? Due to time…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    It seems likely that Aimee and her boyfriend are kept together by habit, as well as having a class together. If something should go wrong between them at this point it would be difficult seeing one another in class. Also, there would be explanations needed to friends, etc. It is important to remember that the future is not set in stone…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    I sense that you have recognized within yourself that you have become more responsible and mature within the past year. You are focused on school and you are doing what it takes to do well and to graduate on schedule.

    Have you thought about the possibility of a summer job? Even with the tight economy this might be a possibility.…[Read more]

  • Hope,
    You are doing all that you can at work by just going on about your daily routine. I think just about everyone knows how it feels to have to contend with an annoying co-worker! It can sometimes be more troublesome than the job itself! By being professional toward her she will realize that she is not making an impression on you. Just hang…[Read more]

  • You have very good intuition about people. You seem to really want to give this a try! You might want to communicate a bit longer before you decide if you want to meet in person. Six years difference is not much, especially when the both of you are mature. If you share the same ideals and enjoy spending time together that is what is important.…[Read more]

  • Christopher,

    With Allie you might want to learn a little bit more about her before you make any decisions as to if you would want to ask her out. If you can establish that she is not otherwise involved then you might want to consider it. Often times people are shy and tend to be more open in written communication. She obviously enjoys…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    Your attitude towards this semester is awesome! You are focused, working hard, doing your very best, etc. School is going well for you because you are making it happen!

    Are you in a position where you might be able to talk to Allie privately? You might want to try to find out if she could be seeing someone right now. It seems that…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    Perhaps if you were to send an e-mail message with the link to your music upload to multiple recipients, this wouldn’t appear obvious that you had singled Aimee out. Include both male and female friends. Aimee has an interest in music and she would most likely listen to it. If the opportunity presents itself, just say “hi” to both Amy…[Read more]

  • Brian,

    It seems now with second semester well underway, that things might not change much for Aimee for the remainder of this school year. There might not be any change relationship-wise until the summer. So, maybe if you can just wait to see what happens during the summer? I know it seems like a long way off, but it will be here!

    The more…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    Do you happen to know approximately how long Aimee has been with her current boyfriend? I keep coming up with the number 7. I don’t know if it means that they will be together a total of 7 months, or will they be together for another 7 months, or have they already been together for 7 months? I focused in on the 7 months a few weeks ago…[Read more]

  • Brian,
    You will most likely continue to see Aimee at school. It is like a situation where people are in the same place at the same time each day. It should be all right to say hello to her when you see her. If she is with her boyfriend you could just say hello as if it were to both of them. You have good intuition, and you know that you will…[Read more]

  • Shenice,

    Welcome to the forums! We look forward to hearing from you. You have a fascinating background!

    I am a student of the Life Mastery Program. I love learning about psychic development and want to further develop my skills to make better choices for myself, and to help others.

    A lot of people would appreciate your help in the “free…[Read more]

  • I think you trusted your own instincts and you were ready to hire that attorney! While you are awaiting your hearing date it will help you to think positive thoughts, focus on a positive outcome. This might be easier said than done, but projecting a positive energy can help to achieve a positive end result!

    Take Care!

  • KathyN replied to the topic HELP! in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years, 1 month ago


    If you have tried to work things out and let him know that you would like keep trying, that might be all you can do at this point. He doesn’t seem to be open to suggestions right now. Unless there are some major modifications, the problems that were already existing in the relationship might still be there. This means that if you were…[Read more]

  • Hope,

    Your co-worker obviously admires your taste in clothes and your work ethic. However, I sense a bit of jealousy. She somehow feels that by trying to emulate you she will succeed in the workplace. This constant effort to be in competition with you would certainly make you feel uncomfortable. You are just there doing your job and you want…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic HELP! in the forum Free Psychic Questions 15 years, 1 month ago

    I sense that you would like to get back together again with your ex. If you feel that there are issues which can be worked out, perhaps you could take the first step? You don’t need to wait for him to attempt the reconciliation. If you can just approach him with an honest, heart-felt conversation that could be a step in the right…[Read more]

  • You know that you have good instincts! I do believe that you should follow your instinct that tells you to consult with an attorney. By doing this you could possibly avoid encountering some hidden agendas that you did not anticipate. By having good legal representation this should lessen the stress involved with this situation. It should also…[Read more]

  • You are most welcome! Please keep in touch to let us know how you are doing!

  • Brian,

    With Aimee’s situation, I think you know that you are just going to have to wait to see what happens with her current relationship. Just smile and greet her whenever you are able to. 🙂

    I have a very good feeling that perhaps as early as this coming summer you will have the opportunity to work on your music and make some good…[Read more]

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