
  • Not every experience will be a bad one– You are wise to follow your intuition. Perhaps you found it difficult to trust him because deep down inside you knew that he could not be trusted? When someone new comes along you might have an entirely different feeling about this.

    A successful relationship requires work on both sides. You should not…[Read more]

  • Christopher,
    A lot will depend on what you do to prepare for your future. You should do well with school, as you have in the past. Just don’t allow yourself to worry too much. It would help you tremendously to begin work on your resume. You could also start looking into a plan for what your first step in your search for employment will…[Read more]

  • Bianca,
    With all of your efforts, something should open up for you soon. Because you have been on interviews, this is a very good sign. It is just that the economy is really tight right now. If you keep on doing what you have been doing– that is what it takes– just continue to apply for any position that you feel that you could qualify…[Read more]

  • Actually, you could pursue both avenues. With a temp agency, an assignment can often lead to permanent employment with a company. Also, they do understand if a temporary employee is offered a permanent position elsewhere.

    If you were to start with the temp agency and the healthcare position should be offered to you, that would be really great!…[Read more]

  • Barbara,
    Since this relationship has a history of being on and off, do you really want to continue with this pattern? It appears that he is playing mind games with you. He is attempting to make you feel the blame for something that he might not feel that he can continue with. You had a pleasant weekend together, but perhaps having dinner with…[Read more]

  • Have you had any type of contact with this man since he stopped communicating via the internet? Did you notice any change in his behavior before this happened? Sadly, it seems that he has another commitment. What would help you the most would be to have closure to this relationship.

    If he should contact you again, it would be best for you not…[Read more]

  • Tanya,
    Welcome to the forums! Actually we all posess a certain amount of psychic ability. We just need to learn how to unleash it. Please browse through all of the forums because there is so much valuable information available!

    We look forward to hearing from you often!

    Take carre!

  • Would you feel comfortable contacting him? Would he be willing to have a heart-to-heart conversation about these things? I sense that his response would tell the story. This would give you the closure that you need. It isn’t fair to you and definitely not good for you to have to wait each day for that call to come thru– then to only have him…[Read more]

  • To have continued agruments followed by weeks with no contact is not a good situation. I sense that you need to know if this relationship can be repaired? It seems as if he is allowing this “ex” to become a wedge in the relationship.

    I realize that you have invested 3 yrs. in this relationship, but if you were able to work things out there is a…[Read more]

  • Then most likely the dinner date will happen– he will just have to clear his schedule. It seems that you both have mutual respect for one another. This is a good sign! It seems that there is some real potential for this relationship. It is just slow in getting started.

    Right now I see about a 60 – 70 percent chance of this being a lasting…[Read more]

  • Has he asked you what it might take for you to no longer consider him a stranger? Actually if you wanted to go out on the boat and he had other friends with him, it could really work out ok– he might think this would be a good way to get acquainted.

    It is good to follow your intiution, you are being cautious. If you really like someone tho,…[Read more]

  • This dream could possibly come as a result of the news media focusing so much on the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death. It could also be symbolic– if you feel that your dreams are trying to tell you something, you might want to keep a journal with pertinent details.

    You might discover in future dreams what all of this could be…[Read more]

  • You are also learning how far you can “push” your voice without straining it. Some famous singers have to rest their voices between performances. Some have to do very limited talking so save their voice for performances.

    You are still in the process of developing your voice. It is hard to tell how long it could take because it can vary with…[Read more]

  • Your voice should become stronger and more even as you practice singing. Are you training with a voice coach? That would be the best way to get some pointers and exercises that will help you. There is so much musical equipment to help as well. Just think about all the singers that you have heard– there are many different types of voices, some…[Read more]

  • I honestly can’t tell if the job that you most recently applied for will be the one that you get, but you should have a job sometime this summer. With all of your hard work and determination, something should turn up soon!

    Take care!

  • It seems that he could be a good match, but after communicating for a month and he hasn’t asked you out– I sense that there might be something or someone who might be preventing it.

    How much has he told you about himself? If he is just shy or cautious and wants to take some time to get to know you, that is ok– but if he is otherwise involved…[Read more]

  • He is obviously a person who weaves his web– causing you to rely on him only to turn and pull the rug out from under you. Since you know that he has moved on to someone else, you should not allow him to come back. I realize that this is a painful revelation, but you must be strong and not accept any help from him. It would be best if your…[Read more]

  • It is all right to go back and try again with a company that you didn’t receive a response from. Things are constantly changing. This would only show your interest and determination. With all of you continued efforts, something will have to turn up soon!

    Take care!

  • I honestly don’t think you are doing anything wrong– it is just that in this day and age potential employers don’t respond to thank you for your interest. After interviews they only tend to notify you if you are selected for the position. It may be months down the road before you are contacted for an interview.

    Have you looked into any free…[Read more]

  • So she did say that she would like to go out with you? It appears that this has not happened yet. She said that she wanted to take things slow– this isn’t the time to be telling her how you feel about her. It is important to get to know one another slowly. She might not want to be texted quite so often. It might be wise to send her one…[Read more]

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