
  • Welcome to the forums Megan!

    Please take the time to read through the subject tabs. There is a lot of really good information here!

    Best wishes,


  • Megan,
    Welcome to the forums! It is important that we remember that our future isn’t exactly set in stone. While we walk along the main road in life there are various different pathways where we could detour. You are ready to be in a relationship. The best way to meet a quality person is at a place where you enjoy going. If you have an…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Career in the forum Free Psychic Questions 12 years, 4 months ago

    Permanent full time employment could happen for you around the beginning of the new year, if not sooner. You might not find it to be all that you had hoped for, but if you continue to apply for the type of work that you feel you would enjoy the position will have its rewards. It could also open up opportunities for advancement.

    Best wishes,

  • Welcome to the forums!

    Actually, our future is not set in stone. There are several different options that may come our way. A lot depends on which path you choose. I sense that you aren’t certain right now of what you actually want. What do you feel would be your best option? If you sincerely want to reconcile with your ex, can you make…[Read more]

  • Tony,
    You were guided to the forums– so please take the time to read the information about the services. You might like to look into the Life Mastery Program– of which I am a graduate student. These lessons are designed so that students may study at their own pace. Because you have many responsibilities this might be a good program for you–…[Read more]

  • Tony,
    Welcome to the forums! It is important right now that you ask yourself what it is that you would really like to be doing? There might be something that you can do to start this in motion– but it is important that you act on it now.

    Best wishes,

  • Hey Christopher,
    It is really good to hear from you. You certainly have made some good contacts in the music industry. I know you will keep trying. Actually you are probably living close to a very good area for these contacts. Before you actually move to another area there are so many things to consider. First– the cost of living. You…[Read more]

  • Don’t be afraid– think of your ability as a gift! A really great place to start to put this ability in perspective would be to check into the Life Mastery Program. The program is outlined on this website. I am a graduate student of this program. I too have abilities that I did not understand. It is a matter of learning how to use these…[Read more]

  • Right now it is important to ask yourself a major question. How is he making you feel about yourself? Is he willing to try to make the marriage work? The efforts need to be made by him as well.

    Best wishes,

  • Hank,
    Welcome to the forums! Really great articles! Hope to hear from you often!


  • Please keep in touch to let us know how you are doing. We are here to help–

    Best wishes,

  • He is dragging you down– even while he is absent from your life. The best thing you can do for yourself is to move on with your life. If you can secure some kind of part time work to get you ahead financially, and then also take the courses that you need, this will get you going in the right direction.

    Trying to contact him now would only lead…[Read more]

  • This guy is playing mind games– he is fearful of a long-term commitment. You deserve to feel good about yourself. You have some good work skills. Keep applying for what would be a good paying job. Do you really want to waste the negative energy that would be involved in a law suit? It could take years to even come to court.

    Once you rebuild…[Read more]

  • Kimmi,
    It is difficult, but you know that you need to keep applying for jobs that you qualify for, or could qualify for. You have some very good qualifications. I sense that you will have some meaningful opportunities by early fall.

    Best wishes,

  • Actually, the future is not set in stone. A lot depends on the road you choose. If you were to get back together with your ex, the problems that you experienced in the past could resurface. What type of career have you chosen? You should do well in a field that you truly enjoy. Making sure that you have secure employment should be your next…[Read more]

  • Kimmi,
    Welcome to the forums! We would be better able to help you if you could provide a bit more information about the direction you would like to take regarding your lifestyle.

    The future isn’t set it stone. There are various different options available and a lot depends on the path you choose to take.

    Best wishes,


  • It is often said that the best way to have a friend is to be one. You have tried very hard, but it seems that he only wants a friend when he needs one. From that perspective there is a chance that he might contact you in the future. Do you really want that kind of a one-sided friendship? You are a kind an caring person and there are many other…[Read more]

  • He knows that he acted like a jerk! This is kind of a guy thing — he most likely wishes he hadn’t acted the way he did, but he feels like the door is closed to communication. He would have to work up a lot of courage to call you after all this time. I still advise you against trying to contact him. I sense that he really doesn’t want to be in…[Read more]

  • Hey Christopher,
    It is really good to hear from you. What you are setting you mind to do right now will actually be the best for right now. Once you secure that full time job you can then think about expanding your planning for future goals, etc. I sense that you will need to work at something more mundane for a short period of time in order to…[Read more]

  • Felicia,
    Our future is not set in stone. There are various different paths available and a lot depends on which path you choose. There is a possibility that you could stay working within the educational system, but you could move to an administrative position. Many school districts have positions known as “program specialists”. Teachers…[Read more]

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