
  • Until now, this method has only been available to students of our Life Mastery Program. Because it’s so powerful and easy to use, I am making it available to everyone. Take the time to see this video and learn how to make radical changes in your life using this simple technique. Of course, please share this with your friends and family – it w…[Read more]

  • Until now, this method has only been available to students of our Life Mastery Program. Because it’s so powerful and easy to use, I am making it available to everyone. Take the time to see this video and learn how to make radical changes in your life using this simple technique. Of course, please share this with your friends and family – it w…[Read more]

  • Kimberly,
    This guy is really a jerk! He doesn’t have much in the way of a conscience. He calls you on Christmas Eve to tell you that he has been cheating on you– He doesn’t know what he wants. I sense that his new relationship will not last– he will not marry the lady with the 4 kids and he will not have a child with her.

    There will come a…[Read more]

  • I sense that you are having some doubts about this relationship? Right now you might just want to take things slow to see how they develop. It is important to give him some space while you get to know him better. You obviously care for him very much!

    Best wishes,

  • You are exactly right about the major commitment issue. He cares for you and he is frightened by what he feels. His fear of commitment is stronger than his desire to be with you. Then when he sees you or thinks about you he wants to take that chance. Then he gets scared and backs off. This is very unfair to you!

    So again you are right about…[Read more]

  • You want what is best for Aaron. It might be difficult for him to express himself. His actions toward you will tell you what he is thinking. Before you try to move him out of the group home, make sure that his needs can be met where you are moving. Would he be comfortable with room mates? It might be best to just take this slowly and make…[Read more]

  • You mention that this is an on/off relationship. The chances are that you will hear from him again. However, you certainly don’t want it to continue to be on/off. It is important to discuss the issues that are driving a wedge into the relationship. It is important not to force him into a commintment right now.

    Best wishes,

  • You might want to find a way to contact him. It is much easier these days with various different internet search engines. If you were on good terms the last time you were in contact, the chances are that he would be glad to hear from you.

    Best wishes,

  • KathyN replied to the topic Hey 🙂 in the forum Get To Know Everyone 12 years, 2 months ago

    Welcome to the forums!

  • Hopefully you can be at peace with your decision not to contact him. Just focus on the new year and the better things that may come your way!

    Best wishes,

  • In this scenario, you will need to contact him. Is it possible to do this via written communication? By doing it this way you will feel less vulnerable. You will also have the opportunity to express yourself and say everything that you intend to. If he receives something in writing he is more likely to read it and think about it.

    Best wishes,

  • Continue to apply for every type of job that you qualify for or could qualify for. Your chances of getting a permanent position will be better just after the holidays. I have a feeling that you will be feeling more settled by the end of the first quarter of the new year.

    Best wishes,

  • It is important that you make an effort to talk. You need to feel that you are doing all that you can to find out if the relationship can be repaired.

    Best wishes,

  • It is really difficult to determine a specific timeframe, because our future isn’t actually set in stone. Think of life as a highway that you journey along. There are various different detours available and a lot of what happens depends on the path you choose. I see you having success by being true to yourself. Don’t feel that you have to…[Read more]

  • You are likely to meet someone new when you least likely expect it. Just be yourself, continue to go to places you enjoy, and be involved in things that you believe in and enjoy.

    Best wishes,

  • KathyN replied to the topic Hey 🙂 in the forum Get To Know Everyone 12 years, 2 months ago

    Welcome to the forums! You will find a lot of information here on the development of your psychic abilities!


  • Congratulations!
    This baby will be loved very much! You will do everything possible to ensure that he/she gets the best prenatal care possible. As for the gender, you will be able to find out around the 16th week of your pregnancy. Before that time you will bond with this baby and you will begin to sense the gender.

    Best wishes,

  • You might want to consider looking into the Life Mastery Program. The details are on this website. The program consists of a series of exercises that you can learn to increase awareness and at the same time eliminate the surrounding negativity.

    Best wishes,

  • Just be yourself– and the question really might be if you will like him as much once you meet him in person. You might see this situation from a different perspective once you have had a chance to spend some time with him. Just don’t appear to be too anxious–

    Best wishes,

  • Hey Christopher,

    So glad things seem to be progressing well with your new friend. It sounds like she was looking into the online dating because she wanted the opportunity to meet someone. This is also what you were doing. It seems she is really interested in being with you and keeping the lines of communication open. Just can’t believe that…[Read more]

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