
  • KathyN replied to the topic Uncertain in the forum Free Psychic Questions 12 years ago

    I sense that your friend was caught up in her own thoughts and things weren’t going well for her. That is why she made that remark. Good friends are supposed to help each other through difficult times. Not kick someone when they are down Just focus on your move and making new friends.

    Best wishes,

  • KathyN replied to the topic sinking in the forum Free Psychic Questions 12 years ago

    I sense you are having some doubts about your 4 year relationship? Also if you can get ahead financially? If you could secure a job that would meet your individual financial needs, this would help to boost your confidence. You would also feel more in a position to make decisions for yourself.

    Your questions don’t contain a lot of information…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Uncertain in the forum Free Psychic Questions 12 years ago

    Please don’t blame yourself for what went wrong in this relationship. If he was uncomfortable with aspects of the relationship he should have wanted to discuss the situation before leaving. He might not know what he really wants right now. You are doing your best to move on and I do believe you will benefit from putting some…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic sinking in the forum Free Psychic Questions 12 years ago

    If you could please tell us a bit more about your situation we will do our best to help you. Do you have a specific question?

    Best wishes,

  • You have been chatting for over a month — have you discussed meeting in person? You obviously enjoy this communication, do you feel that it is time to meet? If he drags his feet about doing this he might have some other things going on as well. If you are able to actually meet him you will have a better sense if this is something you wish to…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Uncertain in the forum Free Psychic Questions 12 years ago

    It is only natural that you are having these feeling of conflict right now. You have made the decision to move back to New York where you have family who can help you. Your daughters will also benefit from having family nearby. Your ex should be providing financial support for your daughters. You might do well to consult an attorney…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Hello and thank you in the forum Get To Know Everyone 12 years ago

    Welcome to the forums! So glad that you are finding them interesting and informative–

    Best wishes,

  • Helen,
    Our future isn’t exactly set in stone. A lot depends upon the path that we choose to take. In this case the road to this particular friendship might have different results regarding the actions that you choose to take. You are already feeling that a long term relationship in not in store, but you are seeing the possibility of a lasting…[Read more]

  • Helen,
    Welcome to the forums! You feel that you have met him for a purpose. If you feel that a romantic relationship will not be for the long term, there is no reason why you couldn’t remain friends. The purpose of your meeting him might come to light as you continue to communicate with him. Because of your geographical distance you aren’t…[Read more]

  • Sam,
    I sense that he is someone who fears a commitment. He is being honest in the respect that he is not ready to get involved. He most likely does care for you, but he is fearful of his feelings for you. He prefers an online communication because he is not pressured to answer all questions or to explain himself. So it would be best for now if…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Hello & THANKS in the forum Get To Know Everyone 12 years ago

    Welcome to the forums Sam!

    There is so much useful information to be found here.

  • KathyN replied to the topic Career decision in the forum Free Psychic Questions 12 years ago

    I sense that you have an interest in really getting involved and doing things that will make a difference in the community. Also that you have the ability to more than meet the expectations of your current position. If you continue to do your job to the best of your ability and demonstrate an interest for advancement, it is likely to be…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Career decision in the forum Free Psychic Questions 12 years ago

    Welcome to the forums!

    You might do well to give it some time in your new department. Then you will have a better feeling for what you really want to do. You will receive more gratification from doing the type of work that you enjoy the most. It does sound like an interesting field to be working in!

    Best wishes,

  • It is just very sad that every time he resurfaces that you are the one who ends up getting hurt. He will be back in contact, but you do realize that you need to live for yourself. He knows that you will always accept him. However, you need to follow the path of what is right for you in your life. Just know that you are doing and have done all…[Read more]

  • It seems that he basically becomes uncommunicative when things aren’t going his way? You should not have to be expected to agree with him on all issues. You have the right to your own opinion. He will surface in time, but this pattern might continue to repeat itself.

    So you are doing your best to be a good friend to him, but your first…[Read more]

  • Dale replied to the topic Hi in the forum Get To Know Everyone 12 years ago

    Thank you Stephanie and welcome to the LifeLeap Community!

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  • Confused about how to do anything in the lifeleap community area? Whether it’s how to ask a question in the community, reply to an existing topic, or something else, please see our tutorial section to get all your questions answered: using lifeleap community

  • Until now, this method has only been available to students of our Life Mastery Program. Because it’s so powerful and easy to use, I am making it available to everyone. Take the time to see this video and learn how to make radical changes in your life using this simple technique. Of course, please share this with your friends and family – it w…[Read more]

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