
  • Actually, not everyone sees things in the same manner. A lot depends on how you visualize something in your mind’s eye. If you take a thought — such as how others see the days of the week in their mind– you are likely to get several different responses.

    Hope this makes sense–

  • Hey kimberly,
    sorry for the delay with my reply but i have been out of town. I am glad that you and your daughters are happy to be in ny. Jobs are hard to find in this day and age but something should come up for your soon. Fiona has some very sound advice in the situation with your ex. He is not stable and he is playing games. It is…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Me! in the forum Get To Know Everyone 11 years, 9 months ago

    Welcome to the community!

    Hope you enjoy the forums and hope to hear from you often!

  • Welcome to the forums!

    I do sense that you and you husband will become parents. The timeline is not definite, but a child will come to you either by conception or adoption. This child will be very much loved!

    Best wishes,

  • Because you are very anxious to meet someone, it is important not to react too quickly when you think you have met “the one”. You need to take time to really get to know this person before you think in terms of a lasting commitment. So for now you might want to take this slow and in time you will know.

    Best wishes,

  • Because you feel that you are able to “lean” on your ex-husband, is there a chance that you could work things out? Perhaps with couples counseling you could repair the damage that has been done. You obviously still care for each other.

    Starting over isn’t always that easy, so you really might want to give this some consideration before you…[Read more]

  • Welcome to the forums!

    In this case it might be best to openly try to talk to her. You need to know what went wrong in this friendship and why she has been chosing not to respond to your messages. It seems that you have done nothing wrong. It is possible that she became interested in someone else. If this is the case you might need to wait to…[Read more]

  • Welcome to the forums!

    Sometimes dreams can be symbolic– meaning that the person you are seeing in your dreams might be a combination of various different aspects of a person who you would want to be with. So don’t keep looking for this person, but you might see a variation of this image in others. You might find this special person when you…[Read more]

  • Never under estimate the power of prayer. Information can come to you in ways that you do not expect. I do believe that your son will remember where he put the money. To eliminate future problems have you considered getting a small in-home safe?

    From personal experience when i was serving as the executor of my step-dad’s estate, i had to deal…[Read more]

  • Barbara,
    it seems that your son might know where he put the money, though he might not remember right now. Something will trigger his memory. Some things we do so automatically that we don’t remember. As for his hiding place, what else could have upset it?

    Perhaps if you ask him to take time in a quiet place to focus on the money and the…[Read more]

  • Barbara,
    welcome to the forums! You will find the information to be fascinating! Like you i always had an interest in the paranormal and i looked into the life mastery program. The information is within this website. I am so glad that it did. Through this course you are able to learn how to unleash your psychic ability.

    As for your son and…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Help in the forum Free Psychic Questions 11 years, 10 months ago

    It is possible to have more than one soul mate in our lifetimes. It seems as if you already gave him several chances and you have made the decision that he is not right for you? Now you are wondering if you acted too hastily? Don’t be afraid of being alone for the interim. Use this time to reflect on your life and decide what is important for…[Read more]

  • KathyN replied to the topic Help in the forum Free Psychic Questions 11 years, 10 months ago

    Welcome to the forums!
    We would be glad to try to help you. If you could please provide a bit more information with a specific question it will be easier to focus on your individual needs. I do sense that you are questioning if the relationship will last for the long term?

    Best wishes,

  • Welcome to the forums!
    You are going through a difficult time right now but things will get better. If you start trying to solve one problem at a time things might seem less overwhelming. So if you can ask youself what is you primary concern right now and take steps to improve or resolve the situation, you will start to feel better.

    Best wishes,

  • It appears that you both might have been caught up in the moment when you first met. You might want to be cautious because he could be already involved with someone. Since he was treating this as a flirtation and isn’t making an attempt to get to really know you, it might be best not to pursue this for now.

    He could become available in the…[Read more]

  • Welcome to the forums lori,
    your concerns might be alleviated if you would have a complete health examination. If any minor conditions are discovered and treated it will give you peace of mind.

    Best wishes,

  • Welcome to the forums abbey,
    actually, our future is not set in stone. We have the power within ourselves to decide which options we want to exercise. It is entirely possible that the person you are meant to be with isn’t either of these two men you are thinking of. Just don’t feel that you have to make a choice from these two. When you do…[Read more]

  • It is really important to take the time to get to know her before you declare your love. Through the dating process you will be able to see how your beliefs and ideas coincide. You are ready to love and to be loved in return. Just be cautious about moving too fast. If she isn’t quite ready to make this commitment, she might become frightened.…[Read more]

  • Welcome to the forums!
    You are trying to get your life back on track– it is important to remember that the future is not set in stone and we have the ability to control our destiny. Do you want to continue to be with a man who is also with another woman? Only you can decide when this is no longer working for you. He needs to make a choice.…[Read more]

  • Dale replied to the topic Hello in the forum Get To Know Everyone 11 years, 10 months ago

    Welcome aboard. Don’t be shy about asking for help!

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