Active 3 years, 3 months agoName: Here-To-Help
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If I was accurate with my psychic insights about you working with kids (gee, what’s the chance of me just guessing that), maybe this should give you more or a reason to consider that other points that I made. I’m not a know-it-all, but I do believe I locked onto some important issues. I’m glad that you are seeing a counselor, although in my experience, this can be limiting as far as results. It has its place, and you should probably keep going for now, but counseling is about listening to the therapist’s opinions and it’s about you just talking and talking. Meditation will help you heal much more quickly and help you get control of the suffering you are going through. I can guarantee this. It will give you what you need to make it though all this crap you are going through. The real change will occur on the work you do yourself, from the inside out. Again, I would check out Dale’s course on this website. I went through the training and it helped me more than any therapist, seminar, book, or trying to ignore and escape from my problems. Shucks, if you’re broke, you can get it for free just by continuing to participate in this community. I think this page spills the beans: https://www.lifeleap.org/community/points.php. In regards to “Its weird because I can help others but I can’t seem to help myself,” I would say phooey. You are seeing a counselor and you are reaching out in this community. Taking these initial steps is the most difficult part in healing and you have done this. So give yourself some damn credit because you deserve it. Immediately, I would recommend lots of good hard physical exercise. I want you to sweat for at least 1 hour a day. This will help dissolve some of that heavy depression you are going through. Get it out of you. You will also sleep better at night. People who exercise a lot, i.e. running, at the gym, don’t tend to get depressed. This is a scientific fact. You’ve got to get some better habits going@!@! If if you don’t feel like, who cares, push yourself, push yourself, push yourself, push yourself, push yourself, push yourself, push yourself! As you take one step at a time, things will get better, you will grow from this, and you will learn how to keep yourself from getting in this debilitating situation that you are currently experiencing. It may feel like it can’t get better, there’s no reason to go on, it’s so so bad, but remember, these are just feelings. Your feelings will trick you. Fight to get control of them instead of letting them control you. Let me know if there is any things else I can do to help and keep us updated on your progress.
“The wolves will always attack the weak part of the herd.” I am no way blaming you for this man’s behavior, or the behavior of the people in your previous relationships. But psychically, I am sensing a pattern here, something occurring deep within you. When I focus on the rest of your life, the life outside of the relationship area, I sense a lot of imbalance. What about your support group, family, your own intuition, your professional life, your spiritually, your self esteem, your life passions, having a fun hobby you enjoy, your connection with a higher power, your goals, your connection with nature, and what about physical exercise? As I was psychically scanning through all of these area in your life, I kept seeing many big inadequacies. When we are in weakened state from the “inside out,” we tend to attract people and situations which reflect this. My psychic sense is that the last man treated you much in the way he did because he felt like he could get away with it, because you are “that type of person.” What about instead of giving up on men (btw, there are some great one’s out there), instead of sitting in depression, instead of fixating on why people are treating you in these ways, what about spending some time into getting your life balance back, strengthening yourself from the inside out? The more strength you have from the inside out, the better situations (relationships) you will attract into your life. And when you change, people will treat you differently: more respect and less abusively. And when things don’t work out, as this will happen sometimes, it won’t be so traumatic and depressing. You will bounce back easier and more quickly. Maybe the universe is sending you a signal that something isn’t right, maybe there is something that you need to change. You think? What is the common denominator in all the relationship situations you are talking about; well, the common denominator is you. Take the pain you are experiencing and use it as a motivator to make some changes in your life. Break the pattern! Dale has a great program for getting your life together: http://www.lifeleap.org/mastery/ and it’s very inexpensive. I am no way trying to sell you on anything. It’s your business what you do, just do something. Find a good counselor, find a meditation class locally in your area, a women’s group, something. One last thin for now: I kept getting psychic images of you being drawn to work with kids, probably teenagers, in some type of situation where you are helping them. It could something as simple as volunteering at a local shelter or boys and girls club. I go a psychic sense that this is something that you would enjoy. Sometimes the best thing we can do to heal ourselves is to step in and help some other people. Please let me know your thoughts on what I have discussed and let me know if you have any further questions.
Professionally, I keep getting a strong psychic push towards you doing something where you are working with people, maybe something like counseling or even some type of spiritual coaching. In fact, I can’t really see you doing anything else and being able to tolerate it. Are you doing this now or thinking about going in this direction? I see a lot of healing and spiritual ability that is waiting, just ready to come out. It’s just a matter a you not thinking so much about it and just taking some steps to make it happen. Are you doing something to develop these abilities? As far as your negative outlook and bad habits, what is stopping you from applying all the methods available to you? Have you tried reading books about these things? Have you looked at all the resources on this website? What about LifeLeap’s Life Mastery Course or something similar? These days, there is something for just about everybody. Just an idea: maybe if you found something that was better than your bad habits, something like spiritual development, you might not have to work so hard at breaking them. If you find something to replace them, and you put your mind on these things, the bad habits might just fall away. Consider this as a solution. Let us know if you any other questions.
Welcome to the community. Please let us know as specific question you would like us to address so that we can help you.
This is awesome! I really appreciate you making this available. I will read it, and read it again.