Active 7 years, 8 months agoName: Elizabeth_marie
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Virgo_Guided_By_Light likes a reply on Intuitive seeking insight and guidence on ❤ 8 years ago
Virgo_Guided_By_Light replied to the topic the difference between imagination and psychic messages in the forum Psychic Development Forums 8 years ago
Meditation and grounding 😉
Virgo_Guided_By_Light replied to the topic Help in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years ago
Please give me your date of birth and time as well as place. As well as hers.
-Blessings -
Virgo_Guided_By_Light likes a reply on Help 8 years ago
Virgo_Guided_By_Light started the topic Guided by light and grounded by our Earth 😉 in the forum Psychic Development Forums 8 years ago
My basic connection is intuition its not always good as it has caused havoc on my thyroid and sometimes over loads me with stress and emotions. I also have dreams before events happen with details much like deja vu a lot. Re accruing numbers from my guides. I love numerology as well as astrology its all written in the stars 😉 When I was younger I…[Read more]
Virgo_Guided_By_Light replied to the topic a date from the past in the forum Psychic Development Forums 8 years ago
May I ask what year you were born in? Was it 1969? Is there anyone who you can think of that may have had a connection to this date or year that passed away it could just be the year ad the 12/31 could be their message 😉 I can help!
Virgo_Guided_By_Light replied to the topic a date from the past in the forum Psychic Development Forums 8 years ago
These are more likely Angelic numbers and it is your guides giving you a message. If you would like I could give you the meanings 😉
-Blessings! -
Virgo_Guided_By_Light likes a reply on a date from the past 8 years ago
Virgo_Guided_By_Light started the topic ~ANYONE HAVE ANY ORB PICS THEY WOULD LIKE READ?~ in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years ago
This is my oldest Daughter immediately after she was born. There was no glass present and throughout my pregnancy there was always small white orbs dancing around my belly in pictures. She is spiritual and can also see auras as well as sensitive and very nurturing to animals. She can also sense emotions.I have circled the different orbs and…[Read more]
Virgo_Guided_By_Light posted an update 8 years ago
~The veil is thinning~
Orb Colours and Their Meanings. … These circular “light balls” are known as orbs and are thought to be spheres of energy from the spiritual realm. Many people are of the opinion that orbs are spiritual beings such as angels or spirit guides. Orbs are usually white in colour, but can also be seen in many different col…[Read more] -
Virgo_Guided_By_Light posted an update 8 years ago
Could you please provide me your Birth date, time of Birth, and Birth place?
Virgo_Guided_By_Light replied to the topic Will my partner overcome his negative feelings in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years ago
From what I’m getting he is a sincere person and has a kind heart however he is also stubborn and has some weakness when it comes to negative thinking.
He has a strong personality and an entrepreneurial spirit. He is ambitious and self-willed, stubborn, obstinate and tenacious. Some of his weaknesses include nervousness, impulsiveness,…[Read more] -
Virgo_Guided_By_Light replied to the topic Will my partner overcome his negative feelings in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years ago
I will reply soon 😉
-Blessings! -
Virgo_Guided_By_Light replied to the topic Will my partner overcome his negative feelings in the forum Free Psychic Questions 8 years ago
Id like to give you some insight please provide his date of Birth for me as well as his place of Birth time of birth if known 😉
https://aamirnicole.wixsite.com/virgolight -
Virgo_Guided_By_Light and
Hotpink87 are now friends 8 years ago
Virgo_Guided_By_Light and
LoveNElise are now friends 8 years ago
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