
  • Some types of yoga will probably do the job. As long as you are huffing, puffing, and sweating, this should help burn off the emotional junk.

    Remember though, it’s more important to get better control of the emotions so you don’t get toxified in the first place. Rather than a temporary fix, this is the real solution.

    Yes, emotions are…[Read more]

  • Dale replied to the topic Meditation tips in the forum Spiritual Manifesting 6 years ago

    Relying on external tools can be helpful, but I’d be cautious about being too dependent on these approaches. You have everything you need within yourself.

    For example, I suggest trying a dissociative method. It’s a beginning-level method, but many people will find it helpful.

    Find a comfortable place to meditate. Imagine your thoughts as…[Read more]

  • CynthiaMae,

    As I focus on your situation, my intuition is screaming: get the attention off of your son and back on yourself. Get yourself to where, no matter what he does, you are able to stay in control of yourself, calm, and cool.

    This will put you in a better situation where you can outsmart the challenges, specifically, his behavior. There…[Read more]