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You need to tell him that you dont want anything more than friendship with him…that theres no possible way to be friends with benefits.. that he had a chance to be with you sexually or otherwise and he blew it and it’s too late and since he didnt really like or love you when you were together you dont believe he ever will . That you are a beautiful amazing worthy woman who will NOT be anyone’s booty call, their 2nd choice or their back up plan.. it’s all or nothing with you and if he doesnt want all or nothing exclusively with you then he can attempt to be friends but save the sexual stuff for his girlfriend and of he wants to talk about regular topics that friends talk about then hes welcome to,but ifnot.. you can’t be around him or have any sort of relationship with him at all… that he clearly doesnt value any 1 woman and he doesnt know how to love anyone ….its not your problem and it was never you the reason why the relationship didnt work it was always him…. and that you really feel sorry 4 Jim if he can never find love and appreciate 1 woman ….
He probably is at least getting women’s numbers,
I would call the numbers and see who the number belongs to and simply ask if she gave this number to anyone recently who might have flirted with her
And then if she says yes then you can describe your man and see if you find out how he got that number and do that to a few of them and then make an informed decision if you believe your partner is cheating or it’s about something else.
I believe that if he is or hes attempting to then you need to decide are you going to let him or are you going to give him and ultimarum… guys who dont get pressured to behave wont… theyll just do what they want to do… you have to keep them on a short leash sort of speak. ?Psychics arent really supposed to give out names of people that are going to come into your life, or say if your partner is seeing someone else they cant give names or real descriptions. It’s so that if a person they give the information to has bad intentions they wont do anything bad to the person… all they can really do is give you clues… ideas, but know this … dont focus too hard on it….itll come .. that special person….will come into your life at exactly the right time.. when you least expect it…. in the meantime just take care of you and enjoy everything you do and you’ll see ?
October 25, 2018 at 6:23 am in reply to: hello i an alcholic and also have problems with anxiety and deppresion #18208I think you need to start with what is making you drink and have anxiety in the first place… you need to find out if there is an underlying problems… are you going through some hard times, any trauma or problems with a relationship…. all of the things that could cause you to have trouble dealing with things in a substantial anxiety free way…I am sure if you can figure out what got you to that point then your anxiety alcohol problems will go away
Me either I cant see it on the side.. I’m using a phone too… you can probably only see it when you use a tablet or computer
Well you can see how your family members interact with you right now and how they have in the past.. if they seem to care and are there 4 you when you need them
. That will give you a pretty good indication if they will be there 4 you in the future or not…I believe that it’s the fear of not being right, not being perfect, not saying the right thing….but you need to let go to FEARS
Fears will always hold you back .. back at doing anything….being cautious is good .. is healthy, but fearful that something could happen .. not good….
You need to relax and trust your gut feeling.. you’re intuition.. if something doesnt feel right then be cautious and proceed with caution or get away or out of that situation, but dont just avoid it because something might happen… rather you know it or not… if we do that alot of times were throwing negativity out in the atmosphere in the universe to attract bad things… a bad outcome or subconsciously asking for a bad thing to happen to us.
You might have had a bad experience or you might have had a trauma happen to you in your past, but you need to take baby steps to get past it… itll probably never go away 100% but allow yourself the grieving or healing you need to move on in your life to live… without all those fears…. doubts…
You are an amazing person… let people see that.. allow yourself to be YOU… and you will see.. the anxiety will go away little by little..You can go in front of a mirror too and you can say…
I (say your name) am a strong person… I can face everything without fear and anxiety holding me back…. I am an amazing person who has so much to offer this world and anyone would be lucky to be around me…. and I can do this.. I got this
And then.
You proceed in life with confidence and caution..but not fear and anxiety
?You need to focus and picture yourself having all these things and look in the mirror and tell yourself you … say your name in the mirror and say… you are worthy and deserving of all these things (and say all the things you want to have…do..desire) and believe it from your head to your heart… and do the goal you need in life to get yourself on that path and talk to people… just wherever you go… u might just find that 1 of the people you meet when you least expect it can help you with that dream job or career.. you never know unless you try… ?
Well.. heres the thing.. you need to work on yourself first… something inside yourself is making you feel desperate to have him back… you need to do what you need for YOU… succeed in life.. do things that you enjoy
.. take the focus off of getting him back and let life takes its course… you are an amazing person with so much to offer.. YOURSELF, THE WORLD AND ANYONE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE LOVED BY YOU…. you will see that you do all this and succeed and not let him see you miss him so badly and its driving you crazy … let him see what hes missing.. what he lost… then itll turn around.. guys like a woman that keeps them intrigued keeps them on their toes…. keeps them guessing and plays hard to getOk..first of all… you are a beautiful person inside and out and you are a wonderful mother… so stop and give yourself credit for that….
Know this… by pushing him… you will end up pushing him away.. instead… you need to show him what hes missing while you’re away…
You get your life together… do the things you need to do for you and your children and pamper yourself.. make yourself look like a million dollars….and take your focus off him…
You should have NEVER left your house with your kids.. he should have had to leave not you..
I think hes going through some crisis inside himself and hes acting out by taking a break from you…
What you need to do is take care of yourself and let him see you’re fine without him… even if you are actually falling apart inside Dont let him see that
.. let him see that you are good and let him see what hes missing out on… and dont give into anything he tries.. play hard to get… and NOT DESPERATE.
You are worthy of unconditional love and you dont NEED TP EVER BEG ANYONE TO LOVE YOU OR BE WITH YOU. Things will turn around.. you will see. ?I can tell you from experience that when we try and focus or obsess too much over something… it doesnt happen.. like when were looking frantically for something, but it doesnt appear.. that’s because we are blinded by our anxiousness to find that item… you need to eat right, get enough rest and exercise and vitamins.. very important and it will happen the way it was meant to be.
Also picture a white light of positiveness in your uterus and a baby in your arms and keep doing that and you’ll see… you have to relax and let things happen the way they were meant to… we cannot force fate… we need to let things happen natural in the great flow of life….
I feel like you’re focusing on your concerns too much right now… things happen when you least expect them not when you get too focused or worried about them… so if you get involved in other things and just start a casual conversation with people in public… you might just find a few things… you can get to know people and 1 of them might just be the 1 to provide you with a connection to the job you were meant to do and also you will let your mind relax and your fears and worries will fade long enough for what is meant to happen … happen.. it is around the corner.. I can feel it.. just RELAX ?