Active 8 years, 3 months agoName: Chcook
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I am sorry to report the outlook is rather grim from your current vantage point. Success for you will require open-mindedness and new approaches.
The two of swords in your past position shows your attempt to balance the wills of the relationship have been tedious. You are in a stalemate and need to take off the hoodwink to find a new path.
The five of swords in your spread may indicate a potential defeat, or perhaps equally as bad that victory can be obtained through force, but only in shaming your love. Such a victory would likely only be temporary.
The theme of balance is strong in your spread as it revealed the two of pentacles, wands, and swords. The challenge was temperance. If the conflict is resolvable, and I am not certain it is, you need to come to terms with your partners insecurity and find a way to moderate it. You must balance not only the opposing wills in your relationship but also balance within yourself. Instead of seeing temperance as a challenge see it as an opportunity. For if you find balance in your own life then you can find the axis munde–the world pillar to balance your universe. As above so below.
Finally the seven and four of cups in your spread offer additional points of conflict. Like the moon in the two of swords, your fantasies and dreams are running away with you. Unlike the protagonist in the four of cups–you cannot ignore the severity of your situation. Unlike the dreamer of the seven of cups–you must not succumb to illusion dreams and temptation.
Wake up! You are on a precipice! Those are not batons in your hands but long swords. Remove the blindfold. Seriously assess your situation and try not to act to rashly. Your victory here requires a novel approach and you need to open your intuition and your heart to find it.
Prognostications and precision may vary. See an actual psychic for details.
Your cards revealed your concerns to be closer tied to your own insecurities than your work prospects. The cards are most auspicious for your lateral move indeed!
The challenge was the six of swords, which clearly shows a boatman pushing through the lonely waters. Although this journey is the challenge for you, you should face them and move forward and not fight the current borne back to the past.
The queen of wands in your past show your business acumen has fortified you for this work. You must trust your foundations are firm even though this move is lateral.
Your points of caution are the nine of wands and the tower in your position of fear. The smited tower of course is one of scariest cards of the deck, signifying total ruin. But like the wheel of fate what goes up must come down–but what goes down also comes up. Your fear is loss, but you should instead view this as a new opportunity.
I want to especially focus on the strength card here. Because I think it really points to your path for progress. You must find courage in your present condition. Like the alchemist madden you can tame the lion and even cause him to lap milk from your hand instead of tearing off your arm. It is a leap of faith, but not one which should be taken with Kierkegaardian fear and trembling.
Rejoice! Your outcome is with the king of wands and the eight of pentacles. Your success will come from an unexpected place in your journey if you face it with determination and avoid the quagmire of insecurity.
All psychic advice in this program is fictional. Any resemblance to actual psychic power is coincidental and unintentional.Lindsey,
Don’t shoot the messenger but I’m not seeing much about resolution in love in the cards for you in the immediate future. Here’s the nitty gritty:
The Mage as your obstacle points to the potential for a new direction–and possibly a new career one of mastery, in tune with the universe. The Mage reminds us of the Hermeneutic maxim and the right-hand path. “As above; so below.”
The seven of swords in your past position hangs over your situation like a bandit in the night. Things are not working out as you envisioned. Also he reminds us that like the thief we must use our cunning to overcome these obstacles–avoid confrontation.
Temperance For your consciousness reaffirms a need for balance — but also points to a potential breakthrough.
The five of wands is in your environment and symbolizes the sorrow and conflict in your situation.
I am sorry to report I don’t see much love in the cards for you today. The three and eight of pentacles show professional success. The master craftsman completes the Masonic archway. Unless this is symbolic for your love life. I think you are on the verge of great success in a new carrier venture. And perhaps the mastery that you achieve in this field will give you the mastery you need to solve your love issues as well.
The great master of the tarot deck–besides the hermit is the Mage! He is also the gateway to inner alchemy. You must balance yourself with the cosmic will and not fight your fate. Only with inner mastery will the universe give forth the great gifts that you are entitled too.
I’m a doctor of philosophy not a psychic. Please get a second opinion.
I don’t think this is a inauspicious spread, but there are some points of concern.
Your past was a beautiful partnership with the two of cups but your future is heartbreak with the three of swords. This may indicate separation and better opportunities for new beginngs. But in your case–I think it is more complicated.
The obstacle before you is the seven of wands–which seems quite acurate considering your many challenges for this man’s attention between his ex and the kids. Despite the many challengers and uneven terrain–you have to hold your ground with determination and courage!
There is plenty of opportunity for victory here with strong partnerships, charity and magnanimity.
You have to follow your intuition and reconcile with your past oppositions. You have to face your pain honestly to overcome it. Like our king of the hill–it will not be easy to maintain your ballance.
The two of wands here indicates an interesting balance of achievement, anxiety and partnership. He overlooks the depth of the empty ocean, but holds the world in his hands. Because he is balancing the two wands, he reminds us to give and receive with grace. The star also is giving to the ocean and the streams which implies strength and achievement, but also the need for generosity.
Ultimately, your destiny lies with the six of wands. He is a successful general awarded the laurels of the world, but only because he endured the battle of the five of wands–or in your case the seven.
He also cautions not to be too smug with your victory, so he reminds us again of this delicate balance that you must find in order to achieve your goals.
The world is in your subconscious or past foundation. Which again brings to mind the two and six of wands. It indicates not only that you have come from a state of completion, but that like the great ouroboros that you will return to it.
Remember kids, I am not a professional–please try this at home!
North you have a lot of questions! I don’t think I can do justice to all of them. Here’s what I see in your spread.
A three of cups in the past position indicates that there is a lot of good that has been going on recently that you are likely overlooking.
A chariot in the challenge position implies that with work you can obtain your goals–but you really have to take the reigns.
Also several cards such as the knight of swords, King of cups, and three of pentacles suggest you should seek consul from your friends and perhaps a strong male figure. This is possibly in the quest to find a suitable job. Be sure not to loose track of your own intuition as well–the page of cups is your querant.
A seven of pentacles also implies that your garden will bloom, but perhaps not in the timeframe you were hoping for. And the queen of pentacles is your outcome–so things will work out with due effort.
I am not a psychic, but I play one on a forum. Please get a second opinion.Katajn,
I don’t claim any psychic prowless and would encourage a longstanding member look at your case but I did turn over some cards for you.
The tarot indicates disaster but with a happy end of both financial bliss and a happy house. You seem to be in a state of rebirth.
Notable cards include the pope for your present position which may imply your presence here and potential for metaphysical growth.
The challenge was the knight of cups which may indicate perhaps not this man but a new arrival or message of some kind.
The querant was the moon which may indicate a period of delusion before you obtain your goals in work and love.
Please don’t let your fantasies run away from you and try not to dispair because your setbacks are only temporary.
I don’t think you did anything wrong. You have a good heart. It is simply a problem about timing. I think things will turn around for you soon.
Interesting question. I have heard of Buddhist practitioners also report being able to sense energy between their hands. But I cannot think of a particular sutra or non contemporary source that talks about it specially.
This thread is really old. But I would be interested in hearing if others know more about this.
Oh…and hold your pain like it is a beautiful flower…that’s something my marriage counselor once said. She was into mindfulness.
Hey Nicole,
You are so active on the forum and I want to encourage you! But I don’t think I have good advice. Maybe someone who is further along in the program s here will be more helpful for us.
I also have had a string of bad relationships. I am very scared of being alone–so I just keep jumping into new relationships instead of giving myself space to grow.
Of course in my case even just running along–I think I am learning a lot about how to be comfortable being alone and who I am as a person. I think it is easier to find a partner when we have inner strength and confidence…
So I think your LMP program is probably a good way to find yourself. And if you aren’t confident about the relationship it is probably a great first step in figuring out what you do want…
Try to enjoy the journey. I have to remind myself to do that too.
I’m Charles. I’m sorry to hear about your situation too, and am sending good vibrations for you. I’m new here too, but I think this site has a lot of interesting self-help and resources for spiritual growth. I hope you can find comfort in them.
I’m actually a religious studies scholar by trade. So if you are interested in free eastern religion resources or European esoterica I can help you find something, too.
I hope your new journey will be better.
November 5, 2016 at 5:20 am in reply to: the difference between imagination and psychic messages #12189This is an interesting question. I don’t have a good answer. But I am curious what the distinction even means.
If visualization and imagination have psychic effects on the universe, then perhaps your imagination is as important as your insight. But I would be interested to hear what others think the difference is–and whether it is decernable.
What do you mean by “controlling” your emotions? I started reading one of your courses and it was talking about stepping outside of your emptions.
My question is actually philosophical in nature. Controlling emotions seems to imply stoicism. But Buddhist mindfulness is more about simply experiencing emotions and not being driven to act on them.
So I wonder do you really advocate controlling emotions or are you talking about something else. And how can we more precisely think about this?