Active 4 years, 11 months agoName: CathyBrowne
lesson3LMP Student » Learn More
- Topics: 9
- Replies: 14
- Light Participant
Credits balance: 36.00
Music I think this is a key to my emotions a song reminds you of a time place person feeling I love it View
Dale - "hi everyone!"
LisaKelly - "There was an issue for some members when uploading profile pictures. This has been resolved. If you have any other issues uploading your profile picture, let us know."
Satya - "Hi Chris,I need your help to know about my ex gf.We still in contact.But she is not showing any interest in me & also I don’t know what’s in her mind.Plz let me know.What she thinks abt me or wht she wants from me"
Chelly30 - "Music really mellos me, it conforts me! I love my life but it isn’t peaches and cream… I strive for better,for me and my 4 kids…"
Par4course - "Thanks for request hun ☺"
Virgo_Guided_By_Light - "~What is Reiki?~ Reiki is one of the Eastern healing modalities used for relaxation, stress-relief, and to stimulate your body’s ability to heal itself. Originally from ancient Tibet, and re-discovered by Dr. M […]" View
Corina - "You’re so inspiring to me. Thanks."
MamaD - "Really struggling to ‘see’ something when I’m supposed to visualize. All I see is a lot of black nothingness. I used to have very vivid dreams and daydreams."