I would like to thank-you for your insight. That is very nice of you to reply to my post. IIf for some reason, which I dont, please feel free to let me know if there is another woman in the picture. 40% isn’t great odds. LOL. It was very confusing to get that text. Hey, who says that and then responds and doesn’t hear back. We do have a strong conenction, I do know that but will he ever contact with me or will it just linger on with no word because that would just be plain wrong? I have put in effort but needs to be a one way street. I was going to text him but want him to make an effort but should i text once a week anyways. I keep things light bc any hard stuff would send him running to the hills. I wonder if he thinks about us or he just has so much going on that this would just add on more stress. Thank-you much. Brooke By the way to you live in the New York area??