
  • The concept of a twin flame is a rather new, romantic, dogmatic and often destructive concept. My opinion it’s bs. This is just like the concept of a soulmate. If you are with your twin flame or soulmate, and things don’t work out, where does this leave you? Possibly hopeless and suicidal? Do you really think the universe is designed with this…[Read more]

  • The concept of a twin flame is a rather new, romantic, dogmatic and often destructive concept. My opinion it’s bs. This is just like the concept of a soulmate. If you are with your twin flame or soulmate, and things don’t work out, where does this leave you, possible hopeless and suicidal? Do you really think the universe is designed with this…[Read more]

  • As i focus on your friend, i get a sense of someone who is generally selfish and self absorbed. It’s not that she is distant for some other reason, which does happen sometimes. I keep getting this customer service rep feeling off of her also, maybe cosmetics. The real question is why have you hung on so long to someone who obviously doesn’t…[Read more]

  • Community Navigation Menus
    These menus are available on every page throughout the LifeLeap Community. The Community Navigation Menus are a quick and easy way to check things and change things in the Community Area. When on a desktop or laptop, the menus are normally located on the right side of every page. When on a smart phone, the menus are…[Read more]

  • Community Navigation Menus

    These menus are available on every page throughout the LifeLeap Community. The Community Navigation Menus are a quick and easy way to check things and change things in the Community Area. When on a desktop or laptop, the menus are normally located on the right side of every page. When on a smart phone, the menus are…[Read more]

  • Community Navigation Menus

    These menus are available on every page throughout the LifeLeap Community. The Community Navigation Menus are a quick and easy way to check things and change things in the Community Area. When on a desktop or laptop, the menus are normally located on the right side of every page. When on a smart phone, the menus are…[Read more]

  • The Main Activity Wall is a Facebook-Like wall which shows everyone’s activity across the whole member website. You can make status updates (a message about what is on your mind). When you make updates on the Main Activity Wall, everyone sees them, unlike the updates posted in your personal profile wall.

    One the Main Activity Wall, you can…[Read more]

  • Profile Page Overview

    This is your own personal area in the Student Website. Every member has the own profile page. Here is a screenshot of an an example:


    Your profile page contains information for you and about you:

    Your profile picture
    Your cover photo
    Description of how many credits you have earned
    An personal activity wall…[Read more]

  • Profile Page Overview

    This is your own personal area in the Student Website. Every member has the own profile page. Here is a screenshot of an an example:


    Your profile page contains information for you and about you:

    Your profile picture
    Your cover photo
    Description of how many credits you have earned
    An personal activity wall with a list of…[Read more]

  • Profile Page Overview

    This is your own personal area in the Student Website. Every member has the own profile page. Here is a screenshot of an an example:


    Your profile page contains information for you and about you:

    Your profile picture
    Your cover photo
    Description of how many credits you have earned
    An personal activity wall with a list of…[Read more]

  • Profile Photo

    It’s nice to have a picture next to all of your community posts and other places in the LifeLeap Community. This lets others get to place a face with your name and your discussions. It keeps us all from being such strangers. Uploading your own personal profile picture is easy, whether you are on a computer or a smart phone:

    To u…[Read more]

  • Editing Your Profile Info – Your Name, Location, etc

    Editing your profile information is important. It allows you to let other community members know details about you such as your real name, your location and other helpful facts. When we keep our profiles updated, it really helps to create a stronger member community because we get to know…[Read more]

  • Editing Your Profile Info – Your Name, Location, etc

    Editing your profile information is important. It allows you to let other community members know details about you such as your real name, your location and other helpful facts. When we keep our profiles updated, it really helps to create a stronger member community because we get to know each…[Read more]

  • Editing Your Profile Info – Your Name, Location, etc

    Editing your profile information is important. It allows you to let other community members know details about you such as your real name, your location and other helpful facts. When we keep our profiles updated, it really helps to create a stronger member community because we get to know each…[Read more]

  • Community Member Journals – Tutorial

    We encourage all community members to maintain a journal of your life experiences. This is a healthy process for you, as it helps you to share, acknowledge and clarify your growth as a member.

    When you make member journal posts, you also give other members the opportunity to comment and share to your posts.…[Read more]

  • Community Member Journals – Tutorial

    We encourage all community members to maintain a journal of your life experiences. This is a healthy process for you, as it helps you to share, acknowledge and clarify your growth as a member.

    When you make member journal posts, you also give other members the opportunity to comment and share to your posts.…[Read more]

  • Community Member Journals – Tutorial

    We encourage all community members to maintain a journal of your life experiences. This is a healthy process for you, as it helps you to share, acknowledge and clarify your growth as a member.

    When you make member journal posts, you also give other members the opportunity to comment and share to your posts.…[Read more]

  • Managing Your Friends

    The “friends” feature is a powerful resource in the LifeLeap Community.

    When you initiate and are accepted as a “Friend” with another member, you gain the ability to:

    Communicate more easily with this member, including private messages

    Receive alerts of this friends activity

    Write and receive comments on personal…[Read more]

  • Dale started the topic in the forum Tutorials & Guidelines 9 years, 10 months ago

    Step By Step Actions To Take

    Whether you a new community member or your have been with us for years, this list outlines the actions to take so you can get the most out of the LifeLeap Community. If you are a new member, you need this guide to help you get off to a good start. As a long-term member, this is a good reference to keep yourself…[Read more]

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