your psychic project is awesome

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      Hello to all

      I believe we are all born with psychic abilities. One way to improve our abilities is to test it when you “can’t get someone out of your mind”. Try contacting them and see what is going on with them to see what may have triggered you to think about them.

      Also, “send” your energy towards someone you know and then contact them later to see if they started thinking about you at that time.

      I just love THE PSYCHIC PROJECT because you can guess information using your psychic abilites and you get immediate results on how you did and you can compare results with other people guessing on the same target.

      I have friends that didn’t believe they were psychic at all, but now think differently after guessing on several of the targets. Some of them are taking more positive steps to become more perceptive. Seeing is believing.

      The project is just so much fun and it is gratifying that the tagets themselves are getting some insight from people taking part in the project. I have learned a lot about myself participating in the exercises.

      I also love it because if i get interrupted I can pick up where I left off.

      Dale, I want to thank you and your staff for all of your hard work and dedication. Your compassion shines through in all that you do.


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          Thanks you for the compliments and of course, keep participating. Psychic ability is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

          Mary Kay


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            Great project.


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              I have friends that didn’t believe they were psychic at all, but now think differently after guessing on several of the targets. Some of them are taking more positive steps to become more perceptive. Seeing is believing.
              The project is just so much fun and it is gratifying that the tagets themselves are getting some insight from people taking part in the project. I have learned a lot about myself participating in the exercises. ???


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