Will my co workers ever get along

Main Metaphysics and Paranormal Spiritual Manifesting Will my co workers ever get along

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      What can I do to get my employees to be nice to each other?


        • United States
          Credits: 775.00

          There are several advanced communication strategies such as “leading with questions” which can be used in these environments with great success. Years ago, I was crisis counselor and had to deal daily with groups of 15-20 of the most “impossible” seeming people. There are methods which work.

          You can also take steps to get better control over yourself. For example, you can learn to project emotional/energetic fields into your workplace and people will react to this. The Dean of Engineering at Princeton University ran a 30 year study on these things. They call it “remote influence.” We are all already doing this (influencing others metaphysically) all the time, but few people realize it and are able to use it their advantage.

          We cover training for all of these things in our Life Mastery Program. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions.

          - Dale Sellers


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              1111a โ€“ please reply with a response. Replying with feedback is your way of showing appreciation to the time and effort of other members โ€“ so give back when others give to you!

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